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File: 29 KB, 1194x641, fhxdhxf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1287574 No.1287574 [Reply] [Original]

Any ideas?

>> No.1287575

What the fuck? Cars can drive fast enough to escape the blast radius in under an hour. The answer is drive.

>> No.1287577
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I would drive out of there.

>> No.1287578

Average speed >10 km/h? Yeah, that's totally doable.

Just get in your car and drive in one direction.

>> No.1287581

Just to clarify, is the radius or the diameter 50km? Either way, just drive out, piss easy.

Make it 500km. Then it's interesting.

>> No.1287586

/sci/, we have a new challenge!

The radius is now 500km, fuck the OP. How do you get out?

>> No.1287585

You could jog out.

>> No.1287582

Get on my bike and ride out because I'm poor.

>> No.1287584

Yes. Drive. You'll be out of there in under an hour.

>> No.1287588


>> No.1287592
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Now you're just being silly.

>> No.1287593

meditate and turn the missle energy into vibrations to heal me using yogic energy

>> No.1287595

It's a fair pace, and a few miles longer than a marathon. But yes, many could jog it.

>> No.1287597


>> No.1287598


I'll ride my scooter out then.

>> No.1287601


>> No.1287602

Again, get in the car. Diameter 500km, radius 250km - 50km/hr is easily doable.

>> No.1287600
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>> No.1287599


drive at 101km/h

>> No.1287603

This thread is fucking funny.

>> No.1287605
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>> No.1287606

Cars make this pretty easy. Honestly, I'd be able to run out of that if I was in slightly better shape, and I'd definitely be able to bike away from it.

Now, 500km is slightly more difficult. I don't think driving 100km/h would be doable in the frenzied conditions this would create where I live, so I guess I'd have to go to the bomb shelter not too far away from here.

>> No.1287607


Yehh... 101km/h for 5 hours = 505km = safety.
brain using difficult?

>> No.1287611
File: 25 KB, 729x451, fucking_magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy just gave me an idea.
If you got 3 magnets the size of a rabbit, and you threw them far from your position, would they attract the missiles and save you from the explosion????????????

>> No.1287617


>> No.1287618
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>If you got 3 magnets the size of a rabbit

>> No.1287619

Scenario 3: 500km diamater, 250km radius.

Motorised vehicles stopped working, solenoid shortage, all bomb shelters are full.

>> No.1287623

Dig a hole
Get in hole
Cover hole

>> No.1287624

I can throw a magnet the size of a rabbit about 15 feet.

>> No.1287627

The missiles would attract the magnets. Your idea would only work if the magnets were heavier than the missiles.

>> No.1287631
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>> No.1287634

I dig a hole into the ground, buy concrete and steel bars. Set up a rifle to shoot the missile ahead of time to lower the shockwave on the makeshift shelter.

>> No.1287636

>all bomb shelters are full

>> No.1287639

Homeless people took them over.

>> No.1287641

What OP said but, no vehicles.
You wake up with some big ass magnets near you, a sniper rifle, a knife, a bear and some explosives.

How would you survive?

>> No.1287650

In a supersonic jet.

>> No.1287651

shoot the bear with the sniper.

I'd follow >>1287634 since the magnet and bomb can't help. Unless I can throw the bomb at the missile and jump in the makeshift shelter.

>> No.1287655


kill some fucking homeless people then?

Or drive.

>> No.1287656

Kill the bear with the knife, stuff it with the magnets and explosives. Once the explosive magnet-bear shoots towards the missiles, shoot it with the rifle. Coolface and enjoy the fireworks.

>> No.1287665


>> No.1287666

not so loud, Michael Bay might hear you

>> No.1287676


Ride the bear at >100km/h whilst stabbing myself in the leg and masturbating

>> No.1287688
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>> No.1287698
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>> No.1287700
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the fuck?

>> No.1287704

Oh god I'm laughing so hard I'm crying

>> No.1287717

No portals?

>> No.1287718
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>> No.1287719


have sex with the bear, wonder at the magnet "how does it work?", go around shooting people, set off big explosion

>> No.1287724

go in my soviet-era nuke shelter.

mission accomplished

>> No.1287731


walk out using my ~1km legs

>> No.1287729


sure is samefag in here


>> No.1287736


I posted one and I'm not OP.
Your powers of samefag detection are weak bro.

>> No.1287752



>> No.1287757
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>> No.1287763

Ping? What? You can get the IP address of posters without access to the server?

>> No.1287777
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just do this

>> No.1287798

I could easily run it.

I've done 30km in under three hours in the past.

>> No.1287809

but doesn't that get you ban

>> No.1287820

Error: Abnormal reply.


>> No.1287826

Error: Abnormal reply.

>> No.1287831

Apparently eval did that once, but not anymore.

>> No.1287855

(loop (print (evaI (read))))

>> No.1287979

blast AREA, not blast volume.

Because area has no heighth, it cannot harm you.


>> No.1289102

according to the drawing, I'm supposed to be some sort of giant, nearly 8km tall. I don't think getting out of there would much of an issue.

>> No.1289114


>> No.1289119

I could fucking run 50km in 5 hours

>> No.1289155


Unless you are a long distance runner I doubt that.
Running (jogging I guess) at 10kmh for anything more than 2-2.5 hours is EXTREMELY tiring, you would slow down/burn out.

>> No.1289936
File: 79 KB, 1194x641, trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed your image for you, OP.

>> No.1289971

just run.
Srsly, what kind of fat fuck would you need to be in order to not move fast enough?

>> No.1289989


yeh 50km runs are petty easy bro

>> No.1289992

Getting on your bike is going to be better than sitting in traffic (assuming those missiles aren't aimed you personally whilst you're 50km away from anything)

>> No.1290007

Yes, they are, if you're not a fat fuck

>> No.1290015

I would take a train. Faster than cars.

>> No.1290028


yep, considerably bigger distances than a marathon are real easy to run bro.

>> No.1290029

You couldn't run 6 MPH to save your life?

>> No.1290042


for 5 hours! that's the bit everyone is forgetting.
ever jogged for more than 2 hours?

>> No.1290058


>> No.1290070

25km since 50 is diameter means average speed of 5km/h

you don't need to jog, that's walking speed.

>> No.1290073


yeh adrenaline and a rapid heartbeat are not very good for long distance running.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but a vast majority of the average public would not make it.

>> No.1290092


looks like the radius is labelled as 50km, that's what I was assuming. 25km is easily walkable in 5 hours.

>> No.1290097

i can run 10km in 1 hour. if my life depended on it i can easily make the 50km in 5 hours.

>> No.1290103

This is natural selection at its greatest...

>> No.1290128


Stay in the area obviously.

If you look properly, the inside of the circle is >safe.

Meaning more than safe where as outside the circle it's merely safe

I'll stick with the >safe zone and stay where I am.

>> No.1290134


I can run 1m in 0.2 seconds. I could easily run 50km in 2.77777777 hours

>> No.1290142

id just start praying to my god

>> No.1290157

>assuming high values represent less danger

>> No.1290158

Dude, you can't run 6 miles in an hour?

>> No.1290170


l eotbtly ffgha ip gw kzxr fj ge

>> No.1290165


Dear god I wouldn't even need to travel the 50k I live next to the Rocky Mountains. It would be much simpler to walk behind them and would avoid the risk of traffic jams. 5 hours is damned easy, I can walk behind the nearest mountain in under 2.

>> No.1290186

I like that.

>> No.1290187


that isn't the point, the point is you're extrapolating data from an easy run (6 miles) to a further than marathon run (30 miles)

>> No.1290191
File: 4 KB, 125x125, Wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying a higher value of safe is worse than a standard value of safe

>> No.1290206


>> No.1290215

>implying safe is the dimension

Danger is, so >safe is stating the value of danger is higher than what would be reasonably be considered safe. You can tell this is the convention from where the missiles are going to end up.

>> No.1290218

Thinking outside the box.

Or in this case, thinking inside the circle.

>> No.1290263

Oh, I see how it could look like radius, and since op started the new thread with radius written out I will admit ny fault. Though personally I believe I could do 50km. If I could use a bike, I might even push 100km in 5hours I see that the majority of people would not be able to handle the pace.

Though, with a 50km distance the best practice for most might be a slightly faster pace with breaks, versus trying to keep moving the entire time

>> No.1290267

>Implying that the area being discussed is definitely the are within the circle.
>This was never clearly expressed by the OP.
>This is his system.

>> No.1290284

50 km, 5 hours left?
Hell, I would jog out of there.

>> No.1290394


I would use the sniper rifle to cut the big ass magnets into a shitload of bullet sized projectiles, and bear armour. I would use a small amount of the explosives in combination with the magnetic bullet sized projectiles to make a shitload of magnetic bullets. Then wrangle the bear, put its armour on it, and ride it over the remaining explosives, and set them off, to give us the ultimate aerial vantage point from which to snipe the missiles with my now-wannabe Gauss gun. After shooting down all except two missiles, I would then guide my airbear towards the second last airborne missile. Then I would land us on it using my airbear's magnetic armour, and the knife which I would also use to hack into its navigation system to return it to sender. I would then land us on the last airborne missile, and knifehack it to take us down for a soft landing, followed by an explosion in the background as I ride off on my bear.

Fuck year.

>> No.1290454

Dig underground as far as you can go in 5 hours.