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File: 30 KB, 795x584, Electricity_production_in_France - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1286730 No.1286730 [Reply] [Original]

Nuclear power is the best energy source currently available to us:

Stanford university: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODS-jBsjOtc

>> No.1286757

no way man, I get all my power by kidnapping and burning children

>> No.1286782


But when coal, oil, and natural gas are depleted and the depend is almost exclusively on nuclear, the ressource is going to get depleted as well. We do have to research, perfect, and build renewable energy sources, even if the crisis won't hit its hardest untill over a century.

>> No.1286784



I mean demand.

>> No.1286785



>> No.1286787

Nuclear fission is the best available right now.
In bear future solar seems the most promising.
Fusion is just one disappointment after another.

>> No.1286788

burning? i use their earts to pump blood through a turbine which is used to power the containment field of the soul harvester, which funny story isnt actually a harvester its more like a prison for childrens souls that extracts electrical power from their innocence, no not a harvester at all more like hell in a bottle

>> No.1286793
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, Monsters-Inc-Determined-Boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigguh where my screamz

>> No.1286794
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>> No.1286802

produce nuclear waste

what do?

>> No.1286804

At least nuclear waste is all in one place. The radiation released by coal (per joule of usable energy) is actually greater than nuclear.

>> No.1286812


Yeah. Wake me up when it's usable.

>> No.1286822
File: 33 KB, 413x295, Monsters-Inc-Determined-Boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1286836

Burn it. Burn as in fusion burn.

>> No.1286840

Put it back in the mines we got it from?

>> No.1286843

Uranium is open pit mined. We also might extract it from seawater. So, no.

It'd be best to bury the radioactive waste in a subduction zone, so it gets buried under the Earth's crust for a very long time.

>> No.1286845

Burn it in a subcritical collider-powered reactor.

When that's all done, move on to thorium.

>> No.1286849

The problem is the waste is much more dangerous than uranium ore. You can handle raw ore with your bare hands. Waste from enriched fissile material is so radioactive you'll end up poisoning the ground water for a thousand generations.

>> No.1286882

Why does it say PIE on that object on the desk?

>> No.1286898

It wouldn't be wise to get rid of the waste completely because it still contains about 99 % of the original energy content which could be turned into energy in breeder reactors.

And if fusion/whatever becomes the best power source and breeder reactors are not to be build ever again, I don't see why the waste couldn't just be dropped on the bottom of the ocean. A few meters of sea water blocks the radiation anyway and I don't really see how it's going to come back to surface any time soon.

>> No.1286936

It wouldn't, not directly, but it would spread on the bottom and then would be transported slowly around and up by the biota. Also, if a subsurface avalanche hits the dumpsite just right, it would spread it around a lot more effectively, very probably raising some of the contaminated silt or mud high enough to be picked up into the more active layers of the seas.

But how about we go ahead with project MOHOLE , drill several boreholes to similar depth and dump the most dangerous shit down those?