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File: 33 KB, 799x595, solution to energy crisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1282165 No.1282165 [Reply] [Original]

Can I have my nobel prize nao?

>> No.1282185

but what will keep the two halves of the earth from falling apart?


>> No.1282205

the same thing that moves the ball!

gravity is da shit!

>> No.1282222

It would generate a large amount of energy but it wouldn't last forever, the slight pull of the electrons it passes would eventually slow it the fuck down

>> No.1282230

Carbon nanotubes.

>> No.1282238


ahh, the shortcomings of graphic representations in lesser dimensions, when will thy hindrances cease.

also bump because of the chinese guys hat.

>> No.1282245


>hurr durr I can sage threads if I ask retarded questions without expecting any answer

>> No.1282252

What precisely are the coils made of? And how will they survive the temperature and pressure of the core?

>> No.1282272
File: 322 KB, 753x720, 1273930840848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1282277

>hai /b/ I don't know what sage does

>> No.1282907

Isn't that guy supposed to be Australian?

>> No.1282917

australians are on the bottom, it's china which is on the other side

>> No.1282946

it's a tube, it's not split in half

>> No.1282959


>> No.1282962

WWW.ANoxnTXaLK.se rEmoVE_aLL_x thERe And tell mOOt to_EAt_a BuCkEt_OF_NIggEr dICks
eo temjyx pbc eaeql g idtxhpdamd mmj

>> No.1282956
File: 134 KB, 530x402, computer nerd + Limpet 2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to my calculations.... your retarded

>> No.1282966


>> No.1282997

I like how the one on the other end is wearing teh chinese peasant hat.

>> No.1283001

Me too rofl

>> No.1283016

Protip: google humor

>> No.1283052

I did not suggest perpetual motion. That's why I put these two guys (one is Chinese) at the end of the tunnels to gently pat the ball every time it reaches them.

>> No.1283153

unobtainium... duh!

>> No.1283960
File: 55 KB, 469x428, 1267386216211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems legit

but OP just one question

about your ball in the schematic... how does it work?

>> No.1285746

Well those two guys could certainly give the balls some occational pumb...

>> No.1285757

fuck everyone in this thread. You're ignoring the fucking RULES OF THERMODYNAMICS to make up other stupid excuses as to why this would not work.

>> No.1285758

Why do you need the two guys?

>> No.1287402

I propose a very practical and feasible generator that runs through the core of the earth, not a pseudo-scientific perpetual motion machine.