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12799800 No.12799800 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we suffer from ageing? What does telomeres have to do with it?"Telomeres get shorter each time a cell copies itself, but the important DNA stays intact. Eventually, telomeres get too short to do their job, causing our cells to age and stop functioning properly. Therefore, telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell"www.tascience.com. What is the maximum theoretical lifespan of us?

>> No.12799843

For the vast majority of human history, people reproduced at age 15-25, so any defects you might have that develop later than that are not filtered by natural selection. Hence you die because you're useless to the reproductive cycle at that point.

>> No.12799865


>> No.12799868

common sense, you retard. Not my problem you didn't learn about hunter-gatherer societies and basic evolutionary theory in school.

>> No.12799883
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>common sense, you retard.

>> No.12799892

do you need a source on when WWII started too?

>> No.12799907
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Resorting to logical fallacies?
So you have no sauce and therefore no argument?

>> No.12799944

Not him, but I'd like to know what you're demanding a source for. That people used to reproduce when young? Are you serious?

>> No.12799966 [DELETED] 
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>common sense

>> No.12799982

Max theoretical is infinite. Practically like 400 years

>> No.12799985

>Max theoretical is infinite.
Ever heard of the second law of thermodynamics?

>> No.12799996

They are asking from a biological perspective. If they wanted a physical one I just would have said when the sun explodes.

>> No.12800008
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biology is a subset of physics. Can't have functioning brains when there is maximal entropy.

>> No.12801018

We don't age. It's like scurvy

>> No.12801056

That's enough for the boomers who're stuck in coal town and are the living embodiment of Sunk Cost.

>> No.12801082

>Why do we suffer from ageing?
this universe hates everything within it, especially itself. the very thermodynamic laws that made everything possible also ensure everything's demise. we were a mistake. everything was a mistake, it's just here for a blip in time to be mocked while its around and forgotten. including the memory itself. that is the true nature of this reality.