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File: 6 KB, 627x252, metric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12797319 No.12797319 [Reply] [Original]

Europoors will seriously defend this mess of repeating decimals as the best system of measurement because of their inability to grasp the awesome superiority of base 12 for mental arithmetic.

>> No.12797324

explain the image?

>> No.12797355

You mean that .5" + .333" =/= .833" ? Poor child

>> No.12797356

I dont get it?

>> No.12797364

Youre fucking retarded, dividing to 12 when 10 is the base

>> No.12797366

Confirmed. Everyone on this board has literally never read a measuring tape in their lives.

>> No.12797371

what the fuck are you on about? take your meds

>> No.12797414
File: 153 KB, 1024x961, better-1024x961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12797435

The simple truth is that it doesn't really matter anymore - everyone and their mother has a fucking computer in their pocket that can do unit conversions in less time than it takes to say "unit conversions" and most kids in the US grow up learning both metric and imperial units and seem to be fine switching back and forth between them.

Which means the sole advantage of the metric system is that it has an easier with prefixes (though there's nothing preventing imperial users from measuring things in "milli-miles" or "mega-pounds" apart from convention).

>> No.12797446


>> No.12797456

>1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6
>10 is evenly divisible by 2 and 5
>12 is evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, and 6
One of the common arguments in favor of a base-12 measurement system is that because 12 has so many factors it makes division of base units simpler because you don't end up with a lot of repetends.

>> No.12797466

What exactly is the advantage tho? What's the use of using 1/12th of an inch to 2 millimetres for example?

>> No.12797468
File: 69 KB, 720x681, suck it europeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that civil engineers do measure things in kilo pounds (kips), ksi, etc. when working in US customary units

>> No.12797492

>The simple truth is that it doesn't really matter anymore
True, true. Arguing about it can be fun though - I've got two plasma guys in my department (one's American, one's German) who constantly snipe at each other over measuring gas pressures in Torr or Pa.

>> No.12797534
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1245922503478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Farenheit's original scale where 32 was the water triple point and 96 was human body temp, never caught on
It could have been great. All you'd need is a warm body and a glass of ice water and you could calibrate any analog scale and quickly divide it into 2^6 even delineations. BP of water would have been 205, Absolute Zero would have been -440.

But no, he had to go and ruin it copying everyone's stupid obsession with brine.

>> No.12797554

0/10, try harder

>> No.12797556

Fahrenheit is objectively superior to Celsius

>> No.12797562

I don't understand why Americans are trying so desperately to be trannies in literally everything

>> No.12797583
File: 92 KB, 767x775, 252C29D5-85DD-4E4D-8770-53311B8D3073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12797592

I sauna in 100 Celsius

>> No.12797628

>cgs units
>using metric prefixes with imperial units
This pic makes my blood boil and I love it. What a great b8.

>> No.12797643

The water is 100C. The sauna is not. You are not.

I cook pasta at 100C. What’s your point?

>> No.12797648

What are you talking about? Room temperature in saunas can go up to 140 Celsius in extreme cases.

>> No.12797650

Nah m8. It can’t

>> No.12797654

Humans can easily enjoy +100 Celsius temperatures in low humidity.

>> No.12797655

found the murican

>> No.12797656

Found the Russian.

>> No.12797666
File: 238 KB, 1125x596, B5A8B2F4-1309-41F8-8ECF-518FA7AE8D7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12797670

+100 is too hot. Throw a bit of water on the stove, and suddenly there's nothing enjoyable about it anymore.

>> No.12797714
File: 25 KB, 283x283, ahem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One milli-mile is the average height of an adult female.

>> No.12797745

That's why anon said low humidity

>> No.12798031

Celsius is objectively better for weather and cooking. <0C˚ means there's snow, >0C˚ there's not. And water boils at 100C˚.

>> No.12798047

the imperial system is literally defined by the metric so technically it's just an extension of metric

>> No.12798081

Celsius is way better. 0 is freezing.

>> No.12798180


>> No.12798204

0/100 are only accurate at STP and no one measures the temperature of water to boil it when cooking. It is a classic case of trying to design a better system by committee and instead creating one that is more complex and less useful.

>> No.12798209

Fahrenheit has numbers that are more relevant for humans and if you’re doing science you should be using kelvin

>> No.12798219

>no one measures the temperature of water to boil it when cooking
That's the point of Celsius, you don't need to measure it, you know boiling = 100. Do you think you need to measure the temperature any more using C than F?

>> No.12798231

How is it more relevant to humans? 0 being freezing and 100 being boiling seems very relevant to humans, and we rarely go beyond either extreme: we often deal with freezing temperatures and boiling water, and having a scale that goes between the two makes a lot of sense.

>> No.12798238

No numberbis more relevant to humans than other.
Does the number 37 play a bigger role in your life than 29?

>> No.12798270

Seethe burger

>> No.12798271


>> No.12798273

No no one needs to know the temperature of water to boil it. That’s why it is irrelevant that boiling point of water is 100 on Celsius scale. What is relevant is hot/cold and in between. 50 degrees F is the ideal temperature for physical outdoor work. Exactly between very hot and very cold on the F scale.

>> No.12798274

Metric-12 is the master race. Metric-10 and imperial-customary are for toe suckers.

>> No.12798280

The standard system isn’t base 12. The standard system divides twelfths into sixteenths because it’s for fucking retards. A third of an inch is 0.33333 inches

>> No.12798310

You understand most of the world doesn't waste half a ruler with inches right?

>> No.12798330

*A third of an inch is “somewhere between 5 and 6 16ths of an inch”
how amerisharts try to justify this I can’t even

>> No.12798334

What do you use the other half on?

>> No.12798337

~334 mil

>> No.12798342

I think his point was that you don't really need to know the boiling temperature, nobody's turning a stovetop to 100C. They're just turning a burner/heater/whatever from off to on and waiting.

>> No.12798345

So again, metric with fucking retard conversions above some arbitrary point
machinists please, cope harder

>> No.12798357

Base-12 for everyday.
Base-10 for precision.

>> No.12798362
File: 466 KB, 1125x1560, 13EC5214-FDA1-41FC-AC31-364776DB886E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mil is an imperial unit, retard. It predates SI units by more than 100 years. I guess there are no America engineers itt

>> No.12798405

Kelvin BTFOs both

>> No.12798417

OP is a faggot

>> No.12798448

Kelvin is for plebs. eV is the superior system.

It's a beautiful 25 meV day out today.

>> No.12798483
File: 29 KB, 499x481, 6ebf1e1de2dfaec4761a0234ba166f65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 ounces in a pound
>3 feet in a yard
>128 fl oz in a gallon
yeah, imperial is base-12, dude, totally...

>> No.12798497

Base ten isn’t more precise at all, it’s just an effect of the radix. And it’s a pretty retarded radix when you think about it. Why the fuck should we skip a prime? Just because we have ten fingers? It’s like some primitive anthropomorphic religion.

>> No.12798513
File: 614 KB, 1930x1146, choco-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't into unit dimensions

>> No.12798527
File: 217 KB, 1280x960, 1592607574207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should use units of 2^z times Planck units where z is an integer. (Negative powers are important because the Planck mass is actually bigger than a lot of things.)

>> No.12798591

Why a single prime? It makes everything devolve into cots and arccots and logs of cots and arccots that much quicker.

>> No.12798627

If we’re talking radix, base 2 is king

>> No.12798628

The Boltzmann constant was a historic mistake. Temperature does not require its own unit.

>> No.12798728

Show me a single physical law where temperature isn't being explicitly or implicitly described in terms of energy.


>> No.12798771

Yeah but it's sub e. If you nest log...log(2^...^2) for more than 4 iterations it goes imaginary. Any other integer > 1 avoids that.

>> No.12798788

phase transitions? internal energy changes but not temperature

>> No.12798800

How many primes would be enough anyway?
Two crops up way more in formulae than any other prime.
Most simple system for making it easy for aliens or future civilizations to decipher.

>> No.12798880

But if it’s all about a computer endgame, 2 doesn’t maximize the radix economy for integers. 3 does.

>> No.12798921

this is your brain on burgers and mutt admixture

>> No.12798963

He’s right, though. Celsius is the red headed (male) step child that should be beaten into disuse.

>> No.12798992

you haven't given a good reason why.
it's a larger scale? you can double Celsius by using a .5 if it makes you feel better

>> No.12799247

Of course, doubling zero changes everything lol

>> No.12799604

You can use fractions with metric too.

>> No.12799619

you could but it'd be kinda retarded

>> No.12799643

The main benefit of metric is the easy conversions eg. A cubic (m^3) meter of water weighs a thousand (10^3) kilograms.

>> No.12799980

At what temperature?

>> No.12800171

You probably want to "rasterize" to decimal so you can factor in tolerances and kerf and whatnot easier, but it's perfectly fine to work in fractions.

>> No.12800598

yes, 37C is hot as fuck 'cause I'm fat as fuck

>> No.12801010

>Metric makes it easy to quantize the properties of water and one and only one temperature and pressure
Sounds like an amazing system

>> No.12801013

Why does this matter?

>> No.12802792

Yes. but reallistically, having 3,4 and 6 as factors is worse compared as having 2 and 5, in fact, what makes metric so easy is having 5 as a factor, cuz you can make these log10 bases that are easy as fuck to handle, compared to log3 and 6 at least.

>> No.12803955

if metric is to great, then why haven't they forced us into metric time, with 10 hours per day, 100 minutes per hour, 10 days per week...