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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1279535 No.1279535 [Reply] [Original]

What was there before the big bang? Well, you see there was no before because before the big bang time did not exist. Time is a result of the expansion of the universe itself. But what will happen when the universe has finished expanding, and the movement is reversed? What will be the nature of time? If string theory is correct, the universe possesses 9 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension now we can imagine that in the beginning all the dimension were twisted together during the big bang, 3 spatial dimension we know as height, width and depth and 1 temporal dimension what we know as time were deployed the other 6 remained minuscule wound up together. Now if we live in a universe of wound dimensions how do we distinguish between illusion and reality. Time as we know it is a dimension that we experience only in one direction but what if 1 of the additional dimensions wasn't spatial but temporal.

>> No.1279557

Why do we remember the past and not the future?

>> No.1279567
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>when the universe has finished expanding, and the movement is reversed

>he still believes in the Big Crunch

>> No.1279593

>he believes string theory

>> No.1279630

expansion is slowing down. the question now is, whether gravity will be strong enough to make the universe shrink. most people suspect that the universe will simply stop expanding at heat death point and not retract but the jury is still out on this one...

>> No.1279641

>Expansion is slowing down.
You haven't heard of Dark Energy, have you?

>> No.1279648

Also OP's post is just a culsterfuck of cosmological ideas designed to make him seem smart when the flow of concepts is horrendously jarring.

>> No.1279654


Dark Energy is just a theory.

>> No.1279655

>expansion is slowing down.
Absolutely wrong.

>> No.1279657

So you agree it's real then?

>> No.1279659

>expansion is slowing down.

>> No.1279662

Expansion is going to slow down.

>> No.1279664

If you mix mashed potatoes and sauce, you can’t separate them later. It’s forever. The smoke comes out of your cigarettes, but it never goes back in. We cannot go back. That’s why it’s hard to choose, you have to make the right choice.

>> No.1279665


It's just a theory (a guess).

>> No.1279666

(a geuss)?

>> No.1279668


>> No.1279674

A theory is not a guess. Try being less intellectually pathetic and don't copy-and-paste the "a theory (a guess)" nonsense hoping that someone will be somehow angered. You just end up looking like a dunce.

>> No.1279684

Wait... you dont know the meme "It's just a theory (a geuss)"?

>> No.1279681

Everything we see exists. We can see it. I can see my girlfriends eyes, but I cannot see my eyes. The little baby sees his hands, but he cannot see himself. So, does he really exist? Do I really exist?

>> No.1279687

look in the mirror.

>> No.1279690

Dark Energy is used as an explanation for the current and accelerating expansion of the universe. For whatever reason, the energy does not contract, nor does it's expansion slow down, but it speeds up. If it's not slowing down now, then the chance of it slowing down in the future is astronomically slim.

>> No.1279691


>> No.1279697

Did I just see... Reverse solipsism?

>> No.1279707

>Now if we live in a universe of wound dimensions how do we distinguish between illusion and reality?

>> No.1279712


how do we do it now?

>> No.1279730

As long as you don’t choose, everything remains possible.

>> No.1279734

If there was no time before the big bang the big bang would never have happened, unless time is not what I think it is.

>> No.1279740

Read... I forgot which book.. this fantasy book by this russian author where in the end the protagonist is in a state of choosing where he is allmighty...

>> No.1279742

Believe it? In this life here, you don't exist.

>> No.1279772 [DELETED] 

If I were to buy a candy bar, an apple or a coke but I choice not to buy anything this would change my whole entire future?

>> No.1279775

If I were to buy a candy bar, an apple or a coke but I choose not to buy anything this would change my whole entire future?

>> No.1279781

>everything remains possible

>> No.1279789

This is just theoretical... you can not "not choose", because you choose all the time.. now... and now... and now...

>> No.1279817 [DELETED] 

What about the choice of a 9 year old boy who has to pick between staying with his mother or father? He will never see the other after that choice.

>> No.1279835

What about the choice of an 9 year old having to make a decision between living with his mother or father, the parents will never contact each other so he has two futures?

>> No.1279844

the choice will be made for him if he doesnt choose...

>> No.1279863

My brain is full of fuck when reading this statement.

>> No.1279866
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Choice you say?

>> No.1279908

Clearly time is not what you think it is.

>> No.1279912

When did /sci/ become /phi/?

>> No.1279914
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>> No.1279928 [DELETED] 

then what is it

>> No.1279930

then what is it

>> No.1279936

>Time as we know it is a dimension that we experience only in one direction

>> No.1279953

ITT: trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1279964
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string theory is for faggots

>> No.1279996


Is that the one were the guy lives out his whole life, and dies, only to be confronted by himself and told that he was in essence every human being that ever is or was?

>> No.1280460

Why does cigarette smoke never go back into the cigarette? Why do molecules spread away from each other? Why does a spilled drop of ink never reform? Because the universe moves towards a state of dissipation that is the principle of entropy the tendency of the universe to evolve to a state of inceasing disorder. The principle of entropy is related to the arrow of time a result of the expansion of the universe but what will happen when gravitational forces counter balance the forces of expansion or the energy of the quantum void proves to weak? At that moment the universe might enter a phase of contraction the big crunch. So what will become of time? will it reverse? no one knows the answer.

>> No.1281050

yea, I think that's the book.
But I am not sure...

>> No.1281058

I only know his name was kiril and this one guy's name was kostja... (russian names)

>> No.1281115


>when the universe has finished expanding
It won't:

>String Theory...10 dimensions
There are eleven dimensions in String Theory:

>> No.1281124

Asking "what was before the big bang" is as meaningless as asking "what is behind the universe?"

>> No.1281143

Time is not a result of an incomplete theory. Time is a measurement humans came up with to calculate instant changes.

>> No.1283567

Dunno. Some new hypothesis/theories point to time not existing, being a byproduct of the way the universe is or being a fundamental thing (back to Newton with a twist).

Shit's complicated.

>> No.1283620

There will be no Big Crunch. Rather, there will be a "heat death" of the universe over 100 trillion years from now. Due to entropy, as the universe expands the energy needed to make new stars and planets as well as hold all of the matter in the universe together will thin out and everything in the universe will be reduced to free floating atoms that rarely interact with another.

>> No.1283693

You fucking popular science smart guys. You are so goddamn sure of yourselves with all the "time did not exist before big bang, time is a dimension etc..." crap like you have a fucking clue of what you are talking about. Defending this shit as if you understand. Try thinking deeper about space and time for yourselves once and try to grasp how fucking impossible both are. Man... I'm so far ahead of you, it makes me nauseous. Don't rely on the books, think. Thinking is the only source there is

>> No.1285751

ITT: Movie quotes. Trolled hard.

>> No.1285799

enjoy your magical fantasy land

>> No.1285977

silence mortal

>> No.1287277

What's the difference between a spatial & temporal dimension?

>> No.1287290

>thinking deeper about space and time for yourselves once and try to grasp how fucking impossible both are

seriously, what

Even if the emergence of the four conventional axes weren't easy to derive from the initial boundary conditions, we have some pretty solid empirical evidence for their existence.

>> No.1287295

we? statistical evidence isn't anything fundamental. the greater the number of people accepting an idea, the correcter it becomes right? WRONG

>> No.1288057


You've got a point. Look at all the people who believe in religion, astronomy, Santa Claus, big foot, young earth...

By the way, it's empirical evidence not statistical.