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File: 113 KB, 879x485, spaceweapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12794320 No.12794320 [Reply] [Original]

Should humanity construct an interstellar doomsday weapon? Hear me out.

We could construct a missile with a cobalt bomb, capable of destroying all multicellular life on a planet. This missile could be parked in orbit around Pluto, or any other hidden place in the Solar System.

If aliens were to attack us, this missile would be launched toward their home planet. Over decades, it would gain speed and eventually reach few percent of light speed. It would then impact their home world with enough kinetic energy and radiation to destroy all life.

The missile would have to be "camouflaged" and would emit no radio signals at all. It would try to get as close as possible to their home planet without being detected. If countermeasures were to be employed, it would perform evasive maneuvers, but after decades of travel, the speed would probably be too high for any real countermeasures.

Is this idea feasible and should we do it?

>> No.12794335

God loves you.

>> No.12794337

Why not use a weapon like that to force humanity to expand into space instead of settling for the dystopia of 20 billion people sharing a single planet?

>> No.12794342

NASA wasting money on useless rovers when we don't have proper defences yet! This is what they should focus on.

>> No.12794350

>If aliens were to attack us
completely stupid, anything capable of getting here would either have A no need for a home planet
B absolutely no problem stopping something so fucking slow

>> No.12794354 [DELETED] 

>no need for a home planet
It would probably still have emotional value.
>inb anthropomorphism

>> No.12794364

>no need for a home planet
It would probably still have emotional value.

inb4 anthropomorphism

>> No.12794395

after spending a millennia on generation ships you probably wouldn't give a fuck any more, and even if you did it's not like making the invaders sad 20,000 years after they arrive is going to provide any tactical advantage

>> No.12794411

It would be a deterrent. Much like second strike nuclear submarines under the arctic.

>> No.12794420

no thats a dumb weapon what we need is a vacuum metastability bomb
a universe with no humans may as well not exist

>> No.12794426

why do you keep poating this?

>> No.12794429

Now that's an DETERRENT

>> No.12794442

Let's make a detterent.
>Unknown target, thousands of lightyears away

I don't know where you came from, but please return.

>> No.12794451

>wait don't look for it, shit you found it uuuhhhhhhhh it was just a prank? hahaha

>> No.12794454

Superpowers know of each other's nuclear second strike capabilities, but don't know the specific (location of subs for example). Deterrent wouldn't work otherwise.

Its speed wouldn't be a problem, but yea we would have to know their home planet.

>> No.12794542


How is its speed not an issue?

>Damn, those apes went quick, I wonder what that last signal they sent out was?
>Oh yeah they had that shitty nuke, didn't they?
>Oh there it is, 1 lightyear per second? Might aswell leave it, we'll end up killing ourselves before it arrives

Poor bait.

>> No.12794636

I think you meant Lightsecond per year

>> No.12794649

The interesting part isn't who is autistic enough to keep spamming this, the interesting part is that he always gets unironic replies.

>> No.12795710

We can only hope its an autist and not an actual retard who really believes in this shit.

>> No.12795722

fuck op and his shitty copypasta

>> No.12795753
File: 20 KB, 337x253, 180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


consider the following

what if the aliens attack us because they witnessed us creating the weapon leading them to think we are a threat to their existence

>> No.12795764

I unironically am a huge fan of taking the universe out with us

>> No.12795838

>If aliens were to attack us

we would let them immigrant on mass. Anything less would be racist

>> No.12795958

What the fuck is the Space Force doing?

>> No.12796912

Cixing Liu's three body problem has an interesting approach. The Universe is a dark forest where if anyone peeps up, *someone* will launch a kinetic kill strike against their star, so when advanced aliens try to invade, humans establish a deterrence strategy based on doing precisely that.

>> No.12796916

Post-posadist intergalactic nuclear posadism.
On a political left-right scale it would be ultra whacky.

>> No.12797905
File: 64 KB, 1101x620, ForeverAlone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should humanity construct an interstellar doomsday weapon?

No, because there's no intelligent life in the universe other than us. We are either the first consciousness to be born or the very last (every other has already perished).

tl;dr Humanity is pic related and no amount of COPE is gonna help you

>> No.12797916

>no intelligent life in the universe, including us.
fixed for truth. look around you moron.

The world consists of suicidal cult ideologues and political looters.

The future consists of small corporate clans of highly skilled operators living outside the reach of national and international law, or it doesn't exist at all.

>> No.12797923
File: 5 KB, 201x250, images (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)12:17:04 No.12797916▶
>>no intelligent life in the universe, including us.
>fixed for truth. look around you moron.
>The world consists of suicidal cult ideologues and political looters.
>The future consists of small corporate clans of highly skilled operators living outside the reach of national and international law, or it doesn't exist at all.

>> No.12797937
File: 41 KB, 500x500, pretzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job soience man, you copy pasted the entire post and added an image of a neckbear. Here's a picture of yourself as a reward.

>> No.12797946

It's a bot.

>> No.12797948
File: 4 KB, 300x168, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)12:21:20 No.12797937▶
>File: pretzel.jpg (41 KB, 500x500)
>>>12797923 (You)
>Good job soience man, you copy pasted the entire post and added an image of a neckbear. Here's a picture of yourself as a reward.

>> No.12798206

>We could construct a missile with a cobalt bomb, capable of destroying all multicellular life on a planet
Could we? I don't think we have the capacity to build a weapon that would wipe out a planet.

>> No.12798315
File: 122 KB, 1280x1397, 1276858386063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12798390

If I can't live here no one can

>> No.12798408

Cobalt bomb. We don't have enough raw energy to create a planet cracker type of weapon, but it would be much easier and cheaper to make a cobalt bomb which would saturate an entire planet in radioactive salts and poison the entire biosphere

>> No.12798428
File: 77 KB, 623x703, zms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you wiped us out but in twenty thousand years after you have conquered another thousand galaxies we win by taking your home world that definitely isn't a local outpost. This is about ideologies. Letting the rest of the world know that even a godking can bleed.

>> No.12798430

Ayyys don't give a shit about some race of ludicrous bare apes that haven't mastered interstellar travel. We are like ants to them.

Seriously, there is nothing interesting on Earth that can't be acquired elsewhere. Our sun is not special, water is abundant in the universe, our raw materials are common elsewhere. We would make terrible slaves.

Nobody is invading because we are not interesting, just like you don't go out of the way to stomp on ant nests unless you are a special kind of asshole.

>> No.12798456

>Build a planet killer weapon and park it where the closest target, the only target it can legitimately be used against, is the planet you live on.

What could go wrong?