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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12785805 No.12785805 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this /sci/, who's smarter, mathematicians or physicists?

>> No.12785819

>Newton invents Calculus
Mathematicians BTFO since 17th century AD

>> No.12785839

Except he didn't. Also calculus is baby math.

>> No.12785845

yes. physicists are smarter.

>> No.12785870

so I suppose the smartest people are people who hang counterfeiters

>> No.12785885

who gives a fuck?

>> No.12785904

neither, anyone smart to boost the average intelligence of either of those groups would be smart enough to disown the group average by identifying with a smaller subgroup or as sui generis.

>> No.12785907


>> No.12785942

You literally cannot compare Einstein and Grothendieck.

The average physicsts may be SLIGHTLY smarter than the average mathematician, but it is two completely different mindsets and the best physicists/mathematicians are equally smart.

>> No.12786296

mathematicians don't even understand their own theorems. That's why they name them all after each other. Contrast with physics:
>nth law of thermodynamics
>general relativity
>standard model of particle physics
Whereas Mathfags have shit like
>Rolle's Theorem
>Golbach Conjecture
>Riemann Hypothesis
>Navier-Stokes equation
>Bessel function
Dumb motherfuckers.

>> No.12787174

What do mathematicians even do?

>> No.12787249

they compute formulas for the physicists

>> No.12787270

prove theorems

>> No.12787271

The average scientist in any field is a midwit that will never discover anything. Im hesitant to say they even have above average IQ. That being said i always found math easier than physics, but that doesnt mean physicists are smarter just because their field is subjectively 3% harder. An illiterate rice farmer might have 200 IQ and never have the need to put it to use.

>> No.12787283

physicists are up like 3 IQ points, but the trinity of physics, mathematics and philosophy have a huge lead on everything else. So let’s say practically all 3 are equal and laugh at economics.

>> No.12787346

fuck off philosophy

>> No.12787432

it's kind of a dickhead move to name a law of the universe after yourself

>> No.12787442

Philosophy is just cover stories for ideologies.

>> No.12787761

based Newton

>> No.12787764

based retard

>> No.12787783

200iq and illiterate don't fit into one sentence retard!

>> No.12787791
File: 97 KB, 1920x1080, oreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a genius is born in a mudhot from rice farmer parents and nothing bad happens in his life to push him for a change he will just be a rice farmer. His intelligence will just sit inside his cranium.

>> No.12787804


>> No.12787921
File: 19 KB, 324x400, Leibiniz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newton invents Calculus
Calculus was invented by the German Leibniz who was a Mathematician and not a Physicist.

Newton stole Leibiniz's idea. Newton plagiarized and took the credit.


>> No.12787926

>is a child
more like a subset

>> No.12787984
File: 458 KB, 2009x2048, Demon core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theoretical Physics is a subset of Math.

But Experimental Physics (pic related) isn't ...
unless you consider it just Applied Statistics.

>> No.12788001

Computer Scientists

>> No.12788003

This is true but largely a problem of the past. We have the internet which disseminates knowledge to all and a platform to drop shit you come up with. Problem now is our smart people go into fucking finance or go live in a mud hut to be hermits. We need to find incentives to get them into useful shit like civilian research. We put way too much emphasis on military research too, so a lot of our smart people waste their whole lives or their young years where they are most productive on that.

>> No.12788104

Mathematicians in my experience the ability to think deeper whilst Physicists are more "quick-witted". Physicists are better at what most non-educated people think higher math is (Diff EQs, calculus and such); the average person has absolutely no idea what higher math consists of but generally has a pop-sci understanding of physics. So to the average person a physicist would probably appear smarter.

>> No.12788453

Newton's laws are not really laws, more like definitions. They are more math than physics.

>> No.12788634

>>Mathematicians in my experience the ability to think deeper
about what? Mathematicians have no critical thinking. Hey have no idea what orders of magnitudes are. Physicists are grounded. The only problem with those is that they go over the top like Max Tegmark and his peak rationalist MUH

>> No.12790237

Still worldbuilding string theory hoping somebody outside the math department takes it seriously some day.

>> No.12790274
File: 260 KB, 1034x608, Midwit bellcurve wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math major career route:

If a Midwit : Statistican Business Chad or Math Professor at a Mid Tier Uni.

If Genius: Math Professor at Top Tier Uni

If Brainlet: High School Teacher, Low Tier Community College Professor, Code Monkey or Unemployed.

>> No.12790279

Newton was a mathematics professor.

Funny how mathematicians like him are better at physics than actual physicists.

>> No.12790284

Mathematicians understand thoughts and rules more than any profession in the world.

Physicists don't care about "what is the concept of information? What is the concept of generalization?" They just want the answer.

>> No.12790316

>>12785805 Mathematicians obviously
>>12785819 Newton was (like Leibniz) a philosopher in the truest sense of the word, though if he were primarily anything, then it was a mathematician. retard.
>>12785839 Cringe pseud take
>>12785845 Your physics is retarded and your mathematics is worse, cope.
>>12787921 Leibniz, while undeniably a genius, was not the first to discover calculus; however, I will grant that his conception is more complete and that he used better notation.

>> No.12790332

>the converse is not true in general
t. retard

>> No.12790630

>Funny how mathematicians like him are better at physics than actual physicists.
lol, definitely not true anymore

>> No.12790665

Physics is not logic. Neither is math for that matter.
Also, your conclusion is a complete non-sequitur.

Why do you spend time shilling complete nonsense?

>> No.12790674

What is logic?

>> No.12790799

The study of rules of inference.
Or more broadly, the analysis of arguments.

>> No.12790825

All logicians are mathematicians.
Like this?

>> No.12790961

I wouldn’t say that, no. You’re not really going to find logicians in the math department of any major university anyway. I wasn’t required to take logic to get my math degree.

>> No.12791894

i don’t care, statistics don’t lie

>> No.12791933

How else would you know he's a genius if he didn't read. If he can't read he can't communicate ideas, he wouldn't even know the right terminology to explain ideas. If he was a genius, reading would actually come naturally. He would just need one book to start with and his natural curiosity would take over

>> No.12791934

Your pic is completely wrong and retarded.

>who's smarter, mathematicians or physicists?
Whoever doesn't reply to this shit thread.

>> No.12791965

Math requires you to understand abstract things without understanding them intuitively.
Physics is about our universe, so you can remember things intuitively.
Abstract thinking is harder.
Ergo: mathematicians are smarter then physicists.

>> No.12792001

>t. algebraic topologist

>> No.12792339
File: 144 KB, 1024x762, Pepe physics calculations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physicists solve problems faster. and are better in doing Mental calculations on spot.

Mathematicians are slower, spend more time and lines to proof things with an often unnecessary and pedantic Rigour.

Physicist answers are more concise with fewer lines.
While mathematicians are too verbose and love to waste several pages to solve a problem that just need a few lines.

>> No.12792582

Given that physicists depend on math and mathematicians, I'm going to say mathematicians.

>> No.12792609

that's like saying traders are dependent on the fat IT nerd so the nerds are better than the traders.
Mathematicians are intern monkeys working for their boss the physicists.

>> No.12792671

Physicists don't boss anything. They're glorified dumpster divers. They trail behind mathematicians, sifting through a mathematician's poop to find pieces of corn that fit some theory.