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[ERROR] No.12784927 [Reply] [Original]

The Mars dream is finally over.

>> No.12784963


>> No.12784971
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I'll take it from here.

>> No.12784981

Q2 2023

>> No.12784991
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>> No.12784996


>> No.12785003
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Not on our watch

>> No.12785039

reminder that rooting against Elon and SpaceX is a mental illness

>> No.12785043
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The prototype blew up. It's over

>> No.12785055

Literal cope. Mars is never happening.

>> No.12785073

I cant wait for the thunderf00t video

>> No.12785088

Dude the only one coping here is you
they fucking did it, they landed it

>> No.12785119
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>It landed?
>Blow it

>> No.12785122

OH shit the counter-dubs

>> No.12785153
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>moshi, moshi
>Yes, I'll do as you ordered

>> No.12785174

>it’s a f***ing grain silo
No wonder it blow up.
Space travel is a giant scam.

>> No.12785209

As a non-american, it will never cease to amaze me how some of you seem to actually root for spacex's failure. No other country can even come close to doing what they did today, most countries couldn't even afford to put a teeny little rocket in orbit, and yet many anons just want it to fail. America truly is the most decadent country in the world.

>> No.12785213

you neglect to mentioned that this happened after it already flew a successful test flight

>> No.12785219

Leave it to a pajeet to suck capitalism's dick.

>> No.12785229

This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.12785230
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He has a lot of haters

>> No.12785240

fastest turnaround ever

>> No.12785291

>no country comes even close
Exploding refurbished grain silos with fins isn’t hard most countries can do it. We never went to the moon and we will never go to Mars either.

>> No.12785293

He’s a total goddamn fraud.

>> No.12785316

>reminder that rooting against Elon and SpaceX is a mental illness
Hook this cope into my veins. Elon is a hack

>> No.12785317

Ffs. No wonder the quality of this sub is in the shitter.

>> No.12785319

Short best of.

>> No.12785328

Space Travel is the most overvalued concept I have ever seen, like will be great for research but that is never cost effective

>> No.12785367

>cost effective
yeah every human that has explored uninhabited territory was a complete retard and didn't produce any profits. all about the money

>> No.12785368

Air Travel is the most overvalued concept I have ever seen, like will be great for research but that is never cost effective

>> No.12785385

Hey, dipshits, energy density has a limit. We're not making new fuels or magical engines that don't require them. Space travel has not fundamentally changed from 20 years ago. You cannot fight basic physical concepts. Space travel is not going to be a commercial success in your lifetime short of some amazing new technology being discovered, and it's not going to be SpaceX doing it, since they have problems with concepts figured out in the 70s.

>> No.12785396


>> No.12785397



>> No.12785410

Bezos-sama, I kneel

>> No.12785436

its already a commercial success

>> No.12785447
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>> No.12785491

What Elon is doing is an incredible waste of money when our country is in dire need of racial equity and reparations.

>> No.12785510

This. who else is going to pay for OP's transition??

>> No.12785518

Have they built one that doesn’t explode?

>> No.12785520


>> No.12785528

This. I will gladly give up our entire space program if it means even a single nigger can feel better about himself while consumin fried chicken bought from welfate bucks

>> No.12785620

It was already done decades ago you Musk-obsessed degenerate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv9n9Casp1o Starship is a scam and rooting for any of Musk's companies means you condone this conman's behavior.

>> No.12785713

Yes, we need 30 million music record labels.

>> No.12785718

I think the very first one didn't blow up

>> No.12785735

Go to sleep Thunderf00t, you need that energy for your next DEBOOOONK

>> No.12785737

Elon is a hack who fails upwards.

>> No.12785753
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Eshort Musky is literally a monty python character lol.

>> No.12785754

literal mental illness

>> No.12785764

Most don’t want to see things fail.
But shitposting is fun how new are you?

>> No.12785766


>> No.12785768
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True. Good times breed weak men

>> No.12785770
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It was leaking steam again!!!!

You cannot defend this.

>> No.12785780

This. Only literal double digit IQ commies root against Elon.

>> No.12785788

Those kikes will never realize how hard they BTFO themselves by automatically calling him an antisemite for that

>> No.12785790


>> No.12785792
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>> No.12785799
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>Elon doesn't need to tell the truth about his past dealings

Not surprised in the slightest, I can't even begin to think of how many built in point of failure exist due to starship's anemic construction.

>Thinking Elon is independent of the hydra that is the Potomac Leviathan and just not just another head.
Still weening yourself off your lolberg priors?

>> No.12785800

If we make it to Mars before the crackhead nigger bumming cigarettes off of people, spending his drug money on booze, and blowing his EBT on Doritos has a better house than me, I will literally start shaking. Capitalism is so evil

>> No.12785806

well, thanks for outing yourself as a /v/dditor

>> No.12785807

This. It will take too long to get to Mars safely, even for the first time, and the digits check out.

>> No.12785814

I thought those were rcs thrusters

>> No.12785826

cope all you want

>he's thinks he's going to escape social decay by fleeing to a dead, radiation blasted, rock with 38% gravity, and poison soil
>he hasn't realized that capitalism is bad because its anarchic, ur-liberal, and satanic in the Guénonian sense

Reaction control system generally don't have that much thrust or all that much fuel, it's there for small course corrections and controlling the pitch, roll, and yaw of the craft in space.

>> No.12785842

also a nonamerican although i live here.
America is going the way of late mediaeval Islam. "Well... okay, we can't do chemistry or math so good as we used to... but look at the strides we've made in pleasing Allah!!"
Allah, it seems, is pleased when infidels discover new pronouns for themselves. Takbir!

>> No.12785843

why is this so funny

>> No.12785849

Shipping a small item from the US amazon to EU costs only $98, he's going nowhere either.

>> No.12786036

There has to be a better way of getting objects into space without resorting to making explosions and hoping the ship survives the explosions enough.

>> No.12786040
File: 674 KB, 1000x563, AC7_Tyler_Island_Mass_Driver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a mass driver?

>> No.12786076

Not yet there isn't

You underestimate how big something like this would have to be, even if its not launching human crew into space.

>> No.12786079

>having issues with concepts figured out in the 70s.
You literally witnessed the computer system that will be responsible for the first reusable rocket in history today. If you are too ignorant to see the implications of what happened today you are nothing beyond human waste.

>> No.12786088
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In ace combat, the top of the ramp is line 2 thousand feet tall lmao, it's a fuckhuge structure

>> No.12786094

Not the guy you were replying to but if you do the math it doesn't have to be that long at all. To build one that could launch satellites but not people would be a significantly smaller project than the LHC.

>> No.12786098

Just dig a fatass diagonal tunnel into a mountain in the sierra nevadas.

>> No.12786116
File: 3.05 MB, 1729x891, 2021-03-03 21_16_35-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ace combat 7 is in the venturestar universe

>> No.12786180


>how hard neo nazis btfo themselves by claiming da joos are mad about something but only being able to find a tiny number of examples despite a twitter thread many thousands of posts long
couldn’t even fill one image without desperately filling it out with mostly non jewish people lmao
your IQ is in the 70s as is the case with all /pol/ npcs

>> No.12786193
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Traveling on the water is the most overvalued concept I have ever seen, like will be great for research but that is never cost effective.

>> No.12786195

Not really. Since there are millions of Jews on twitter and the incel narrative that they control the press (not even close to true in just the US, let alone anywhere else in the world. the largest news outlet in the US by far is Fox, owned by the white-Christian Murdoch family), it’s a statistical guarantee that a handful will respond in that way that to such a comment. If I find 1500 white furries on twitter, did I just prove white people are furries?
the lack of reasoning skills in political extremists is ridiculous. you need help seeing even the most basic flaws in your sjw tier “logic.”

>> No.12786204

>narrative that they control the press is well known on the internet*

>> No.12786214

skyhook bro

>> No.12786217

>starship is actually steam powered
wtf bros ARCA was right all along

>> No.12786239
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The Jews admit to controlling the media, and Hollywood, and the porn industry. I haven't heard a big wig kike admitting to owning the banking industry but it may as well be true regardless.

You don't have to own 100% of something to control it. Just look at how AIPAC controls the US government despite being a very small portion of it's voter base.

>> No.12786246
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God I hate ARCA with the passion of 1000 suns. I hope they have some (((accident))) and get all blowed up to death.

Fucking larpers.

>> No.12786266

how does aipac control the government? you’re legit retarded. congress and senate are over 90% Christian and over 80% white.

according to this list da jooz control almost no banks. the first one is #33. most big banks are run by Christians and Chinese
I notice the main tactic of pol spergs is to say a bunch of lies in every post and hope no one points them out. something no person worthy of oxygen would ever, ever do.

>> No.12786276



>> No.12786289

The landing didn't look nearly as soft as they claimed. Why doesn't this thing have proper legs either? Do they believe Mars and the moon will have the terrain of the salt flats or a concrete landing pad?

>> No.12786292

you shills always say this and your “proof” is some random journalist’s article from the ‘00s. learn what the word “admit” means please. you can’t admit something on behalf of other people. also if the biggest news corporation that brainwashes over half the country isn’t owned by you, then you don’t control the press. period. an accurate usage of the word control would be “the Chinese government controls the press” since they approve everything in the press. notice how in this case the word control does in fact mean 100% CONTROL

>> No.12786305

>The landing didn't look nearly as soft as they claimed
yup. An improvement but still a bit spicy
>Why doesn't this thing have proper legs either?
it's a prototype. Last we heard legs were under fierce debate.

>> No.12786310
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M'rica is controlled by the kikes.

It's illegal for america to send forign aid to any nuclear power that has not signed the 'Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons', kikeland has nukes and has not signed. Yet we give them 150 billion dollars.


Despite being a small portion of the nation every evil person like Epstein and Madoff and Anthony Weiner and so on are Jews.

Both parties are the Zionist party.

>> No.12786314

Won't most of what they are figuring out with the control systems need to be totally rejigged for legs? I appreciate their approach of rapid iteration, it is just surprising to me that they have been delaying landing legs when their stated goal with these experiments is to figure out... you know... landing...

>> No.12786317

It would still kill the occupants from the acceleration.

>> No.12786321
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>their stated goal with these experiments is to figure out
Re-entry and flight characteristics during free fall. Landing has always been a secondary goal for each of these flights.

>> No.12786322

here's the difference. back then what lied across the ocean was a mystery. But we can see into space, and it's crystal clear that there's jackshit up there.

>> No.12786324

What was the issue exactly? I mean the rocket ignited didn't it? So it should have been able to touch down like it did in the hops?

>> No.12786330

that might be the worst evidence for any claim I’ve ever seen. the US foreign aid budget is really small and most of it goes to muslim countries. I wonder why whenever astroturfers complain about US foreign aid here they never mention the #1 recipient or the #2 recipient. one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen

>> No.12786334
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Traveling over those hills is the most overvalued concept I have ever seen, like will be great for research but that is never cost effective. We have mud to eat over here, just have less children, you are overpopulating the savanna.

>> No.12786336

raptor is underpowered. back to the drawing board.

>> No.12786340

Rooting against Elon is thinking man's and gamer's choice.
>Elon rockets go boom -> Tesla stocks go down
>Tesla stocks go down -> BTC goes down
>BTC goes down -> other crypto goes down too
>Crypto goes down -> GPU prices go down

>> No.12786344


Kill yourself, leftist.

>> No.12786346

>every evil person
what the fuck kek
how does just ignoring the other 99 percent of evil people mean they’re all jooce
I like how you mention Anthony Weiner when his crime is an epidemic in the white Catholic Church

>> No.12786350


Holy fuck you're dumb

>> No.12786358
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Because it's illegal for them to get ANY aid under the THE FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1961 if they are a nuclear power and have not signed the nonpalifferation treaty.

>> No.12786361

They have a really low crime rate as a whole. All those names prove is that they’re the best at everything they try, including crime.
>/pol/ npc logic

>> No.12786368

What a fucking failure, and this is who you look up to LMAO

>> No.12786372

he’s so right lmao, I’ve never once seen an incel on this site mention the foreign aid to muslim countries even though that’s where most of it goes. all of the whining is about the money that goes to israel, even though it’s actually a great place to send aid for the US since it’s basically the main US military base in that region.
if the complaining about foreign aid were being done by anyone except muslim shills, wouldn’t most of the complaining be about the first two aid receivers? fag

>> No.12786375

What's the military base for? To fight Muslims on the other side of the planet? Why?

>> No.12786376
File: 59 KB, 1080x572, bce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what your saying is, we need to exterminate all black people?

>> No.12786377

can you link and copy paste the exact words from an official site? I can’t find this

>> No.12786379

Islam is top 3 most evil forces in the world. Until they become civilized they need to be kept in check by civilized countries

>> No.12786391

It's evil somewhere that doesn't affect me. Unless you're talking about the ones inside the country who should be deported to mexico or some other shithole as soon as possible. I don't go around looking for germs to kill, sane countries don't go around looking for muslim nations to destroy

>> No.12786438



>> No.12786493

No pavement-americans in space

>> No.12786520
File: 130 KB, 1600x900, spinlaunchinline_JONATHAN-R3-SpinLauncher_9-3-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mass drivers for sending people need to be bigger than that. As in thousands of kilometers long.
mass drivers for sending acceleration hardened stuff can be much shorter. Meme launch isn't all that large. Accelerations are enough that if you launched people they would end up slightly sorted by density coming out.

>> No.12786566
File: 291 KB, 1920x2134, Human_linear_acceleration_tolerance.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As in thousands of kilometers long.
You nigger faggot. Being off by an order of magnitude is not a rounding error. Humans can take more than 1g. Any healthy human could survive with one that is 300km long.

>> No.12786579
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I always saw the mass driver as being a 0th stage for a ram/scram jet to orbit concept.

>> No.12786619

The internal design of that rocket is so incredibly stupid that this isn't even a surprise

>> No.12786626

yeah suuuuuuure, 9 odd sustained g's would require your passengers have some training. I bet there are safety standards that make this level of sustained acceleration illegal too.

>> No.12786636

This is a troll thread, and most of the responses to yoir post are trolls. That said, the average civilian here doesnt give a shit about space exploration, which is sad.

>> No.12786645

Besos isn't publicly gloating because he knows how far behind blue origin is. Spacex has a hundred F9 flights, 2 crewed flights to the ISS and a third in the works, starlink is in beta, and they just landed the largest and heaviest object ever even this it blew up 10 minutes later. Meanwhile blue origin has 11 uncrewed suborbital flights of a flying dildo.

>> No.12786668
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8 g's for 1 minute 30 seconds gets you 7.1 km/s in 317km.

There are no laws regulating human acceleration in a mass driver. They don't even have laws regulating acceleration for amusement park rides. The amusement park ride with the highest acceleration is 6.5g and that's eyes down not back like what you would see in a mass driver.

Now pay me the $500 you lost in the bet.

>> No.12786693
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>Besos isn't publicly gloating because he knows how far behind blue origin is
This was pretty much a total success for spacex there is nothing for him to gloat over,
>Spacex has a hundred F9 flights, 2 crewed flights to the ISS and a third in the works, starlink is in beta, and they just landed the largest and heaviest object ever
over 100 flights
>Since June 2010, rockets from the Falcon 9 family have been launched 111 times, with 109 full mission successes, one partial failure and one total loss of spacecraft.

>> No.12786707

>there are supposed to be humans flying in this bomb to the moon by 2023

>> No.12786783
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What you don't know is that Elon has been stuffing his clones in them all along, weighting for a successful landing to pop out and surprise all of you.

You don't really think he only works 168 hours per week do you?

>> No.12786832

Where am i?

>> No.12786855

So like, do you keep these posts saved on a text file or something? Because you posted the exact same reply last week.

>> No.12786954
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>welcome to spaceflight, i'll be your guide
how are they the laughing stock of mankind, over and over again?
is US really comedy central, after all they had a clown for president the last 3 years lamo.

>> No.12786968

>SN10 prototype out of 100+
404: New Glenn not found

>> No.12786977


>> No.12787170

I already own GPU

>> No.12787234
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Fuck the kike mods.

>> No.12787460


>> No.12787728

Tesla stocks have already been going down because they're massively overvalued. They had a P/E ratio last describer of~1600, which is absurd

>> No.12787732
File: 34 KB, 404x404, LexLuthor,I mean,JeffBezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heil Bezos, the Amazon wageslave owner!

>> No.12787741

Have to wonder if they're blowing them up on purpose for publicity.

>> No.12787751

Let's hope that he'll be more serious than Elon as far as space is concerned.