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12781199 No.12781199 [Reply] [Original]

We have 50 years to get anti-aging treatment or we are going die and be gone forever.
What's our plan of action here?

>> No.12781255

>plan of action
gas the jews

>> No.12781303

Do you really wanna live forever?

Also this

>> No.12781320

It has been revealed, you are only not based enough to try.

>> No.12781325

My gran lived to her 90s so I have mkre like 70 years prob.

>> No.12781327


>> No.12782019

if you dont want to live forever you are insane

>> No.12782090
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>Consume forever, never ending new products and Science.
Ok zoommer go back to bed you've got flossing tomorrow.

>> No.12782223

The most likely causes of death are failure of the heart and lungs so I would start with getting some system redundancy. I want to have something I can wear/have implanted that would give my brain oxygen in the event my natural organs ever fail me.

>> No.12782566

Wait for Elon to come up with the neuralink. This guy's gonna be famous one day.

>> No.12783196
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>he thinks he isn't going to live forever anyway by subjectively experiencing all consciousness in the universe one at a time
>he isn't terrified of the fact that we (i.e. I) are trapped into existence for all eternity


>> No.12783208

If you want to live forever, you have not thought this through. Life followed by death is the natural order.

>> No.12783212

Why would you want to live forever? Death tomorrow is the most pleasant gift life can give you.

>> No.12783291

30 years, you wanna watch 20 years if the first one who take tie immortality vaccine don't die later on on cancer.

>> No.12783299

>Do you really wanna live forever?
I want to live longer than 80y.

>> No.12783302

Lay off the shrooms kid

>> No.12783315

>it's natural so it's good

>> No.12783362

>Bad reasoning

If you want to live for ever, you didn't think about this, one fagg could hold you alive for a very very long time, even if you dont like it.

>> No.12783528

at a certain point the cell is just too worn out. No amount of technology will save you. Enjoy what you have and get shit done. Your best hope of living forever is the universe expanding and imploding leaving the same events magically. Not that hard to see even if you "lived forever" how would you even survive the future conflicts or massive diseases?

>> No.12783571

>at a certain point the cell is just too worn out.
Yeah retard and it gets replaced by other cells.
You know thatt all current live is actually a continuous line of cells tugging along for several billion years now right? Only thing stopping a single organism from achieving that is extracellulair (ec) (That means outside the cell) processes that the cell cant fix. Such as the ec matrix which impedes growth space for cells. The liver, which stores elements that cant be removed from the body. Veins that get clogged with fat, blood, and calcium; something that happens everywhere even the brain. Theres even more but you get my point.
All these processes are outside the cell and are the real issue on the path to immortality for an organism.

>> No.12784011

How's that solipsisim treating you psycho anon?

>> No.12784035

>All these processes are outside the cell and are the real issue on the path to immortality for an organism.
something something telomeres...

>> No.12784083

>tfw have autoimmune diseases
Fucking worthless medfags need to hurry up and get gene therapy working.

>> No.12785418

We have it, it just costs 30k$ a month $_$. Trikaftas.

>> No.12785450

Imagine this actually succeeds and Jeff Bezos gets to be a bald asshole going to his shitty grey tower every day for the next 800 years on this planet, while I just reroll and enjoy experiencing the universes in all the vastness of its different forms of life, considering that nonexistence is completely moot and non-experiencable.

Death is the high IQ man's choice, only a retard would want to live forever.

>> No.12785560
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>and be gone forever

>> No.12785568
File: 19 KB, 247x372, Better_Never_to_Have_Been.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're insane if you do want to live forever. Immortality sounds appealing until you realize how much suffering you will experience in your infinite lifespan.

>> No.12787382

you have no understanding of what replacing a cell does over time do you anon.

>> No.12787709

Unless there is some reason for the suffering to increase in frequency, than the ratio of suffering to reasoning is the same.

So you're implying that you wish you were never born, and that humanity should end itself. And maybe try to take all animal life with us.

Yes. These people who want to live must be insane.

>> No.12787712

>than the ratio of suffering to reasoning is the same.

I meant the ratio of suffering to living... but I guess the ratio of suffering to reasoning is also important.

>> No.12787714

It’s ok to die anon

>> No.12788027
File: 414 KB, 686x749, 0D33E33E-56A4-4730-ACAF-514B05A5B3C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To die, that’s the plan - embrace the void this world is sick, do you really want to be trapped with normies for another century or two?


>> No.12788081 [DELETED] 

Connect with the people around, find love in the world, live for someone other than yourself.

This obsession with prolonging your own individual consciousness at all costs is a sign of a diseased spirit. Your existence will be miserable if you continue living like this, and no amount of exciting your frayed nerve endings will fill the void.

>> No.12788086

Connect with the people around you, find love in the world, live for someone other than yourself.

This obsession with prolonging your own individual consciousness at all costs is a sign of a diseased spirit. Your existence will be miserable if you continue living like this, and no amount of exciting your frayed nerve endings will fill the void.

>> No.12789663

kys social animal faggot, ooga booga

>> No.12789675

Good point.
What about the idea of a very long or infinite rest?

I say very long because we came from nothing clearly - the universe. Also why born from certain parents? You don't remember before you was born, just nothing, you die, just nothing, why no birth again and say the same thing.

>> No.12789992

1) get anti aging treatment
2) upload mind to quantum computer
3) ???
4) Profit

>> No.12789999

>Connect with the people around you, find love in the world, live for someone other than yourself.
Based normalfag

>> No.12790012

Wrong, living forever implies being free of suffering forever once we figure out how exactly consciousness works. Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff have quite a decent idea of what consciousness is already

>> No.12790018

Look how shills are arguing against indefinite life extension. Living forever is just a few decades away

>> No.12790050

If I were aiming for immortality I too would try to eliminate the competition
There can only be a few immortals for a finite resourced earth

(((I))) would also erase any economically inefficient golem through soft genocide.
Why should (((I))) share this planet with leeches that will not help me break the limits of mortality?

>> No.12790052

Kind of an interesting concept.