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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12780276 No.12780276 [Reply] [Original]

opinions on 3blue1brown?

>> No.12780294

He's good, helped a lot with LA, good fellah

>> No.12780298

good channel, I also like the graphics a lot. High level videos and good graphics to help the explanation.

>> No.12780299

Smart goy, too bad he's white

>> No.12780306
File: 351 KB, 512x512, expox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks better than other channels.
Topics are still second/third semester physics major level (or lower), but I don't want to hold it against him.

Some of his stuff (like the quaternion video) is also more confusing than clarifying, and then I get triggered by the
>"I wish I had a teacher like this"
>"I lean more in 5 minutes of your video than in 5 months of school at math"
reddit or kids.
But then again, it looks good and is mostly accurate (I say mostly because he falls for some 'Californian rationalist' cult shit like that Bayesianism is law and not an Interpretation based rule)
Btw. where is that hot cult leader rationalist' chick, she said she'd do more vids

>> No.12781283

midwit tier. viewers are deluded to believe that they actually understand topic materials through the limited approach of cool slick animation that is sometimes inappropriate and also inefficient for some topics. he must go.

>> No.12781445

Mathematics is sinful

>> No.12781532

His visualisations of divergence and curl etc. really stuck with me through undergrad and helped me understand a bunch of EM and hydrodynamics stuff. He doesn't pretend to be anything more than a neat visuals dude.

>> No.12781572

really, really wish he would finish his differential equations series

>> No.12781713

He is doing a service by exposing these topics. Of course, normies don't see that "getting" a general idea is not the same as understanding. It's kind of like the people who believe they understand Marx, or Hegel or Nietzsche because the have watched a bunch of videos on them.
His python library is OK, and makes it possible for people to use his style of videos in order to teach others. The guy has done a lot , I believe. I don't really watch his video, but I have used manim, so maybe that is why I actually like him.

>> No.12781859

Overall I think he's a great teacher.
Sometimes he spergs out like all of us and gets super complicated for no reason.
Main issue with him is his voice. I don't like it.

>> No.12781973
File: 662 KB, 790x590, HollyKrieger-790px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His videos are indeed good but they are shallow, dumbed down to make it easier to understand for wagecucks who pretend to be smart, of course if you want to score good grades you need more than just his videos.

>> No.12782009

Nowhere across the entire catalogue of videos does he claim to provide a thorough coverage of any topic.

>> No.12782028

boring, slow voice, bad at explaining things, etc.
now fuck off.
>inb4 hurr durr you have to like the things I like
fuck off nigger.

>> No.12782086

he made complex numbers into something easy and for that I respect him
anyone disrepescting him seems to forget that all math becomes easy after it's taught

>> No.12782117

Good, I wasn't a huge fan of him at first but then my twitter-obsessed classmate said "ugh, yikes" when he was mentioned so now I like him a lot more.

>> No.12782175

read >>12781283 again.
>viewers are deluded to believe that they actually understand topic materials
means his retarded math-as-hobby viewers believe that, not that he's ever claimed

>> No.12782185 [DELETED] 

wtf is these3b1b brainlet shills?

>> No.12782208

This, his voice makes it impossible for me to watch his videos so I can't tell anything about their quality. It's like he's picking his ass when lecturing and being smug about it because the viewers can't see it.

>> No.12782249

>homophobia out of blue

Wtf that's so uncalled for. Did he hurt u or smth?

>> No.12782266


>> No.12782276

His Hamming Code series was very good

>> No.12782344

he's good for getting a more intuitive understanding of how something works and then learning it more rigorously or supplementing a more rigorous approach
as others have stated here, he does not give a complete explanation of a topic, but that's cool, the channel doesn't have to be a complete maths education on its own, it's good for what it aims to be

>> No.12782363
File: 129 KB, 500x429, 1571623939533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by how he always overcomplicates simple things, he lacks real mathematical understanding

>> No.12782394

more like oversimplication + homo

>> No.12782591

Terrible bait faggot
Hope you get shot

>> No.12783020

bayesianism IS law you retarded undergrad

>> No.12783118
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>> No.12783131 [DELETED] 

What makes him so onions?

>> No.12786594

He is ok. Content is mostly aimed at midwits so it is often oversimplified but he gives an alright explanation of the topics he talks about.

>> No.12786967

he should stick to mathematics and never ever try to touch health, diseases and such issues

>> No.12787000

Dude get over yourself. For someone who just plugs and chugs differentiation or integration, for example, these videos are great. Not everyone is extremely interested in math.

>> No.12788414

75% good 25% shit

>> No.12788435

>go to comment section of any video

>look at the anIMATION hNNGG
>i wish my teacher does this even though we dont have 30 minutes per math operator to talk about
>I'm 37 years old and finally understand after working in math for 50 years o_o

watch the videos but never go to the comment section.

>> No.12788459

>he must go.

>> No.12788471


>> No.12789624

there's nothing homosexual about picking your ass. it's just kinda disgusting.

>> No.12790184

God tier math youtuber.

>> No.12790301

He is cool and handsome but I am a postgrad. Is there a cool math youtuber apart him ?

>> No.12790304

>reading youtube comments

shit nigga, what are you doing?

>> No.12790348

Seriously, if you are such a brainlet that you can't understand this faggot's YouTube videos and have to cope by calling him retarded, then don't even bother learning actual math.

>> No.12790367

Doesn't cite his sources.
Normie viewers think he invented L-series.