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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12777047 No.12777047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a question: how does one become smart ? I've heard IQ is just a number that doesn't mean much so how do you actually get smart ? ( pic unrelated )

P.S: Considering I'm still under 18 ( my brain is still developing ) what could I do to ensure it develops properly ?

>> No.12777064

Read. Read as much as you can.

Watch. Listen. And read more.

>> No.12777081

thanks for the advice ! But could you be a little more specific ? like what should I be reading ? or listening ? or watching ?

>> No.12777146

You need to learn as much as possible about as many topics as possible. Neuroplasticity peaks at 25, so you've got roughly 7 years to reach your intellectual potential. That's not to say that one can't utilise neuroplasticity past 25, it's just more difficult after that point because it requires one to consciously activate certain neurochemical mechanism that used to work implicitly when you're young. You can think of neuroplasticity as the brain's ability to rewire itself which should tell you enough about it's importance for intelligence and learning. You should listen to the Huberman Lab podcast. It'll tell you everything you need to know about maximising neuroplasticity.

>> No.12777165

thanks for the info, I appreciate it ! Also a huge thanks for the suggestion

>> No.12777191

Focus on the classics. Mathematics up to calculus. History starting in mycenaean greece until atleast the second world war. Physics covering newtonian mechanics. Ethics concerning both eastern and western philosophies. From Han Feizhi to Plato over 2 millenia ago should be enough. Literature from many prominent rhetoricians in history. Hitler, stalin,mao, orwell, the founding fathers. Law concerning the roman constitutions, the magna carta, the english bill of rights, the us declaration of independence and constitution. Finally pick up a craft, you need some modicum of mechanical inclination. Whether its cars, radio, amateur electric work, welding, metal smithing. Just a fun productive skill

>> No.12777210

w o w. VERY specific and informative, I love it ! I may seem like a bot with all these cuddly and fast responses but you all are helping a lot rn !

>> No.12777219

Are you a girl? If so why the sudden need to be productive, just rely on your looks and appeal to live off simps like a queen

>> No.12777232

no ;-;
Even if a girl was asking something like this you should still attempt your best to answer her question ( maybe throw that in as a joke that she'll think back to once in a while and consider it )

>> No.12777238

You're welcome. Just remember that once you have the tools to maximise neuroplasticity, it'll be up to you to put them to use in order to learn interesting skills and grow intellectually. If you want to learn how to code, solve PDEs or play a new instrument you will need to code, solve PDEs and play that new instrument. Nothing beats hard work, but understanding the mechanisms for neuroplasticity and thus learning will make you much more efficient at it.

>> No.12777244

Also, for the love of God avoid this site as much as possible.

>> No.12777246

thank you good sir. I will try to apply what you specified and see how it goes !

>> No.12777250

Youre acting weird

>> No.12777256

Lad /sci helped get passed mechanics, electricity and magnetism, optics and quantum mechanics. There has been a lot more trolls lately but this board is nothing conpared to/pol or /biz

>> No.12777258


While I did run into a lot of questionable stuff during my short time browsing this online board I still think it's a good way to learn about new things. I will probably spend more of my time being productive rather than mindlessly browsing 4chan !

>> No.12777262


>> No.12777266

I would never treat women as equals. Much less show them kindness. They are all whores and degenerates unworthy of wisdom or mercy. My conduct towards them will be hostile. Do not advise me on such child. If you were a boy you would soon understand what I mean in college. Now go try our advice and maximize your potential. Or not. You're a girl so it doesn't matter.

>> No.12777269

I'm assuming you're the same guy that asked the question that had nothing to do with the thread but uh I just want to ask when did being grateful for people helping you become a feminine thing

>> No.12777274

Yeah only thots post like that

>> No.12777276

it's true that I'm still in high school and probably don't know much about the "dangers" of woman you're telling me about but damn, you seem hurt. Everything okay ?

>> No.12777277
File: 52 KB, 1200x800, 1614660769104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are here forever anon. See you tomorrow lass

>> No.12777284

When you learn how easy it is to pump and dump thots lad it gets go you on an ethical level. I'll say this, never ever waste time sport fucking like me. All the novelty of women wears off. If you're a boy. You're most likely a girl if you haven't noticed my tone by now and attacked

>> No.12777289

Just be very concise when asking about certain topics. No open ended questions. Be straight and they'll give it to you striaght while calling you a nigger. So develop thick skin

>> No.12777300

>Even if a girl was asking something like this you should still attempt your best to answer her question ( maybe throw that in as a joke that she'll think back to once in a while and consider it )
This is adorable

>> No.12777305

> how does one become smart
you don't. you are either born smart or you are not.

however you can become educated.

>> No.12777306

So we're determining genders based on immediate toxicity of a person now ( aka how quickly they get into a pointless internet fight with no winners or prizes ) ? btw you kind unknowingly complimented woman by saying this

>> No.12777310

I honestly got tired of reading.
I just play a reading on YouTube and look at other stuff while listening.
Different strokes for different folks

Some also learn better in a hands-on approach

>> No.12777316

Indeed, physics is easier when experienced physically

>> No.12777322

I'm into Nuclear physics.
Doing a DIY is too expensive for me lol

>> No.12777325
File: 446 KB, 680x489, ac9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is lass. I know roastie behaviors well enough to know their behavior and reasoning along with their methods of trickery. I see some tell take signs of it when you post. You'll tell when you get older and more experienced with the opposite sex

>> No.12777330

It really isn't. I'm 19 and only learned about this site last year, but I can tell you it's not worth engaging with at all. I get it, there's not exactly many places on the internet for young smart people to discuss interesting things. But /sci is a cesspool with an extremely high noise to signal ratio. You'll learn words like cope and seethe or how >green text works but it honestly couldn't be a bigger waste of your time.

>> No.12777335

Let me be precise, electricity and magnetism are better understood when physically experimented upon. Nuclear is way above my paygrade to even fuck with. Have fun anon. Don't get cancer or accidentally build a bomb and kill a city

>> No.12777352

Are you actually going to leave this sight though anon. Anyone can tell in minutes its a shitshow. But they become like flies to a lantern at night when they come here. See you tomorrow lad

>> No.12777354

this made me chuckle a bit consider how much times I saw cope ( not that much of whatever seeth is ) but I even saw YT parodies of cope ( which is when you know a slang has been overused and "milked" to oblivion )

>> No.12777358
File: 103 KB, 733x683, Fuck me up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My greatest dream is to be good enough to be arrested. Like Nuclear Boy but better.

But looking at my funds, I think I would more likely be arrested for not paying my bills

>> No.12777361

Yeah this site has an abnormal amount of pull on internet culture and memes

>> No.12777370

Very cute posts

>> No.12777372

You're better off just going full ted pilled but with nukes in the prairies

>> No.12777375

Yep, only roastie hands could type such a message

>> No.12777377

For me the foundational study of mathematics opened my eyes.
I had asked my teachers throughout my life and just got "math is math, stop asking" type of answers every time.

>> No.12777382

What did you do after all that bullshit.

>> No.12777389

became able to learn math instead of just doing repetition

>> No.12777390

The first step should be getting the fuck away from this place. It’s honestly not good for you.

>> No.12777406

Did you study the swissmen pestolazzi's methods of learning. His school gave einstein the necessary tools to make his mark in physics. Learning based off of freedom and responsibility. Thought experiments.

>> No.12777411

Too late lad this person became another victim of the chans. They are stuck coming here for life now

>> No.12777445

no but I'll check it out. Foundational as in learning about Aristotles axiomatic method, Euclid's elements, La Géométrie from Descartes, Newton's intuitive discoveries, different types of numerical systems, dive into different sets of different types of numbers, difference of discretion and infinity, set theory, logic, boolean algebra, etc.
Wouldn't have passed calculus without it I think because I always hated math since math was just math and it didn't make sense to me, it just had to be invented/discovered but no one told me that so I learned it on my own.

>> No.12777459

well not "hate". I actually naturally liked math and tried asking my teacher for more homework to learn about how it was built but never got it. I just grew to hate math because it became repetitive work.

>> No.12777466

Do so willlingly lad. I was like that with physics in high school. It didn't click for me until I started to change my method of learning. Instead of rotary learning you have to break a subject down to its bases components then build from there. It made even quatum mexhanics easy. Pestalozzi was a gift from humanity. How he isn't hailed as a top educator is beyond me. His methods should have been used for all western schools

>> No.12777472

Agreed thats how physics was to me. Just a bunch grunt work with no meaning last thats how you do it. To gain sense and meaning you have to be presented with some source and context along with being able to visualize problems.

>> No.12777563

Can you expand on the Pestalozzi method? I can't seem to find anything on it.

>> No.12777603

Pestalozzi was a Romantic who felt that education must be broken down to its elements in order to have a complete understanding of it. Based on what he had learnt by operating schools at Neuhof, Stans, Burgdorf and Yverdon, Pestalozzi emphasized that every aspect of the child's life contributed to the formation of their personality, character, and capacity to reason. His educational methods were based ob the 4 spheres of life. Self determination or willingness, visualization of a problem enaging in group projects and experiments, concerning a subject, Inner sense regarding studying. You have to utilize these tools to master your studies. The goal is to elementarize axioms of a complex matter or subject
It helped me to start from my foundations, work on my weaknesses first, then when in a group or by myself I'm always making sure I know what I'm doing.

>> No.12777613

based cute poster and wholesome-pilled :3

>> No.12777624

That poor child is in for a world of hurt here on 4chan for the next few years

>> No.12777632

It'd be nice if other boards were this supportive of underageanons

>> No.12777644

All boards except the swxual ones help underageed people by challenging theor beliefs. Even /pol will help a young person develop thickn
skin amd keen argumentation skills past all the racial slurs

>> No.12777661 [DELETED] 

As a 14 yo girl, you're fucking disgusting

>> No.12777674
File: 54 KB, 640x625, czgjbw64cbk61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way 13byr old girl would come any where near this place. You're most likely a post op tranny nigger. Now go be a statistic and join the 41% wo suicide themselves troon

>> No.12777703

Okay what does that mean in practical terms? What are the specific techniques of his do you apply?

>> No.12777708

Give me some time to find my links for specific thought experiments and visualization techniques.

>> No.12777712

Okay. Thank you I appreciate it.

>> No.12777766


A thought experiment is a logical argument or mental model cast within the context of an imaginary (hypothetical or even counterfactual) scenario. A scientific thought experiment, in particular, may examine the implications of a theory, law, or set of principles with the aid of fictive and/or natural particulars (demons sorting molecules, cats whose lives hinge upon a radioactive disintegration, men in enclosed elevators) in an idealized environment (massless trapdoors, absence of friction). They describe experiments that, except for some specific and necessary idealizations, could conceivably be performed in the real world

>> No.12777785

As opposed tophysicalexperiments, thought experiments do not report new empirical data. They can only provide conclusions based on deductive or inductive reasoning from their starting assumptions. Thought experiments invoke particulars that are irrelevant to the generality of their conclusions. It is the invocation of these particulars that give thought experiments their experiment-like appearance. A thought experiment can always be reconstructed as a straightforward argument, without the irrelevant particulars.John D. Norton, a well-known philosopher of science, has noted that "a good thought experiment is a good argument; a bad thought experiment is a bad argument."

>> No.12777792

When effectively used, the irrelevant particulars that convert a straightforward argument into a thought experiment can act as "intuition pumps" that stimulate readers' ability to apply theirintuitionsto their understanding of a scenario

>> No.12777924

So the technique is basically just making up a thought experiment (or argument) in your head?
Not the guy you originally replied to btw

>> No.12777944

There is no scientific evidence to a permanent boost.
You can only slow down deterioration and get temporal boosts with drugs and electricity, at a cost.

>> No.12777959


A person standing in anelevatorwith a broken cable feels weightless as the enclosure falls freely toward Earth. The reason is that both he and the elevator accelerate downward at the same rate and so fall at exactly the same speed; hence, short of looking outside the elevator at his surroundings, he cannot determine that he is being pulled downward. In fact, there is no experiment he can do within a sealed falling elevator to determine that he is within a gravitational field. If he releases a ball from his hand, it will fall at the same rate, simply remaining where he releases it. And if he were to see the ball sink toward the floor, he could not tell if that was because he was at rest within a gravitational field that pulled the ball down or because a cable was yanking the elevator up so that its floor rose toward the ball.

Einstein expressed these ideas in his deceptively simple principle of equivalence, which is the basis of general relativity: on a local scale—meaning within a given system, without looking at other systems—it is impossible to distinguish between physical effects due to gravity and those due to acceleration.

In that case, continued Einstein’sGedankenexperiment, light must be affected by gravity. Imagine that the elevator has a hole bored straight through two opposite walls. When the elevator is at rest, a beam of light entering one hole travels in a straight line parallel to the floor and exits through the other hole. But if the elevator is accelerated upward, by the time the ray reaches the second hole, the opening has moved and is no longer aligned with the ray. As the passenger sees the light miss the second hole, he concludes that the ray has followed a curved path (in fact, a parabola).

If a light ray is bent in an accelerated system, then, according to the principle of equivalence, light should also be bent by gravity, contradicting the everyday expectation that light will travel in a straight line

>> No.12777998

Baby steps anon. The next step is to use this abstraction to guide you're own physics problem solving. NPC's can't get this far.

>> No.12778010

Thats the first step. Next is visualization guiding you're problem solving

>> No.12778034

so a yes

>> No.12778043

Not completely. Its sort of like driving. The first step is to put you're key in the ignition tobstart the engine. So tjought experiments is the same. Next step is visualization and diagramming

>> No.12778061

Well yeah, I know that. Thats what I meant when I said "in your head". It seems like an interesting method and I will try it later to see if it helps me gain a better understanding of physics and related topics.