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12771517 No.12771517 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't it nurture? and not nature?

>> No.12772293

Aspergers and Autism are caused by the brain being wired differently due to neurons. As people age, their genetic material decays in the aperm and eggs which is what causes Autism. Autism was considered a result of environment by early doctors such as Leo Kanner but nowadays we know that is not the case.

>> No.12772317

This is peak crypo-aesthetic right here, just needs some lipstick and to grow out his hair.

>> No.12772321

go watch the matrix, homo
learn english, shit skin

>> No.12772327

if i've said it once i've said it a thousand times. These aspies, ADHD faggots, anxiety faggots, you name it. They didn't exist 50 years ago. They didn't just magically evolve out of thin air. They arose due to a lack of discipline. Children with attention disorders and social disorders, 95% of the time, can have it beaten out of them.

>> No.12772354

They always existed but weren't diagnosed until recently.

>> No.12772359

I'd bet you that aspies were the norm 15,000 years ago and what we consider "normal" now are just city fags born from civilization

>> No.12772484
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You will not be considered autistic if you're within a tribe of 30 people, socializing as you're supposed to in a social structure that is a magnitude of order less convoluted than the modern one. You will not show any signs of ADHD if your life revolves around adrenaline like hunting and raiding, as it's supposed to. You will not have anxiety if you wake up and go to sleep around the exact same ten families as you've been since you were born.

Hopefully you get what I'm trying to say here. You have any of these issues, you go to the psychiatrist in the city. There's at least a million people around you, all complete strangers with a minority of them legitimate psychos who will rape/murder you for fun if you end up in the wrong alley in the night. You go to the psychiatrist and tell him, "my brain is experiencing these things that I feel like it shouldn't be experiencing and I've tried everything that I could personally affect but nothing changed, it seems to be beyond my personal ability to change it". The psychiatrist will not dismantle the city, undo the industrial revolution and disperse people into tribes of 30 to help you. He will give you pills.

Then we have the rural population. The more backwards the nation the better, especially if electricity is barely used by the locals. You go to one such community, you do not see stuttering, you do not see depression and you do not see weirdness. No NEETs, no gender dysphoria, no ideologies either. You see humans as they were supposed to be - just humans and nothing more.

>> No.12772568

Autism disorders are a reaction to the overwhelming presence of simulacras in the modern world. Whereas as before things people had to do were more "real".

>> No.12772653

>Named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906–1980), Asperger syndrome is a relatively new diagnosis in the field of autism,[130] though a syndrome like it was described as early as 1925 by Soviet child psychiatrist Grunya Sukhareva (1891–1981), leading some of those diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (particularly those of a left-wing persuasion) to instead refer to their condition as 'Sukhareva's Syndrome', in opposition to Hans Asperger's association with Nazism.[131] As a child, Asperger appears to have exhibited some features of the very condition named after him, such as remoteness and talent in language.[132][133] In 1944, Asperger described four children in his practice[14] who had difficulty in integrating themselves socially and showing empathy towards peers. They also lacked nonverbal communication skills and were physically clumsy. Asperger described this "autistic psychopathy" as social isolation.[9] Fifty years later, several standardizations of AS as a medical diagnosis were tentatively proposed, many of which diverge significantly from Asperger's original work.[134]

>> No.12772685

Here is Hans Asperger's original notes on Fritz V. and his other students if you would like to read.


>> No.12772731

>that footnote about autistic thinking
The shitposters were highly regarded psychiatrists all along

>> No.12772745

Unfathomably based.

>> No.12772758


>> No.12772762
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>After watching some workers, he acquired a great interest in dry stone dykes despite not knowing their use. He built one on his own estate that went nowhere and served no purpose.

>> No.12772794

>they always existed
nice cope, you literal autist. you can get a random group of 100 young people and see the autism in motion in about a dozen of them without needing a degree. this wasn't the case not longer than 40 years ago, your shitty example is an outlier.

>> No.12772859

Bravo anon. This is the something I have tried explaining to midwits but they never understand what I’m saying. No, the environment and the circumstances of my existence aren’t what causes me anxiety. It isn’t some subjective assessment of my ability to thrive in this particular environment, no. There is literally just something objectively wrong with my mind and the only solution is taking pills.

>> No.12772930

Unfathomable bullshit.

>> No.12772938

Only the last paragraph. The rest is spot fucking on.

>> No.12772945

They were the norm as late as a century ago, and still are in much of the world.

>> No.12772955

Especially the rest is bullshit.

>> No.12772976

>Children with attention disorders and social disorders, 95% of the time, can have it beaten out of them.
And what happens in the other 5%?
Probably they turn into those who kill their parents with hammers in the night.
Either way if you beat your children, you whether grow slaves or free people hating your guts.
In other words, you reap what you sow.

>> No.12773091
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or alternatively because of mercury vaccines

>> No.12773167

All the big scientists in history were Aspies or Asburgers. Newton was a giant asburger

>> No.12773249

The original autism patient went on to be a professor.
>Fritz V. is a pseudonym that Hans Asperger used to refer to his first patient. This makes him the first person in history to be identified as having Asperger's Syndrome. Fritz displayed many behavioral problems in childhood and acted out at school but he had a strong interest in mathematics and astronomy, particularly the theories of Isaac Newton.[10] Fritz grew up to become a professor of astronomy and solved an error in Newton's work he originally noticed as a child. Much of what Asperger learned about the condition in its early days derives from his meetings with Fritz, whom he kept track of throughout his life.
Pretty big improvement from being a retarded kid who played with his own spit and ate pencils.

>> No.12773480


>> No.12773829

So should we exile the Aspies to Mars?

>> No.12773904

Newton was a volcel schizoid. He didn't show any social difficulties or obsessive tendencies.

>> No.12773927

Henry Cavendish would be a better example.

>> No.12773933


>> No.12773972


My 92 year old grandpa has high functioning autism. Its epigenetic .

>> No.12774149

Yeah, thats how bad things have gotten.

>> No.12774588

No. It's nonsense writtent to appeal to those who lnow nothing about what the post is talking about. It isn't based and calling it out isn't coping.

>> No.12774610

I have a friend with aspergers. While he is wierd af, I also respect him greatly. He might be terrible at anything that requires social cognition. He is incredibly smart and resourceful. He can learn concepts really fast, and picks things up faster than he realizes. The most impressive part is, he isn't just one of those guys that are autistic about math or coding. He is a wildly good snow boarder. And will outpace me in mountain biking after a year, something I have done for 7 years.

It is very much nurture. His parents did an incredible job raising him. Making sure he doesn't identify himself as being autistic, while understanding that he is. Which seems to be a short coming of many autistic people.

>> No.12774618
File: 54 KB, 708x800, E48DCEF7-59F0-49C6-8675-08516A7E1065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. It's nonsense writtent to appeal to those who lnow nothing about what the post is talking about. It isn't based and calling it out isn't coping.

>> No.12775960

My guess is most cases are bad parenting leading to the psychological problems of kids.
I imagine psychologists initially were split on whether it was nature or nurture.
The ones that proposed it was bad parenting promptly lost customers due to insulting the pride of unstable mothers.
The ones that proposed it was nature didn't insult the pride of parents and also solidified their customer base by convincing parents there is nothing they can do except bring the kids to them.

>> No.12777700

interesting. there are some high profile extreme sports athletes that are on the spectrum (they probably hit the adhd/asd sweet spot). whats your friends line of work?