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12767877 No.12767877 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone freak out when I start talking about this? There are people who actually believe eliminating genetic diseases and modifying the genome to create healthier, more attractive, superior people is somehow morally wrong.

>> No.12767909

>literally hitler eugenics

>> No.12767929

Genmodding isn't eugenics.

>> No.12767966

You are nazi

>> No.12767992

Genetic modification is the opposite of eugenics.
A Eugenicist wouldn't allow someone to have children because they have "bad genes".
A genetic engineer would not only allow them to have children, but they'd knockout any bad genes and knockin good ones, making the person's child healthier.
Genetic engineers and eugenicists are opposite ideologies.

>> No.12768015

ok lemme remove this "defective" oncogene OOPS now your marrow isn't producing any blood cells sucks to be you haha sorry lmao

>> No.12768034

Because they don't believe that they will be on the beneficiary end of this advancement. That it will be used as a tool of oppression (to further solidify white dominance if you're a libfag, or a satanic bioweapon if you're a cuckservative).

>> No.12768046


Democratizing gene editing is our best bet in my opinion. Let everyone modify whatever the hell they want. They carry the liability but get the freedom.

>> No.12768060

I'm OP, to be honest I have no interest in allowing people to select their own modifications or to "democratize" genetic engineering. I want to control the process and engineer the species properly.
People are stupid and can't think properly. They shouldn't have control over how the species develops.

>> No.12768066

you already participate in genetic engineering when you choose who to mate with

if you're actually mating that is

>> No.12768071

No, thats sexual selection, which is exponentially less efficient than genetic engineering.
Genetic engineering > artificial selection (which is eugenics) > natural selection > sexual selection.

>> No.12768117

>why does everyone freak out when i start talking about this?
Because people fear what they can't understand, yet they won't bother trying to understand either. Solution? Do it with monkeys first, once you engineer a monkey embrio to grow as "human" you can do whatever you please with it. It ain't human, even if his dna configuration is similar to human, so no international law for human rights apply to it.

>> No.12768133

By controlling the process; what is engineered: Do you think that you will be able to control how people will act? Or will there still be free will (if it exists) such that the same world will exist but with 'superhumans'?

>> No.12768167

not that guy, but it's not about that, it's about how there aren't even any "bad genes" to begin with

>> No.12768212

yes it is, and it is good

>> No.12768216

No, I mean I am sure people will choose traits that are no longer optimal.
The best example is large size in men. We need to make people as physically small as possible in order to better allocate resources and reduce our energy expenditure while not lowering our quality of life. But I know people wouldnt engineer their children to be small, because people are retarded. That's just one example.
Yes there are, anon.

>> No.12768603
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>> No.12769372

>Why does everyone freak out when I start talking about this?
People always were afraid of change and people have this fixed idea of that nature has a plan. Most people seem to accept genetic engineering if its used to eliminate genetic diseases and a few sentences are often enough to convince people to support health enhancement, whose goal is to prevent diseases like alzheimer, cancer or other diseases. More complicated is the topic of enhanced intelligence and fitness. People don`t like the idea of people being made for a purpose but I show them that genetic engineering can be used to enhance ability, to enable potential and not to limit them to what their parents wish them to be. Nick has made a good essay about it:

>> No.12769382

That suggests that genetic engineering can`t work. But it is working and we already have several genetically modified humans alive today. The difference is that only a few have enhancements (CCR5) while most were modified to treat a disease. The methods are the same.

>> No.12769401


Manlet detected

>> No.12769407

I support a universal health care system and genetic regulation agency to distribute the benefits and to enable many people, ensure its safety and prevent the worst abuses. The costs for gene editing are actually quite low. Around 10.000$ at worst, thus everyone could benefit from it.

>> No.12769420

There will only be small men in the future.

>> No.12769592
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>> No.12769600

>what is CFTR

>> No.12770490

It is very nice that you think it's not eugenics, now explain it to idiots who make laws

>> No.12770656

In time.

>> No.12771798
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>> No.12771817

Humans fear anything better than themselves because of reasons I'm too tired to go into right now.
but blah blah blah
that's why parents treat their children like shit. that's why people treat other people like shit.
that's why every generation gets worse.
that's why we're exposed to toxins and chemical entirely known and authorized without any care
dude looks up the etymology of eugenics.
if it's not eugenics then it's pointless, and I don't mean pointless like "oh no it's pointless" I mean like pressing a button with no intention of anything to come in particular.

>> No.12771829

Why wouldn't everybody make their baby white? Why wouldn't at some point everybody just buy deluxe Dna that is not even ours anymore but just made in some chinese lab?

>> No.12771836

They are going to modify you to be more subservient, less violent, and more efficient at whatever the system wants to use your body for.

It's like with smartphones. The primary purpose isn't to let you communicate, it's to collect behavioral data, and increase sales opportunities.

>> No.12771965

Pharmacogenomics has always interested me. Is there any way to get into it? I am getting a BS in Biochemistry soon

>> No.12771976

Learn computer science. Best thing a biologist can do tbqh. Biomolecule engineering is the future.

>> No.12772056

this field will boom in the future... as a chemist and pythonfag I'm interested too... but I'm scared that it will be a data monkey job

>> No.12772580

Depends on your definition. It clearly has nothing to do with the racial eugenics of the 19/20th century or sterilization/murder and the degree between enhancement and medical is a gradual one, are modifications that lessen the changes to develop alzheimer/cancer medical or enhancement?

>> No.12773149

Is this real?

>> No.12773169

>Humans fear anything better than themselves because of reasons I'm too tired to go into right now.
>but blah blah blah
>that's why parents treat their children like shit. that's why people treat other people like shit.
>that's why every generation gets worse.
>that's why we're exposed to toxins and chemical entirely known and authorized without any care

I think this is the first post ITT that has an understanding of the human condition.

>> No.12774536

How would I get a career in it though? I was thinking of biomedical engineering but it turns out that is a shit degree

>> No.12776916
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>Why does everyone freak out when I start talking about this
Not everybody.