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12765161 No.12765161 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most cringe notation you see in maths?

>> No.12765195

That weird curly shit they use on intergral

>> No.12765207

Whenever people give up on having a single letter denote something and write out words. My professor used [math] \mathrm{Stab}_G(x) [/math] to denote the group stabilizer. Nigga please, I don't have the patience to type \mathrm{Stab} in Latex all the time or define a new command in every file.

>> No.12765211

>copy and paste the same macro.tex file
wow so difficult

>> No.12765214

>use a single Latin or Greek letter
wow, so difficult

>> No.12765266

Mathrm shit is really aggravating. Like ran or Jac or other stuff like that.

>> No.12765269

Needless subscripts on things

>> No.12765283

Big O notation. So fucking inconsistent

>> No.12765284
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Nah you're just kinda dumb

>> No.12765297

What's inconsistent about it?

>> No.12765299

This is definitely annoying.

>> No.12765304

the only inconsistent thing about big o is whether one uses [math]O[/math] or [math]\mathcal O[/math]

>> No.12765335

People who use sin^(-1) instead of arcsin

>> No.12765336
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NMR stuff. Took classes on advanced theory for it and by god the notation can get fucked. The calculations for solvation and coupling can get fucked, there is multiple repeated symbols and every book has completely different systems of variables and conventions that have to be slogged through.

Pic rel is just some simple density calculations and it already looks a mess.

>> No.12765349

Go home anon, you're drunk. sin^(-1) meaning arcsin is clearly the correct notation. The notion of sin^2(x) being the square of the sine of x is retarded.

>> No.12765353

this. Something raised to the -1 power is a reciprocal by convention.
I can't be fucked to write (sin(x))^2. The sin(x)^2 is even more confusing and retarded.

>> No.12765357

>Something raised to the -1 power is a reciprocal by convention.
A number (or other ring member) raised to the -1 power is a reciprocal. But a function raised to the -1 power is an inverse, not a reciprocal. It's only for trigonometric functions that this weirdly inconsistent and ambiguous convention exists.

>> No.12765736

= to define functions.

Post brought to you by the CS gang.

>> No.12765756

[math] <\psi | O |\psi> [/math]

Whoever invented this notation needs to be drawn and quartered. Whoever enjoys it needs to be shot.

>> No.12765759

Faggots who use mathematica terms for functions.
I've seen people who've written published papers with [math]f^{(0,1)}(x,t)[/math] for derivatives instead of normal human notation and even writing shit like WhittakerW for [math]W_{k,m}(z)[/math] or BesselJ when non retards would just write down the fucking function

>> No.12765764

Embrace the chaotic evil.

[math] ^2 \sin(x) [/math]

>> No.12765863

in academic settings, big O is perfectly consistent. its only outside of academic settings that you see software guys using big O poorly. big O is also super based and makes manipulating certain equations super easy since when things start to get messy you can just start using big O or Theta notation to immediately get rid of all the ugliness.

>> No.12765868

it's too cryptic for teaching

>> No.12765944

Math, not maths.

>> No.12765960

Category theory

>> No.12766748
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>using variables other than x,y,z,t
>using capital and small letter as different variables (eks T and t, S and s, O and o)
>using x1 and x2 as different variables
>the real,rational, integer, etc set weird letters
>set symbols in general (i still look up which one is intersection and which one is union)
just fuck off. literally making shit more confusing for no reason

>> No.12766757

The use of Jewish letters as:
[math]\aleph \quad \aleph_0 \quad \beth \quad \gimel[/math]

>> No.12766762

technically I suppose he could say [math]o(x)=O(x)[/math] but [math]O(x)=o(x)[/math] but nobody would use that anyway

>> No.12766763

I meant [math]O(x)\neq o(x)[/math] obviously

>> No.12766770

f^(0,1) can make things less ambiguous.
If you wanted to plug in different variables where x and t are, df/dt becomes ambiguous.
What if you wanted to swap x and t?
f^(0,1)(t,x) is easily understood.

>> No.12766771

Math is just a language, we can easily make up another one to replace math.
The thoughts behind a formula are what matters, not the symbols, not the words.

>> No.12766774

Unironically Penrose notation

>> No.12766779

vs. The use of German Fraktur letters:

[math] \mathcal{L}\{f(x)\} \quad \mathfrak{Heil \ Hitler! Heil \ das 3rd \ Reich} [/math]

>> No.12766793

Yes, it's easily understood. The thing I don't like about it is that I've been reading it a lot in papers which have significant amounts of obvious copy-pasted Mathematica output.

>> No.12766797

Sometimes the notation makes things easier/obvious.
Leibniz notation makes things like the chain rule obvious.
[math]e^{a \partial_x}[f(x)]=f(x+a)[/math]
Opens the door for generalization more than f(x+a) alone.

>> No.12766800

Much better

>> No.12766841

yeah when i am doing a 2 hour test i don't want to be confused with similar looking notations that mean different things

>> No.12767026

Professors using words/anything more than two letters as sub scripts. E.g. " let [math]T_{amb} [/math] denote the ambient temperature"

>> No.12767027

Hahahahahaha what the fuck is this

>> No.12767036


>> No.12767043

No, American, euros invented Maths first, we take precedence in the proper spelling of it. I know Americans like to be different but they're on their own with that, verses the world.

The world calls it Maths. It's Maths no MAFFFFFFFFFFF.

>> No.12767819

absolute value is a bullshit rule

>> No.12767863

thats not inconsistent though

>> No.12767984
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from Hardy's The Theory of Numbers

>> No.12768026

Fuck arcsin, i ain't writing that shit out every goddamn time.

>> No.12768029

holy shit

>> No.12768062

T vs. t makes sense though. They are distinct shapes. S vs s or O vs o is cancer.

Using sequential x1 notation is great for sets of variables that share a commonality x but iterate producing unique entries in a vector.

>Using equations that can be satisfied with 4 variables
We need more than just x,y,z,t

>> No.12768119
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No way, man. That du bois reymond shit is great. from Hardy's Orders of Infinity.

>> No.12768144
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WTF? Where do the [math]A[/math]s come from, and why aren't they the same? Why not us different symbols like [math]A[/math] and [math]B[/math] or even [math]A_1[/math] and [math]A_2[/math] to represent them if you aren't even going to have them be equivalent to each other? What do they even represent, can they be any number? What the fuck was this pajeet-loving faggot thinking?

>> No.12768162


It's like writing x^2 + 1 = x^2 "where the x on the right is naturally not the same as the one on the left".

>> No.12768305

It shows up in Lie groups (infinitesimal generators)
Quantum mechanics
The generating function of Bell polynomials (how to write the taylor series of a composition of functions)

>> No.12768377

That's just because people are lazy. The proper notation is [math]f \in O(g)[/math]. For example, [math]o(x \mapsto x) \subset O(x \mapsto x)[/math] but [math]o(x \mapsto x) \not\supset O(x \mapsto x)[/math].
Mathematicians do this much better with their [math]\ll[/math] notation but that typically already means something else in the context of physics and CS.

>> No.12768399

It's just the unitary [math]U(a) = e^{iaP}[/math] generated by the self-adjoint "momentum operator" [math]P = -i \partial_x[/math]. "Momentum generates translations", as the physicists say.

>> No.12768582


>> No.12768984

The calculus swoosh?

>> No.12769014
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think he means this shit

>> No.12769055

I use arcsin but as long as there are no brainless in the room it's fine if somebody uses sin^(-1), we all know what it means

>> No.12769075

>I still look up which one is intersection and which one is union
On the off chance this isnt b8, union looks like a big fucking U, intersection is just the other one

>> No.12769092
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Is it possible to disprove this with logic and reasoning?

>> No.12769283

But how do you know to remember the word "union" instead of "intersection"

>> No.12769287

Because big U looks like "U"nion, and the operation is the two sets joining together to make a union

>> No.12769513

I hate seeing niggers write arcsinh, arctanh, etc instead of arsinh, artanh when they have nothing to do with circular arcs.

>> No.12769543

Anything that denotes with [math]π[/math] as if it's just another letter of the Greek alphabet
Also fuck topology in general

>> No.12769728

huh? there was no latex typo?

>> No.12769969

Eh, according to Wikipedia you have to assume a bunch of things by definition:

Firstly the peano axioms to define the natural numbers. In which case, the symbol "2" is defined as S(S(0)). These axioms also state that there does not exist an n, such that S(n) = 0. Though, I think you could alternatively just say that
0 =/= 1 .

Then you have to define multiplication. And again, by definition, 0*n = 0.
Therefore, 0*0 = 0

If 0*0 = 2, then 0 = 2
But then that means 0 = S(S(0)), which contradicts the assumption that 0 isn't the "successor" of anything.

Alternatively, if 0 = 2, then 0*(1/2) = 2*(1/2)
In which case, 0 = 1, which contradicts the alternative axiom I gave.

>> No.12769981

That first sentence is pure gold when followed by that second sentence. Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.12769985

i think the general claim would be that 0^N = N. It's a fairly consistent number system

>> No.12770486


>> No.12771330

>[math] \alpha [/math]
literally just a in a different font

>> No.12771334
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How am I supposed to use this shit?

>> No.12771338

mine, it's the most autistic shit ever.

>> No.12771340

>>using variables other than x,y,z,t
So if more than 4 variables are necessary then what do we use?

>> No.12771341

idk what you mean, fren. looks perfectly intuitive.

>> No.12773658

a b c d e f g k m n p q r u v w. don't ask why i didn't include some letters

>> No.12773995

Surely [math]\mathrm{\rho O}[/math] is better.

>> No.12773998

I meant tracing it.

>> No.12774008

I was able to figure it out by looking at the picture, so it can't be that bad