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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 436x437, mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1275973 No.1275973 [Reply] [Original]

Mars is a world of wonders...

It shouldn't be humans to mars in 50 years, it should be humans to mars in 10.

Seriously /sci/ why do you hate pop sci?
I can understand games/music/film has it's elite who hate it when new comers don't pay respect to the god fathers but science?
Explain yourself /sci/.

>> No.1275985


>> No.1275993

sci has a stick up their ass if it doesn't have to do with math or physics.

they also have no experience with the real world so a bachelors in physics is more worthwhile than a phD in engineering.

>> No.1275995

>Two unrelated things being expressed at once.

>> No.1276013


>> No.1276018

It would take more than 10 years of planning before a single thing would be built and probably 20 before it would launch (tack on 5 years for pre-planning and funding), people don't have that kind of attention span.

>> No.1276034
File: 103 KB, 283x244, 1265956479632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch this OP.

It's a space doco from the BBC with Sam Niell, this episode talks about Mars and getting there.

>> No.1276037

Do you think this stick is their own irritation of dealing with their field with others in a social situation, or generally individuals who would rather keep science a closed subject?

>> No.1276053


interesting but wont we as a species develop ways to deal with our sun without having to relocate?

>> No.1276060


its because most of them are high-school kids.

don't get me wrong, you can still laugh at english PhDs

>> No.1276065

of course not

there's no way we'd be able to fuck with the sun and make it *not* do what it's going to do

it's completely impossible, we'll have to move, or get roasted

>> No.1276082

At Mars's distance, we'd still roast, even if mars isn't actually consumed. I say go for the Jovian moons.

>> No.1276089

im down for exploration, settling another planet is waaaaaay off

>> No.1276091

no, the "life zone" moves out gradually over many, many years

life zone moves slowly from earth onwards, earth get's too hot, goes on for a bit and get's to mars, etc etc

it's not an instant thing yo

>> No.1276110

Ok now we have no chance of dealing with it, but can you honestly say that you can account with our technology in the future? I know there is a big possibility that our society may stagnate into products 90% focused on aesthetics but somewhere, someone will be funding the survival of species. What is your opinion on this matter?

>> No.1276137

I doubt the guys here snobbing pop-sci (as a whole, i.e not just Kaku's crap) are scientists, at all.

I even suspect they're wholly ignorant.

>> No.1276152


/Sci/ neckbeards? I like this notion.

>> No.1276160


It's this sort of mindset that gets us nowhere fast.

>> No.1276163
File: 39 KB, 595x325, 1274114541184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are thinking that we could honestly contain something as enermously vast and full of energy as the sun?

the sun is enermous, it's energy incredible and it's gravity is tremendous, on earth there are experiements with such reactions as going on in the sun, which can be maintained or stopped but these are not even a billionth of what the sun is

aditionally even *if* it was possible within physics we likely wouldnt even have the materials needed to construct a large enough apparatus to contain the sun

it's just way too big

aditonally, even if such a thing were done (and that's virtually impossible) the sun is still going to run out of energy and in the process of doing this it'd become larger and larger before finally fizziling out

(it's not large enough to go supernovae)

>> No.1276173

Speed is a thing our species likes to do gradually, exploring is the first step. You rush this and everything falls apart.

>> No.1276174

I can't speak for /sci/, but I hate pop sci because it's wrong. It cares more about what's awesome than what's real. It concentrates on rewards and ignores risks. It concentrates on ends and ignores means. It assumes infinite money within finite time.

>> No.1276181


its a reasonable mindset considering the technology.

>> No.1276205

So given the chance and budget, how would you structure a series that promotes science?

>> No.1276236

If we spent more money on space exploration and stuff than in entertainment and crap, we would be more evolved

>> No.1276237

It's already been made: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mechanical_Universe

>> No.1276393

we'd be on mars now if it wasnt for consumerism, war, and charity. as the saying goes, at some point in the 70's, all the "how's?" became "why's?"

>> No.1276409

So all we needed to do to get to Mars was stop being human?

>> No.1276411


pretty much

>> No.1276415

So sad :(

>> No.1276417


it will take time, we just have to evolve further.

>> No.1276419

while we could still be technically humans, we couldnt be driven by those forces which you seem to define human as
>consumerism, war, and charity