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12759035 No.12759035 [Reply] [Original]

Does the universe exist?

>> No.12759092

Yes, and no.

>> No.12759110

No, you fucking idiot

>> No.12759121

I think, therefore I am. Unless I myself am the universe, it's just a figment of my imagination

>> No.12759129

funny you should ask, it just ended on thursday

>> No.12759151

cringe bro read more descartes you dingus

>> No.12759171

Well, yes and it does just by you mentioning it.

>> No.12759178

Cringe bro read Ghazali who thought of everything Descartes did and more hundreds of years earlier.

>> No.12759197 [DELETED] 
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Conciousness begets reality. We regard with patience the childlike efforts of those that delude themselves it is the other way around, as they play with their blocks of "hard matter".

>> No.12759201
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Consciousness begets reality. We regard with patience the childlike efforts of those that delude themselves it is the other way around, as they play with their blocks of "hard matter".

>> No.12759603
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Based spiritualist.

>> No.12759630


>> No.12759827

Fuck if i know, but ill 50/50 it and say sure, it exists and you can take that to the bank. You can take that and put it in your pipe, and smoke it.

>> No.12760570

How can consciousness be explained only with physics?

>> No.12760850

No, it doesn't. You should kill yourself right now to prove to yourself I'm right, nothing will happen when you pull that trigger, or kick the chair out from under your feet, or jump off that overpass onto the busy freeway, or point a toy gun at a cop, it's all a simulation, you're LYING to yourself, prove it to yourself RIGHT NOW by killing yourself. You'll wake back up in a second good as new.

>> No.12761418

Define "exist"

>> No.12761808
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>> No.12762358

No. Nothing exists. Not even you. The only way out of this hellish illusion of being is suicide, and even that isn't surefire. Stop reproducing and let's let the human race go extinct. This acaleptic illusion has gone on for far too long. What do you say? Suicide and antinatalism? Nuke Eaeth? Destroy the entire universe? How can we make sure this shit never happens again? Will the omniscient AI figure it out or is all knowledge false and nothing is knowable? I'm going to an hero soon, anon. Follow my lead. We aren't even here. We don't even exist. Let's escape the illusion of being together. If death isn't the end, I'm sorry. But it's worth a try, baby boy. In my "being" form, I am an 18 year old girl named Lylah. If you are interested in ending the illusion of being and Existence with new, tell me now. Sometimes I lose interest and go catatonic. I feel hopeless and despaired. I thought studying math and science would help me achieve omniscience, only to find out it is impossible. Everything we know is false and incomprehensible and can never be known, including any information about our own self and being (that doesn't exist.) I'm not well. I've moved out of NYC and into isolation. I've sold all my belongings and live in a small cabin in Maine. I don't care to communicate with other "beings", but if you want to join "me", "you" can.

>> No.12762363

I'm sorry for the typos, "I" have not slept in over 3 days. Come. "I" have the means and the methods.

>> No.12762367

Off topic but how come you didn't get any sleep?

>> No.12762370

And no, none of this is profound. None of this is even remotely close to the truth probably. I just really want to die, but not alone. Suicide pact? You can fuck me first and we can get high on multiple different psychedelics before our passing.

>> No.12762379

I've had insomnia for years. Get maybe 4 hours every 2 or more days. It is the main reason I will an hero. I have OCD that makes me stand on top of my bathtub at night for several hours at a time until my mind says I can get down. I have other compulsions and obsessions. I dig my hand into a broken piece of hard plastic every night and cannot remove it even if I wanted to. I do bizarre things for hours at a time that end up hurting me very badly and I have no control over it. So naturally, it is hard to sleep. Also my entire family is dead except my brother who sexually abused me as a child and I have no friends and communicate with no one and I think I might be slowly going insane. I recently ordered sodium nitrite, I will be ending all of this very soon. And then it will all be ok again, anon.

>> No.12762381

One time, during a bad episode of insomnia and OCD, I hacked at my leg with a kitchen knife and various other sharp items and I had to get stitches and had a long stay at south oaks in long island. I don't know why I do it, but shortly after, my mind went blank and I couldn't think or move for a while.

>> No.12762385

That's what "experts" wants you to believe but it's all bullshit. Anyone with a brain can see through the lies.

>> No.12762388

I am a "dolcett" girl on the dolcett cannibal forums if anyone is interested in eating me.

>> No.12762445

not unless it’s seen with my own eyes

>> No.12764054
