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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12758758 No.12758758 [Reply] [Original]

Would see remarkable mental and emotional benefits if you: got below 17% bodyfat, started a calisthenics routine, stopped drinking so much booze and took the vitamins d3, k2, zinc, magnesium and if youre depressed but not ssris, 5-HTP.

Also 100g of protien a day as a easy rule and fill up a 2 liter of water to drink everyday in addition to your Bangs and Livewire and i see you there 18 cans of coke a day guy.
I love you guys and i promise its true. Also stop wishing for everything to explode on the launch pad, whats wrong with you loI.

>> No.12758764

Idk. Sounds like a lot to keep track of. Can I just pay you to keep me healthy?

>> No.12758768

Any tips on these calisthenics routine? How to get started? Im a fatty(22% BF) and want to get fit

>> No.12758778

i am like 10% bodyfat, dont drink booze and feel like shit , life is worthless purposeless and inherently bad

>> No.12758787

They have a recommended routine.
Here's the sad reality. The best Reddit communities are better than the best 4chan communities. The worst Reddit communities are worse than the worst 4chan communities. Deal with it.

>> No.12758815
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>> No.12758826

I run my own thing but yeah, like other anon said, /r/ bodyweight fitness. I was 145 at 6 foot 1 and by eating enough and calisthenics i now look human.
I know it sounds like a lot to keep track of but if you really look at it, its not. If you need help tracking calories, a lot of people like myfitnesspal ig.
You are probably micronutrient deficient in the things i listed and working out helps A LOT. D3 deficiency in particular is a big source of depression. Try to get 3000 to 4000 iu a day broski. Also i like to break my 50mg zincs in half.

>> No.12759101
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