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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12758455 No.12758455 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most high IQ jobs?

>> No.12758458

is this real

>> No.12758463


>> No.12758464

The average IQ of a doctor is 150

>> No.12758481

Thereotical physicist/CEO/Quant
Sometimes people call neurosurgeons high iq but I dont know why. They arent dumb but I dont think there is anything very high IQ about their proffesion

>> No.12758495

the spanish kfc is shitposting 24/7. they even post sojaks

>> No.12758499
File: 1.00 MB, 869x3565, iq-majors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12758793

whatever job i do since i am the smartest man alive

>> No.12758800


>> No.12758857

I call bullshit on philosophy being that high

>> No.12758879

>medical science in the lower bracket
Yes, this doesn't seem like an accurate representation. Also, psychology should be top 10 at least

>> No.12758882


>> No.12758996

med midwit cope

>> No.12759020

Frog poster

>> No.12759030

Mask wearing pornstar

>> No.12759051
File: 299 KB, 2048x1638, gre scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're estimating IQ using GRE scores.

>> No.12759064

Considering GRE literally began as an IQ test, I see no problems using it to calculate IQ.

>> No.12759087

If they're using GRE scores, then the medical sciences IQs aren't gonna be people training to be MDs since they don't take GRE.
>psychology should be top 10 at least
not really. most psychology majors are lower middle wit.

>> No.12759162

They just convert the z-score of someone's GRE result and convert to IQ assuming an average IQ of ~115 for graduate students and a standard deviation of ~20.

>> No.12759212

Quantitative finance

>> No.12759398

A doctor

>> No.12759450

definitely some of them but I know too many that are prob around 130sh IQ, ENTJ, MBA types

>> No.12759599
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>psychology in top 10

>> No.12759606

psychology number 1

>> No.12759618

Lawyer and tard wrangling

>> No.12759623

All the good psychologists are politicians or worse.

>> No.12759629

>What are the most high IQ jobs?
being a NEET

>> No.12759851


>> No.12759865
File: 130 KB, 1194x1000, 1612851216442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian above linguistics?!?!

>> No.12759891

Being a janitor. Preferably a school one.

>> No.12759893


>> No.12760080

I'm glad spics are taking over America desu
Dank memes ahead boys

>> No.12760166

scrum master coaches, you know, the ones who coach scrum masters

>> No.12760235

>TFW my average IQ according to this chart is the same as some "philosopher" faggot
Why even live

>> No.12760239

> sciece
> science
> arguably science
> russian
Also, programming in high math, but separate from CS. Programming is just playing lego on your keyboard, if you are not required to come up with procedural solutions to math problems.

>> No.12760261
File: 317 KB, 2048x1638, IMG_20210227_005913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does bioinformatics fit on this plot?

>> No.12760287

V: 154
Q: 159
Using a similar formula to the one used to generate those IQ estimates, we get estimated IQ of 127.

>> No.12761236

> humanities and art at the same level as chemistry

makes sense

>> No.12761367

IQ measures intelligence, not wisdom.

>> No.12761373

Unironically coding and millwright work, it takes critical and creative thinking and a lot of work if your planning on getting anywhere

>> No.12761392

>engineering above humanities
All of the engineering majors ive met got fucking wrecked by the most basic gen ed courses. It's always people who have no real interest or drive so they just go where they think the money is and end up washing out or barely scraping by

>> No.12761455

Looks based. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzeAHgJEiYk

>> No.12761456

>All the ______ I've met
Love these posts that say far more about the person posting them than the population they're discussing.

>> No.12761470

ahuevo que si

>> No.12762037

cope, philosophy majors consistently score the highest or near the top on any measure of intelligence you could come up with

>> No.12762066

Prove philosophy majors exist.

>> No.12762243


>> No.12762254

Prove cope exists.

>> No.12762510
File: 814 KB, 676x719, 1607192166695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw studying industrial engineering

>> No.12762520

knowing how to change future outcomes

>> No.12762633

'Insane' hermit who is really attractive and charismatic under the robes and beard

>> No.12763696

I got all question wrong on the Mensa test. Can I still do cs?

>> No.12764143

>tfw 135iq
I've always liked the idea of Nuclear Engineering and Aerospace Engineering

>> No.12764169

EE master race

>> No.12764224

only midwits cares about iq kek

>> No.12764230


>> No.12764432
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, heavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12764741
File: 116 KB, 640x427, RObotics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orthopedic surgeons, they see through all your bullshit and have a divine connection to the gods and are the strongest manifestations of the will in the Schopenhauerean sense on this planet. Every single one is 150 IQ at the very least, most are much, much higher

>> No.12764751

Healt sciences includes n*rsoids

>> No.12764767

average iq of a doctor is between 100 and 120
to this day i haven't met a medical student who isn't an annoying midwit normie and believe me i met alot of them

>> No.12764955

Mathfag COPE. Too bad you're stuck with an useless math/phys/engineering degree and you're just jealous of MedChads.

>> No.12765954


>> No.12765968

How many people flunk out of medical school? You might be meeting the "I'm a med student, aren't I special" first years.

>> No.12767810

>not the highest in Math

>> No.12768094


>> No.12768645

Unfortunately, changing careers is unlikely to improve your IQ

>> No.12768671

stop, someone is going to read that and chortle so hard they irreparably damage their sinuses and soft palate

>> No.12768797

They...umm slacked my dr wife kek

>> No.12768815

According to this I'm an even bigger loser than I thought, I could be anything but I'm just a roofer

>> No.12768845

tfw no dr wife

>> No.12768869

It varies by year but usually physics and math are neck and neck on the quant part of the GRE. You can see an updated table here >>12760287. The quantative part of the GRE is pretty much just geometry and college algebra. Most math and physics programs don't really care about it unless you score very poorly. They're far more interested in the subject exam.

>> No.12768919

Its called a smile ...

>> No.12768944

I don't know what this means

>> No.12769026

Checked and it means dr wife isn't great just a woman. So smile you're still single

>> No.12769101

Thanks man. I can only hold a conversation with female doctors