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12757893 No.12757893 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a time to admit it's just too late? An age where no matter what kind of brave face you put on, nature says KYS? Studies say the brain declines after 25, telomeres start to degenerate, collagen calcifies, testosterone start to drop, sperm and egg count start to decline etc.

I'm 34 now and get weird looks when I'm applying for entry level jobs. Most people are at the peak of their careers, I don't even have one. Every time I consider one seriously, they always revolve back to uni and getting a degree. I'm a brainlet who dropped out over a decade. When I was 18 I though I had all the time in the world. But at my age I constantly worry about compound interests, 401k, credit score etc. So uni is a luxury I can't afford. Every night I go to bed hoping my mum doesn't die in her sleep otherwise I'll be evicted. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12757915

The truth is being revealed in another thread.

>> No.12757917

Why are you experiencing FOGU? (Fear Of Giving Up)

What, in truth, would you be giving up BEYOND freedom from the cage of constant doubt and uncertainty?

>> No.12757919

>my brain is super slowly declining since 25 where it’s not noticeable. Should I give up? Christ just choose a career.

>> No.12757924

Last part wasn’t meant to be a quote

>> No.12757932

I'm pretty sure adults warned you about this all the time during your childhood, you should have listened

>> No.12757988

I went back to community college at 25 as a fucking loser with nothing but a burning drive to be better.

At 30 I graduated from a renowned university with great grades and became a pilot in the Air Force reserves. Currently working on my master’s, I’m ripped, and have never felt better.

Just don’t give up.

>> No.12758000

I will graduate when I'm 29 with a mech eng degree, then I'm going to do a data science MSc. Maybe apply for a Ph.D afterward.
It's tough and I feel like this is my last chance. Sometimes I cry at night and feel like maybe I should just kill myself. I am doing excellent grade-wise, but the sea of uncertainty about my future is crushing. I try not to think about it if I can help it. Doesn't help that I have anxiety problems and have been diagnosed with depression.

>> No.12758002

Same. I just became a NEET because life is depressing.

>> No.12758005

>Doesn't help that I have anxiety problems and have been diagnosed with depression.

Start lifting weights 5 times a week.

>> No.12758013

Not to discourage you OP but there's not really any hope of it ever getting better at this age.
I'm the same, just a bit younger.

>> No.12758021

I already do and have lifted good numbers.

>> No.12758024
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link please?

>What, in truth, would you be giving up BEYOND freedom from the cage of constant doubt and uncertainty?
more suffering, uncertainty, fear of the unknown.

I would do the same for my children (I don't think a woman would bare my seed though).

I will cheer for you anons. But I've cross the 30 line. And, 40 isn't the new 30, it's menopause.

>> No.12758065

>link please?
How many links did you find in the catalog?

>> No.12758148

Comparing yourself to others or some ideal life trajectory is a sure fire happiness killer.

Just focus on yourself man, it's not a race, it just took you a little longer to figure things out. Be glad that you figured them out and aren't still languishing.

>> No.12758166

Just enter politics, 70+ is a golden age for the politician.

>> No.12758191

Everybody's future is uncertain. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a fool. You go about each day looking to make small incremental improvements over your former self without getting bogged down in the idea of where you NEED to end up or SHOULD be at X or Y time.

Make yourself a solid plan and stick to it. Take time to calibrate all aspects of said plan then revisit it once in awhile (how frequently you do so is up to you - maybe monthly, maybe every season, maybe twice a year) and then let your mind fall into a flow state on a regular basis, knowing you already have a general idea of what you want to accomplish.

You could die any time on your way there, or the world could throw you tons of obstacles - then you deal with those things as you come to them.

>> No.12758192
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at least 10.

>> No.12758202

34 and divorced

Yeah I want to die

>> No.12758215

Biologically you might peak at 25, but on a social level you will peak at 22 already after that point you are expected to give back to rather than receive things from society.

Yes it is too late for you to escape wage slavery. It's too late for some people at 23 already for most people to enter certain lucrative and meaningful careers.

>> No.12758219


>> No.12758230

Not him, but I don't care about that. I spent 17 - 23 being a junky and having sex with women. I just want an okay-ish income with some security now and I think that is still possible as I have not hit 30 yet.

>> No.12758244
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So you're in a circle because you're in a circle and want attention from us because you're in a circle?

When does your self-hatred start to sabotage this unit circle just so your self-hatred doesn't get bored?

>> No.12758247

How do I get into a renowned University from a third rate one?

>> No.12758269

Yeah and most of us spent 18-22 drinking and having sex with college girls I don't know if you have a point with trying to say you had fun frying your brain and therefore you're still better than others, but there's no point to that dick measuring contest when we're talking about your future.

> I just want an okay-ish income with some security now and I think that is still possible as I have not hit 30 ye

It's complicated, but immigration has been depressing wages in the West for so long that no one really has a "comfortable" wage anymore. We've all been dragged down the third world oversupply of labour, and that includes skilled labour. I think that something that the late bloomer gang on /sci/ doesn't understand is that most university grads who get their engineering degrees at 22 or Physics/Math Masters at 23 or whatever still end up underemployed anyway (with wage slave level salaries to match). The competition is extremely fierce. And I don't just mean for high FAANG tech salaries either. That office job that brings you in a comfy 40-60k is extremely competative because you're not only competing with an oversupply of trash paper mill degrees, but also against every top 20 uni STEM grad who couldn't break into their respective careers. So I mean personally I have a PhD in Chemical Engineering and I got into a comfy 120k research lab position, but I know that positions like mine won't last so I'm spending a lot of time writing my own software to sell and finding other ways to make money in general.

My point is that "making it" in the sense of having a secure income in today's economy is a fantasy outside of medical careers in a Western country. A lot of you should not approach increasing your income and security by trying traditional routes that 18 year olds take (since those are not working, sometimes even for the most diligent graduates, they will definitely not work for you). There are a lot of better ways to make money than careers.

>> No.12758271
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I've been circling for 10 years. no help has ever come.

>> No.12758300
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Wow, that's impressive in terms of length of enduring a pattern without it becoming pure boredom. Obviously some part of your self-recognition is off, at least when by yourself.

Are you a computer? Or are you just lazy with your time descriptors?

>> No.12758328


Just accept that you are normal. The vast majority of people throughout history live normal boring lives, they don't achieve anything remarkable, they don't have cool careers and they don't become rich. All the time you waste worrying about achieving nothing and planning to go back to university (but never actually doing so) would be better spent playing vidya, at least you would get some enjoyment out of that.

Just get a job and save some money. If you are interested in STEM you can learn it and if you want a job in STEM then go get the cheapest degree you can get. If you are interested in learning for its own sake then there are plenty of on line courses you can start today.

>brain decline after 25

lol this is just an excuse. The truth is most learning is just about putting the work in, almost anyone who isn't disabled can do it. You won't earn a noble prize but you were never going to do that anyway.

>> No.12758342

>Yeah and most of us spent 18-22 drinking and having sex with college girls I don't know if you have a point with trying to say you had fun frying your brain and therefore you're still better than others, but there's no point to that dick measuring contest when we're talking about your future.
Not really. I wish I didn't do that, but I try to have no regrets.

>> No.12758343
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>You won't earn a noble prize but you were never going to do that anyway.

I don't get it. What would be the point of winning huge amounts of attention? Does attention have some magic super power that I am unaware of?

I mean yeah I get that it translates into respect and reward and stuff but why even want to achieve that level of attention in the first place unless attention is all that satisfied you as a person?


>> No.12758349

>My point is that "making it" in the sense of having a secure income in today's economy is a fantasy outside of medical careers in a Western country.
Total bullshit dude. Stop drinking the /pol/aid.
You can make more than the average salary by teaching in high school, lol. The average income in the US is 31k, while the average teacher salary is 61k.

>> No.12758359

Not that anon, but thank you. I hate to use my PTSD as an excuse but it's true and it makes life harder for me. I was planning on getting help for it before pursuing a job/going back to school because I don't function normally from what people said.

>> No.12758371
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So you are sensitive to certain word choices that others use and sometimes get so triggered that your enthusiasm for the day can be burnt out before you even make it out the door?

>> No.12758380

KEK nooo not the twitter syndrome

>> No.12758391

Exactly this. You are faggots are spending way too much time comparing yourselves to people on the internent. Life will not get better for you, just enjoy what you have instead and work towards more realistic goals.

>> No.12758405

This is a bad plan, for reasons I don't want to elaborate on right now. Maybe go ask the folks at the stem career advice general about what to do with your life.

>> No.12758411

Too late, I graduate soon.

>> No.12758422
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I guess you and I just have very different standards? To me 61k is atrocious, I wouldn't able to support my family on that. I aim to have a total income of at least 300k (salary+passive income) so I can send my kids to good schools and ensure my wife doesn't need to work (alternatively if you're religious about forcing mothers to work then childcare is just as expensive anyway). Speaking on standards pic related is kind of what I mean. A lot of Anons have expectations that they can live life like their parents in the 70s, they are then surprised when they only afford to rent a tiny flat. Btw for some more expensive cities like New York 300k for a couple's joint income is also too low to survive.

You absolutely can live the life boomers lived, but you need to earn way more. And to earn more you need every edge you can get including graduating college in time. If you're fine with living your entire life paycheck to paycheck on a teacher's salary that's ok too, nothing wrong with that as long as you maintain realistic expectations of your lifestyle.

>> No.12758425

>To me 61k is atrocious, I wouldn't able to support my family on that.
You could, but it would be tough.
But someone else earning that same amount? Easily.

>> No.12758427

with someone*

>> No.12758428

Oof. Do you have a job lined up yet?

>> No.12758438
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go work on an oil rig or fishing boat in dangerous waters. You can make good money, have time off, and instead of kys you might die in an epic storm or something

>> No.12758440

Best of luck and love to you, OP.

>> No.12758446

How does one land themselves such a job?

>> No.12758449

>Are you a computer? Or are you just lazy with your time descriptors?

I've been using 4chan for at least a decade. mostly because I have no social media because I have no irl friends. does that help?

>> No.12758460

Are you sure you've worked finances out correctly that you can do that? If so congrats you are far more frugal than I can imagine. One last thing to keep in mind though is that it takes a few years to build towards the averaged/mid career salaries. I say this more for other Anons in this thread that for you that you need to stick to the career path you've chosen as much as possible if you want to break mid-career in your early 30s so pick wisely. You are absolutely right then if you goal is just a comfy 60k mid-career there are many good options. Other than teaching I can think of things like IT/sysadmin, sales positions, financial management etc. none of those are overly competative.

Also another thing to keep in mind is that most women in the dating pool _do not_ understand the concept of earning potential. This is not a big problem though, it's easier for late 20 somethings to date younger women. In particular I know a lot of 30 year old medical doctors that date 20 year old girls.

>> No.12758467

Oh, you have a language satisfaction concern. If your primary use of language has been through online interaction with minimal or virtually no interpersonal relationships then your internal interpretation of language just needs some patience practice applied.

As in your language when interacting with others is too fast and you need to slow yourself down so others can catch up to you. Patience. When using digital stuff the language you reach for it experience is highly targeted and doesn't encounter the usual dynamic real-life variation required.

>> No.12758468

>In this thread I learned that ex-junkies are happy with 61k

I can see why the public school system is failing.

>> No.12758471

Fuck... this opened a wound I didn't know I had.

>Apply for job doing electrical repairs and such on oil rigs.
>Get talking with the guy interviewing me. He starts talking about how he was in almost the exact same spot as me when he first started.
>Don't hear back from them in a while - call them up.
>Same guy who interviewed me: "Sorry anon, we went with someone that had more experience."
From what I remember at least, the guy did sound genuinely sorry. I don't even know why this specifically hit so hard. Not like I've never been passed up before.

>> No.12758475

Because you made a personal connection with another on an experiential level. As soon as that proved itself to not hold any importance no doubt the connections felt stimulated and then starved. Hence pain.

>> No.12758476

>I don't even know why this specifically hit so hard
We are jealous of boomers and gen x because they intentionally flooded our labour market so they could get bonusses in the short term. It hurts because we never truly believe that fact until we encounter it in person.

>> No.12758482

I've lived off less than 10k before, 60-70k would be life-changing to me.
I already have a gf.

>> No.12758488

Do this

Then raise a kid and teach him everything you know. The kid is basically the new you.

>> No.12758490
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I guess. but how will it cure my constant age and status anxieties? It's a constant struggle between resigning to government job like post office clerk or leave basement and end up as senior janitor at a motor-in.

>> No.12758492

Wew. As a gradstudent I lived on 20k and often had to pilfer conference room food to survive.

>> No.12758494

Why are either outcomes negative if you have no personal experience with any? Are you addicted to the expectations you place upon your choices?

>> No.12758496

Free food at presentations lol

>> No.12758501

Me too anon but i got stronger and fierce.
RN i don`t need money, lurk fit

tate...tate, tate! tatsunda, anon!

>> No.12758505
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I guess I have unrealistic expectations of myself.

pic related.

>> No.12758514

I don't get it. Is this some kind of grinder meme?

>> No.12758517

Just imagine how much suffering we have bc we tell the low IQ they have chance and diversity is good.
Just sterilize ppl like OP so the suffering doesnt continue

>> No.12758526

Then are you addicted to creating expectations, regardless of if applied to self or any potential future that involves you?

Language of the future promise needs to have a time limit, otherwise humans will extend hope over ever-increasing and novel ways of abusing others. Why do we even bother maintaining parts of an economy that need to be lied to and for those of us to lie to them? These storytellers satisfy who and what now?

>> No.12758532

>diversity is good.
Arguably the most ingenious lobby move made by corporate elites in the last 400 years. Just turn immigration into a racial issue somehow and suddenly the fromer political left labour parties are now fighting to suppress wages even more than the right was.

Poor and middle class people will never escape the new wealth devide.

>> No.12758544

Are you high? Stop writing like that.

>> No.12758547

>Do you have a job lined up yet?
Nope. I did an internship last year. I'm going to spend the summer chilling and going balls deep into machine learning in preparation for the MSc in the fall.

>> No.12758548

I know. I am 52.

>> No.12758564

You could do with reading this thread to be honest there is "too late". Lower your expecations. Accept that you are average. Stop comparing yourself to others. Realise that you've already made it because you are still surviving and then you will be happy with what you have.

>> No.12758567

Your life only ends when it ends. Until then keep trying. Think about what you would like to be doing when in another 10 or 20 years - still in the same place you are now or do you want to work towards improving your situation. If going to uni as a mature student is what is needed, do it. If changing jobs is what's needed, take the gamble and try it. Fear can cripple us more than anything.

>> No.12758568

>Studies say the brain declines after 25
I strongly suspect this is just a side effect of adults being out of school. Examining the works and testimony of great scientists throughout their careers, it seems like your brain should continue to improve greatly up until you die, provided that you use it like they do.

>> No.12758570
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what are you doing now? how do you cope?

>> No.12758572

Stop giving OP false hope.
If only the govt could pay OP to sterilize himself.

>> No.12758574

>Examining the works and testimony of great scientists throughout their careers,
...you see that most of them achieved their top results in 20-30s. There are extreme cases like Galois who died at 20.

>> No.12758581

>I guess. but how will it cure my constant age and status anxieties?

You can't? Humans are all extremely status conscious. Your main problem is you perceive yourself to be a higher status than you actually are. You are a worthless NEET becoming a janitor is a step up for you.
And honestly most entry level jobs are ridiculously easy. Just turning up on time and sober everyday will put you ahead of the crowd.

>> No.12758591

>You are a worthless NEET becoming a janitor is a step up for you. And honestly most entry level jobs are ridiculously easy. Just turning up on time and sober everyday will put you ahead of the crowd.

I wouldn't resign myself to these jobs if I wasn't realistic about my worth. But people are starting to give me second glances because of my age, I don't get a free pass any more.

>> No.12758598

You're so pitiful. Try going to the jesuits and say youve found God and need a job

>> No.12758629

>But people are starting to give me second glances because of my age, I don't get a free pass any more.

Plenty of old men are janitors. The real change is you are no longer considered young enough to be using the shitty entry level job as a stepping stone to something better.

>> No.12758634

Nig I'm supporting a fucking family on 20k/year. Life is hell

>> No.12758657

>Life is hell
Maybe don't have kids and perpetuate the poverty cycle that keeps us all poor by leeching on our tax money?

>> No.12758661

Old people can't get janitor jobs anymore lol. They just get illegals to that for subminimum wage.

>> No.12758666

It should be illegal for anyone earning below 80k to have kids.

>> No.12758686

Go drink some gasoline and come back to tell us your personal experience about it. Surely no negative outcome might happen if you get enlighted by the adventure (aside from addiction to experimentation, ofc).

>> No.12758691

>Just turning up on time and sober everyday will put you ahead of the crowd.
Hello boomer.

>> No.12758862

Excuses and reasons are two different things.

PTSD is very real, and while it varies in scope, it's one more thing to account for when looking to plan for your successful, prosperous future. You need to accommodate yourself appropriately and calculate extra room for adjustment, should you have a particularly bad day due to your added psychological stressors.

You can get help WHILE going back to pursuing a job and school, but only if you feel you can juggle them together. Take baby steps at first and gain momentum so you can go from there.

Mind-mapping (on paper, or with software - I like to sit and write, personally, as it feels like you get more of a connection that way) can be a good way to sort some chaotic thoughts quickly and categorize the important things in your life you want to focus on.

As a quick idea, the center hub would be your ideal future self. From there you could branch out bubbles for your physical health, as well as appearance, your career, your social life, hobbies/interests you want to pursue, finances, and other things that regularly weigh on you and demand psychological attention. It's a way to get a feel for where you are and where you want to end up, then you make each branch off of those the things you need to do in order to actually succeed.

Definitely seek help for treating PTSD - even small therapy and talk sessions on a regular basis can help greatly.

>> No.12759075 [DELETED] 

Fuck off and die; why should I roll over and end my bloodline so the gov can import 6 somalis and 20 indians with their 5 kids and 6 cousins to replace me? The government wants people to be poor, dumbass and me dying won't solve the problem. It will just make it worse as an intelligent bloodline is now replaced with 80IQ africans.

>> No.12759138

Oh you are white? My apologies. That's fine keep reproducing I appreciate you efforts.

I hope you find good work soon Anon, keep at it.

>> No.12759142

>sterilize ppl like OP
It is not like people like OP procreate anyway.

>> No.12759161


>> No.12759915

theres a reason every responsible adult pushes every retard to go to college immediately after high school and avoid trades and military. things really suck if you don't just make that investment right away and you will regret all the wasted time for the rest of your life.

>> No.12759921

It's cozy trying to survive. Entry jobs fine. Just be sure you have interests/hobbies. If you crave fancy shit. Ok you are doomed.

>> No.12760420

Not necessarily. You still have hope if you live in a first world country and are in your twenties, sometimes even your early 30’s.

Just consider the “wasted” time a lesson and don’t do it again.

>> No.12760996

This is a good post.

>> No.12761073

Sounds like you forgot to dilate.

>> No.12761532

that picture is fucking hilarious

>> No.12761622

Fuck this thread is hitting me hard. I'm a sophomore CS student in a third world country and currently 20 yo. For the last 10 years I'm prepping so that I can study at a good American university for my master's. But now it has become so fucking uncertain because of covid and a whole host of family problems. A lot of resources and time have been devoted towards this but it seems so very uncertain now. Every night I cry myself to sleep. Will it get better for me?
>inb4 stay in your own country
My country has no future

>> No.12761630

Lots of people end up hating their life in their 30s and go back to school/change careers. Almost all intelligent people are late bloomers because only dumb sheep pick and like something early on anyway. There are no good careers so it’s a really bad sign if someone stuck with what they were originally doing.
Also how would you get weird looks applying for entry level jobs? Every entry level job I’ve ever had had employees much older than you are. Everyone has a different path through life: some are parasite brainlets who go to school from 18-22 and spend the rest of their life stealing from actual workers in a fake “job.” Some are like you and suffer from mental health issues and fall into bad patterns for 10 or 20 years. Some people figure things out but then it all collapses on them and have to re-figure things out again, twice, 3 times.

Also this is a TERRIBLE place to ask advice on a subject like this. Because of /pol/ this site has an average IQ under 80, and is full of sheeple who will try to demoralize you

>> No.12761631

Jokes on you, I only need eggs.

>> No.12761637

Big brain anons

>> No.12761645

Unless you’re an NPC, having a job of any kind is intolerable. A job isn’t survival, it’s being a slave for “successful people” (really low IQ parasites).

>> No.12761651

I'm 34 as well OP, I never went to college, worked as a technician making great money out of high school and actually moved backwards to being a lifeguard in my mid 20s, not because of some circumstance, I just never cared about money and wanted to do jobs that fit my lifestyle at the time. Now I'm an engineer and made 235k in 2020, still don't really care about money but it's nice to have. Definitely dumb to give up, but also you shouldn't set some arbitrary standard of where you should be in a career at some certain age. You are just a useless fleshbag with no free will that will be forgotten by history like the rest of us, enjoy the ride the best you can.

>> No.12761655

Quite impressively good advice desu
Also OP, you have to love and respect yourself. Other things might be nice additions to that, but the average self-love enjoyer is having a better time than the average success fan

>> No.12761672
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>Now I'm an engineer and made 235k in 2020

how did you do that?

>> No.12761700

I was an engineering tech for a few years and got the bump up after solving some critical problems on my own. If you're looking to do this, my best suggestion is going to a company that's growing really quickly and actually trying to innovate. If you actually have the chops it will make sense for you to move up. Most companies are fully entrenched by managers and job justifiers where you will see these dumb qualification races, but in a fast growth company there's no time or money for that kind of nonsense.

>> No.12761707

How'd you get to be an engineer tech first without a degree?

>> No.12761709

You could be in a worse situation. You could be married to a woman you hate with a screaming brat or two in a a big house and a boring, successful career. Then you’d be truly stuck, mediocre, and finished. Some of the most successful people I know are also some of the least intelligent people I know. “Success” hasn’t been impressive for a long time now, and mainly comes to extroverts with garbage insincere personalities living life on easy mode.

>> No.12761716

These positions aren't typically held by degree holders in the US, was maybe 50/50 at my company. If you're in Germany/France or something this is obviously not going to be the case.

>> No.12761877

Kek, where is the picture from?
And do Americans REALLY get charged for interviews???

>> No.12761900

very good. i know what u mean.

>> No.12761922

Which is different from every other inquisitive or bored mind how now brown cow?

>> No.12761949

Stay in your own country retard. If you go to America and graduate you will just come to /sci/ and bitch and moan about not getting a job due to racist hiring practises. Yes, the world is super racist, so stay in your ethnostate where they can't discriminate against you.

>> No.12761950

>Comparing yourself to others or some ideal life trajectory is a sure fire happiness killer.
thats pretty deep

>> No.12761953

Every night after you finish crying, lay or sit in Vipassana meditation. Focus on your breath. Then begin to let your thoughts branch out as to what your other options are.

It gets better, it also gets worse at times, but that's the ebb and flow of the universe.

Your focus must be solid, and it sounds like now you have been thrown a curve ball, thus your need to recalibrate future plans.

You will be okay.

>> No.12761958

No, no... let's see where it goes!

>> No.12761962

Envy is a sin. Don't be envy.

>> No.12761967

There are no intelligent people that are "late bloomers". Intelligent people who can change paths can do it precisely because they've always been extremely successful at everything they've tried. They might have tried doing medicine and realised it's not for them and then switch to finance and did really well at that. They only reason they could switch was because they had really good grades for scholarships finished their first degree because they're not quitting pussies and could build up wealth to try again at an equally good university.

If you're over 20 trying to start at a CC or whatever you are not one of these people. You are probably low IQ and wasting your time with expesnive degrees. Everything else is copeposting.

>> No.12761980

They probably made him sign an interview contract, they can legally sue him for lying in that case. I signed one for my current position. The interview was gruelling 3 week process involving solving a mini-research problem in the first week, a telephone interview in the 2nd and a seminar in the final week before your actual interview in front of a panel of 6 senior staff members in the final round.

They first time they opened this position they had over 200 applications, started with 100 candidates and hired none of them lol.

>> No.12761985

The guy who posted that picture spent most of his paycheck on OnlyFans every month.

>> No.12761990

the answer is to be born to rich parents

>> No.12762000

>the smartest board on 4chan has tons of people struggling to make a living
how tough is it out there?

>> No.12762008

You think life would have been magically better if you had a solid soul-crushing wageslave career 10 years earlier? That you wouldn't have the same existential dread right now? Stop being naive.

>> No.12762099
File: 116 KB, 960x676, noKids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You could be married to a woman you hate with a screaming brat or two in a a big house and a boring, successful career.
Having kids is the only meaningful and satisfying investment you can make on this dull planet.
You'll die alone and miserable surrounded by worthless consumerist shit, and the only thing to comfort you will be the memories of all the
you think you had.

>> No.12763266

There's no way it's not fake. Any middle of the road SW engineer can pick up any high level language in 3 weeks or so and any real company would know this, though it's a bit weird to lie about it in an interview or resume, there's really no reason to. Rebekah is the big giveaway though, the only businesses owned by someone named Rebekah are weed themed clothing shacks.

>> No.12763320

I think that's one of my favorite online pictures i've seen in a while

>> No.12763326

It absolutely is a race. This is capitalism. Everything involves competition. You need to be better than everyone or you end up living in a trailer with no healthcare.

>> No.12763390

You’re a delusional, ignorant, low IQ loser and you are wrong about literally everything. hope something truly horrific happens to you.

>> No.12763416

Nice try. Plenty of people have kids and regret it.

>> No.12763424

one of the most npc things I’ve ever read lol
smart people don’t get good grades. people who get good grades are obedient bots. school performance isn’t a reflection of intelligence, as school is designed to be excelled at by stupid people
financial success is literally a bad thing in the modern world. it means you’re greedy, unprincipled and stupid. you can reason this out logically or you can just meet successful people. they’re inferior, in great majority. our world doesn’t reward good or smart people, it rewards mindless, greedy, immoral vermin

>> No.12763461



>> No.12763482


I think therapy is gay, but you guys should talk to someone. Not on the internet.

>> No.12763508

People like Pewdiepie and Belle Delphine are successful dude. The only objective measurement of intelligence is the IQ score, or at least that’s the best we have. Financial success is inversely correlated with intelligence at this point, because extroversion, stealing, lying, and generally immoral behavior are conducive to success in a late-stage capitalist economy. Not only is success not respectable, it represents strong evidence that the successful person is an awful, slimy shit-stain.

>> No.12763516

Belle Delphine and Pewdiepie are both
1. Objectively smarter than you
2. More creative than you
3. Having a greater positive impact on humanity than you

Seething behind your keyboard because you are a misunderstood genius if you were actually smart is just a waste, and if you aren't smart (the actual case) is just a sad case of cope.

>> No.12763519

anyone with pen and paper, and a camera, can do what they do.

>> No.12763523

>People like Pewdiepie and Belle Delphine are successful dude.
Yes, and they worked their ass off to get to where they are. Good on them. They are also both more intelligent than the average /sci/ poster while having better work ethics and attention spans.

>The only objective measurement of intelligence is the IQ score, or at least that’s the best we have.
If you take it after 25 yes. It is proven to be unreliable for children. Basically everyone gets 160 as a child and/or adolescent.

>Financial success is inversely correlated with intelligence at this point, because extroversion, stealing, lying, and generally immoral behavior are conducive to success in a late-stage capitalist economy.
Cope. Also extroversion is correletad with intelligence (and being a man). Most new money got their gains honestly by playing by the rules like tradtitional investors or unicorn startup founders. Most of the upper middle class has some kind of graduate STEM degree making an honest living clawing their way to the top.

>Not only is success not respectable, it represents strong evidence that the successful person is an awful, slimy shit-stain.
Being poor is equivalent to being an evil person. It is not just Swabians and Nietsche that believes this. It is correlated by twin gene studies.

>> No.12763524


Couldn't be more wrong, the intelligent kids were the ones who realised life is a meme and spent their adolescence playing video games and websurfing.

>> No.12763530

Wrong. This is one of the many reasons they are smarter than you. You really think there aren't millions of teens that try to do the same thing they did every day? Gettting and keeping attention is extremely difficult and requries a tremendous amount of hard work behind the scenes. The execution you see on camera is virtually perfect due to their diligent hard work, preparation and editing (until they can afford to employ others to help them with this).

>> No.12763532

Ok? What is your point? Anyone with access to notepad.txt could have written the bitcoin white paper or achieved any number of incredible things. Only one person did though. People seething about e-celebs (you), or really anyone that is concerned with other people's success being "unfair" or "easy," are the absolute bottom of the barrel of humanity.

>> No.12763533

I’m in the 99.9th percentile; I doubt either of them are within 50 IQ points. The mere act of defending people like that hilariously undermines your own views, because only the most inferior, wrong, repulsively evil person would say a single thing in defense of an internet prostitute.

>positive impact on the world
Anon you’re less than a bacterium. Your opinion of what constitutes a “positive impact on the world” is less meaningful than Hitler’s or Stalin’s. Please continue simping for inferior trash that sells their bathwater or screams on camera; you prove my point.

>> No.12763534


Some of us just prefer playing minecraft in real life both because we're capable of it and because it's far more fun and sophisticated than some boring `while` loop designed to keep low attention span brainlets busy.

>> No.12763536

lmao at
>dilligent hard work, preparation, and editing

>> No.12763543

Imagine having a world view so delusional that in order to keep it you have to sing the praises of evil, 85 IQ “people” who made a fortune off of having no shame kek
What separates them from the other lowlifes who tried the same thing is luck. That’s it. They aren’t harder workers, they aren’t smarter, they aren’t more creative — they are lottery winners amount the lowlife garbage heap of people who prostitute themselves online.

>> No.12763545

The amount of posters in the thread increased.
-I- am smarter than you, actually.

>> No.12763549

>baiting “success = intelligence” NPCs into defending clickbait youtubers and other undeservedly successful brainlets
comedy gold

>> No.12763553


Yes I am smarter than you, I have 2 degrees from world leading schools that I earned as an adult.

You know what I do as an financially independent adult? 20% work, 80% videogames.

>> No.12763558

the truth about success
someone did something with their life
they got some basic skills
they were visible
others saw it as an opportunity
they got hired
people work together for a better day
the world turns around

>> No.12763565

Exactly this thank you Anon.

I'm starting to see why the guys itc are bottom of the barrel too. You all have delusions of grandeur and therefore you never worked towards anything. If instead you would've just shown an ounce of humility once or twice in your life you wouldn't have been insufferable lazy assholes who don't understand anything about the real world. You basically are where you are because you were arrogant and thought you knew better than everyone else including (literally) people who are more successful than you are and people who are more intelligent than you are. That's why you never studied anything worthwhile or worked hard at a goal.

And now you have the fucking gal to say other people aren't principled? This mental gymnastics you are doing crashing down we you go outside and talk to people and you realize everyone thinks you're a loser and a cunt.

It is too late too dig yourself out of poverty and mediocrity, but at least if you take a hard look at yourselves and the hard evidence stop thinking you're better than others. Realize that you have to put in the work to something if you want to achieve something outside some stupid k/d ratio or whatever. Maybe then at least you will find a nice 6/10 qt who make you happy and you can live a happy life.

>> No.12763566

Most of those steps require being a shameless piece of shit marketer. We are all our own managers now, which is something only the dumbest and worst people excel at. Everyone else is nauseated by it.

>> No.12763570

Even if that's true I literally have 3 degrees from world leading schools so come back to me when you get your PhD brainlet.

>> No.12763578

The reason we don't hate Belle Delphine is because people like you (losers, unsuccessful people who pay for onlyfans instead of just having sex) are the reason people like her exist in the first place.

So we don't the symptoms, we hate the cause of evil (You).

>> No.12763583

You legit deserve execution if you aren’t “concerned” about e-celebs being successful. When society starts heaping rewards upon its most immoral, least intelligent members, that’s the beginning of the end. If you think internet whores making more money than janitors is morally sustainable you’re in for a rude awakening. There are few smart successful people, and fewer every year. We are at the point where successful literally means you are a vile, unintelligent loser.

>> No.12763587

Not that poster, butt

>> No.12763594

>You legit deserve execution if you aren’t “concerned” about e-celebs being successful.
See this post >>12763578.

I am deeply concerned and I plan to rope all you pathetic fucking incels.

>> No.12763596

At what IQ do people understand success isn't a zero sum game? 105? Imagine being upset at other people succeeding. Smart people want everyone to succeed, including braindead ecelebs and the retards ITT.

>> No.12763597

>There are few smart successful people, and fewer every year. We are at the point where successful literally means you are a vile, unintelligent loser.
You faggots truly believe you are better and smarter than Bezos and Musk don't you?

>> No.12763600

>someone criticizing the culture that allows onlyfans to exist pays for onlyfans
there’s the intellect and reasoning ability of a late-stage capitalist sub human on full display.
Belle Delphine and the people who made her wealthy both deserve to be dropped on a desert island. The useful idiots and the people who benefit from them are equally guilty, equally evil, equally undeserving of food and water. And people like you who defend or justify the “success” of those parasites deserve the worst consequences of all. You are pathetic.

>> No.12763601


You are obviously a larping teenager get off my board.

>> No.12763613

Bad people being successful is equally immoral to good people being unsuccessful. Extrovert parasites should have everything taken from them by force.

>> No.12763615

unironically yes

>> No.12763616


You are obviously a larping teenager get off my board.

>> No.12763619

Billionaires tend to be the exception, but even people like them are successful not because they’re smart, but because they were shameless and willing to steal from actual workers on their way to the top. Amazon certainly hasn’t made the world a better place.

>> No.12763621

Do you understand that you are mentally ill? Do you understand that you need to address that to obtain what you truly want in life? You guys didn't click on this thread because you believed you were happy with your life and didn't need anything more. Let us help you Anons.

>> No.12763624

What about you, anon?
What do you have to do besides sit behind the mask all day and shitpost?
You people who don't get out much, deserve to be banned for your shitty quality.
You are contributing no opinion, no argument, you are only bait that must be fixed.
You would never find this in the real world.

>> No.12763638

In the first place I don't wear muzzles don't fucking insult me when I just came from yelling back at an ordnungsamt who tried to kick me off a train. Secondly my contribution is to break the delusions you guys have about yourselves so that you will listen to the practical suggestions that we made earlier in this thread so that you will become happy and fulfilled.

>> No.12763643

What you’re describing is just a sense of justice. If you aren’t upset about other people succeeding you are basically an animal. All of your comforts in life are provided by/stolen from the hard work of the middle class or the impoverish. Meanwhile Pewdiepie is rich because he screamed fake reactions while playing video games and being good looking, tricking brain damaged people into thinking they were having a good time. If that doesn’t inspire rage in you then you aren’t actually a person. There is nothing more important than making sure bad people can’t be successful.

>> No.12763647

I agree with you on a lot of levels, but I definitely don't fool myself into believing I could've done the same things they did.

>> No.12763666

you must be grug?
I'm sorry. you're retarded, you couldn't tell I was projecting.


I ddidn't read the thread, you are wasting your time here.

take it easy.

>> No.12763675

I am still in the left pic phase ;_;

>> No.12763689

Society is currently in decline anon, don't let it get to you. We're all in this same shit show, just live as best you can.

>> No.12763691

That’s what really gets to me. If Pewdiepie did the same embarrassing stuff while being average looking or ugly he would’ve gone nowhere at all. It just proves that “success” is all about luck and good looking people are handed everything in life. It’s weird that we define success in such a way that it describes such shitty, lucky people. How does an economic system develop where literal parasites who contribute nothing are respected? Insane!!

>> No.12763700

It doesn't inspire rage in us simply because we already have everything we want. I don't know about the other poster, but I'm a young millenial who has already earned more than enough to retire on. I just really love the research I do, I love science and I love seeing what other people use my work for.

We are also aware of how hard YouTubers actually work because when we learned about their wealth we didn't have the cringe marxist reaction you had, but we instead looked into seeing if we could do the same thing easily (and realized didn't want to take that risk to pursue it).

Good on them they have their way of making money and I have my more traditional way of just investing carefully on growing with the success of others.

>Some incel shit about hating attractive people

Just go lift. Again you think you are better than others and don't need to put in the work. You are not attractive because you never worked on your appearance. You are not intelligent because you never worked hard to acquire knowledge, academic prowess and fluid cognitive thinking. You have the attention span of a gaming goldfish because you thought some shrinks IQ score was good enough instead of admitting that practically everyone you compete with in life has that same score and they are wokring much harer than you are.

>> No.12763707

>I ddidn't read the thread
Of course you didn't. You don't have the attentionspan to read. Go play vidya. We wrote some nice new WHILE loops for you.

>> No.12763712

You sound like a fat feminist whining about how her obesity is due to her genetics.

>> No.12763723

You’re the one too stupid to understand the difference between things that can be controlled (weight) and things that can’t be controlled (face genes, height). Unfortunately the nature of this insanely evil world we live in is that if something can be controlled, it isn’t very important. The only factors affecting happiness are luck-based. For example Pewdiepie was a skinny-fat retard while becoming a multimillionaire.

>> No.12763724

you don't know shit about me
you are a twat

>> No.12763735

> but I'm a young millenial who has already earned more than enough to retire on
We know. The only people who defend this current system that rewards parasites almost exclusively are parasites themselves. There are zero good or smart people that defend a system which makes businesspeople or prostitutes wealthy.

>> No.12763738

Ah I see you are a bitter manlet. How fucking mad it does it make to realize that Pewdiepie is a manlet too? You would not have been succesful if only you were that magic 6' Anon sorry, you would still be some acne ridden incel who has never picked up a dumbell in their life.

Humility. Hard work. Change. I'm gonna keep drilling this fundamental truth until you accept it.

>> No.12763748

How am I the parasite when you NEETs live on my tax money (and actually brag about that fact on 4chan)?

Your views of the world and on morality is irreparably warped by mental gymnastics and you would be happier if you accepted the true reasons why you are not fitting into this system.

>> No.12763755

I know for a fact that I just hit a hard nerve. I hope you know it's because I love you and want to shock you back to reality Anon.

>> No.12763756

not everyone is a selfish NPC who needs to be personally affected by something to recognize how evil it is. you don’t have to be ugly to realize how evil it is that society is basically charity for good looking people. you don’t have to be short to realize how evil it is that standing a few extra inches from the ground grants endless charity to terrible people. just because I personally benefit from something doesn’t make it okay.
says the literal narcissist

>> No.12763765

Wealthy people are infinitely more parasitic than anyone on welfare. Unless you are doing manual labor directly supporting this society you steal from, you are a parasite. Your “job” networking and stealing from workers doesn’t contribute anything to anyone. Clickbaiting people online doesn’t contribute anything to anyone. All parasites in this world are successful.

>> No.12763770

I don't relate at all to what you said... actually.

I don't play video games? Not a gamer.

I enjoy reading. I read 6 or 8 books last year..

>> No.12763806

>defends rich worthless internet whores and networkers, says others have warped morality
npcs who treat the free market like it’s anything more than just another system with its own profound flaws are so stupid lol. the only reason civilization hasn’t already collapsed is because there’s a supply of useful idiot slaves who are willing to do an essential job for 20k/year while a parasite like Pewdiepie makes more in an hour for having a fake job that basically amounts to stealing from his betters. Once the world runs out of those detestable, uneducated idiots willing to do essential work you’re going to starve to death. You are a parasite.

>> No.12763856

Guys, I'm getting anxious.

Death threats from anonymous? Really?

>> No.12763890

I don’t get this about the world either. The most (or only) important jobs pay the least? If you want to have a good life the best way is to do stuff that benefits no one but that takes advantage of human weakness or stupidity through advertising. So how is any of this sustainable? If a significant percentage of people woke up and refused to do those important jobs all of a sudden successful people wouldn’t have anything, because they’re COMPLETELY dependent on essential workers. Shelf stockers are way way more important than business executives and actors and professional athletes

>> No.12763891

There are millions of beautifull white women who are poor and unsuccessful. Where can they claim his mythical charity you're talking about?

>> No.12763901

I don't need a single manual labourer when I can just program an 50 euro RaspPi controller to so the same thing. The only reason I would ever hire a manual labourer is because they are literally worth less than my time. I can't wait until we automate everything so the last of you parasites die off and stop wasting oxygen better suited to people more intelligent, beautiful and full of life.

>> No.12763921

Pewdiepie provides me with entertainment. His work produces value to me and therefore he is more valuable to me than some idiot 20k waitress who fucks up my order or some delivery driving fuckwith that could easily be replaced with a robot.

I can't easily build a robot that produces as much witty dank memes as Pewdiepie consistently delivers therefore he is more valuable to me.

>> No.12763925

Religion controls those slaves, keeps them in line. Christianity calls envy a sin for this reason. If you’re a privileged leech with more than you deserve what’s a good way to ensure the peasants keep working hard to pamper you? Tell them if they don’t, they’re gonna burn for eternity in an afterlife. Religion is losing influence and we are going to start seeing some serious (earned) consequences as a result.
What’s crazy to me is the 40 hour work week. It’s worse than being a literal slave most of the time, and at the end of the month you barely have enough to pay your rent let alone save kek. All for what? So Chaddington can live on easy mode?

>> No.12763934

Because those workers are neither important nor essential. If they all quit we just import third world niggers who would happily take the job. If they quit we increase the offer to 21k until someone takes the job. If no one takes the job we automate it and accept paying 0.02% more for our pretzels.

>> No.12763954


Even if we got to the point of not needing manual laborers, that world was built off of billions of em.
It’s weird how brainwashed people like you are. If everyone tried to be an educated professional doing some fake work, you’d have no food, clothes, shelter, luxuries, communication - anything. You are as dependent on manual laborers as babies are on their parents. Your self sufficiency is literally an illusion.

>> No.12763957

I actually agree with this.

I'm the guy you replied to.

>> No.12763973

Elite here. I crunched the numbers once. You guys are actually cheaper to employ than it is to house and feed slaves, it's even cheaper to employ illegals who we keep off the books and don't even have to pay minimum wage for.

Keep vote for labour parties though, we need more immigrants to rake up our bonusses :)

>> No.12764011

>that world was built off of billions of em.
Labourers didn't build shit. If someone like me didn't tell them what to do they would literally eat dirt and starve like retards. The are the least valuable part of this equation and mathematicians, scientists and engineers are the most valuable part.

>But you are owned by investors!

People who say this don't understand how stock options etc work. Everyone can benefit from the success of others. It is not a zero sum game. We all work together to build a better life for ourselves. The better you are at your job the more in demand your skills are and the more you get paid.

>It’s weird how brainwashed people like you are. If everyone tried to be an educated professional doing some fake work, you’d have no food, clothes, shelter, luxuries, communication - anything. You are as dependent on manual laborers as babies are on their parents. Your self sufficiency is literally an illusion.

Let's say we were all transported to another planet and we are each given 200 ha of land with an abundance of resources. The most valuable people to me are other educated individuals. An agricultural scientist can teach me which crops to grow and in exchange I would give him some methane gas I produced so he could warm his mudhut. Eventually we will all specialize and trade more frequently so that we can both survive and evolve to start having cheaper luxuries.

Even dumb, attractive Chads are valuable to me. I can employ them as extra muscle so I don't have to keep beating you low IQ asocial peasant beggars all day.

You assume that the free market is a flawed system. It is in fact the only system. In any system there are incentives, value, demand, supply. As a manual labourer with no special skills you are in extremely low demand. You should be thankful we pay you at all.

>> No.12764775
File: 10 KB, 800x600, IQchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains everything

>> No.12764953

buying a frame and mattress for under 90$ is easier to do than buying an air mattress I don't get this meme

>> No.12764996
File: 197 KB, 1200x800, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you and billionaires might have different definitions of success.

>> No.12765185

No union in the US has sustained the success of any of it's members. Complete losing record. You may get one generation that basically pillages the industry to give itself pensions (UAW in the 60s a good example), and that's it, they then turn into machines of nepotism while slowly dying as a small number of unskilled people fight over the scraps. Many innovation driven companies including Amazon have allowed tens of thousands of people to achieve great levels of success.

>> No.12765197

you aware of this? the problem is the normies are very compromised with deep state psyop propaganda to the point they ask for the very things that empower the elites.

>> No.12765199

>Studies say

>> No.12765948

You are right unions are scummy. What the world really needs is worker lobby groups with pooled wealth. Just to fight for basic principles and laws to be enforced liks actually taxing companies, keeping immigration low etc. That will do far more wages for both current and future generations than any union.

>> No.12766003

Don't even bother worrying about it. I went to a good one and it doesn't matter. Just choose a major which has a good career path. Engineering if you have the brain, business if not, CS if in between. Consider others only if you have a specific interest.

>> No.12766006

Had to scroll down to find the most decent response in this thread. Lot of retarded trophy seekers itt

>> No.12766012
File: 104 KB, 700x912, 28E3774A-A08C-4E59-95DD-D5C0F406EB99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I give up?
The answer to that is never, anon.

>> No.12766016

It's impossible not to compare yourself with others though. These days any time you accomplish something everyone of your family and friends rip you apart by comparing you to what other people your age they read about on the internet did. What hurts the most is comparisons with ex classmates. I hate that everyone keeps in touch on social media.

>> No.12766021

Yes this has everything to do with calcification of patterns, routines, behaviors

Keep it fresh in one direction or a new one and this doesnt happen.

>> No.12766024

I hate to bring out the old cliches but you should try to stop caring about what others think and focus more on what makes you happy.

>> No.12766070

For a lot of people what makes them happy is their wives/partner and family. Not everyone has descent people on their lives, but even ones that do can sense the subconcious disappointment in their partners fake congratulations when they finally get that new job or achieves their tiny raise/bonus.

We cannot escape comparisons anymore. I just hope internet psychologists come up withe novel ways for us to cope.

>> No.12766169

Anon, I couldn't even think before 25.

>> No.12766198

>don't give up guys
>make your home nice and frilly with propaganda and consumerist symbols to show what happy human being you are fueled by anti-depressants and recreational drugs
>and of course don't forget to constantly share you sucess story on social media to show off how well you are

>> No.12766208

They generally don't, they always say "you're still young don't worry its not too late" when in reality your life was already either set or over by the time you're like 10 okay okay maybe 14-15

>> No.12766248

You are right I guess. Most boomers are clueless about how competative the world has become.

>> No.12766499


>> No.12766525

Have sex incel

>> No.12766628

go to europe then get in a FAANG then wait a little and get L1 transfer

>> No.12766652

You are unironically right. The average poster here doesn't have shit going on in their lifes (low gpa, shitty school, boring personality, and/or mediocre wages) but they legit believe that they could be as successful as pewdiepie if they tried fucking lmao

>> No.12766694

Appreciate the warning. But I'm not gonna change my mind.
Will look into that, thanks.
Which country? Netherlands, Belgium, Germany?

>> No.12766701

I don't know about the other two EU countries, but in Germany most students aren't being given visas because they say the courses can be done online. You can only get a visa if you have an actual job offer that requires you to be here in person.

>> No.12766737 [DELETED] 

Oh shit. Is it cuz of vivid?

>> No.12766745

Oh that's bad. Is it because of COVID?
Assuming I'm able to do my master's in person in Germany, how difficult is it to find a job after that

>> No.12766768

Thank you anon

>> No.12766769

Yes, but it's more of a temporary excuse until they can plug the gap. They want to get rid of international students because they are finally realising we just use them as a stepping stone to get to American tech salaries. One Bundesland is already charging a 6k tuition fee for international students and the others are soon to follow (so it would be 16k euros in total per year to study here including the 10k visa deposit).

It's pretty shitty. They also just automatically toss all third world applications at most universities and companies these days. The only way I got to Europe was after applying for an ancestral EU visa (in the Netherlands). My uncle is German so I lived with him for a while and picked up odd jobs. After a while my Masters degree publication started being heavily cited (by "heavily" I just mean over 20 citations in 2 years) and I was able to convince a professor at a TU who actually e-mailed me first to take a chance with me.

My dream was also to end up in a FAANG company in America (yeah I know hypocrtical blah blah), but now I don't know, I'm just praying hard that the economy pics back up by the time I graduate.

>> No.12766787

I wouldn't recommend doing a Masters here at all. Apply directly for (FUNDED) PhD positions. Even if your family can support you financially, I wouldn't risk their money if I were you.

>> No.12766847

Grim (

>> No.12766868

You don't know the half of it. I will spare you some of the more horriffying ancecdotes I have it wouldn't do your mental health any favours.

>> No.12766982

No please let me know. I won't go to Germany but I still need to go abroad as anywhere is better than here.

>> No.12766985


>> No.12767314

It's just kind of even before covid it feels like the STEM labour bubble has already popped you know? The biggest job market for STEM grads seems to be tutoring other STEM students to perpetuate the cycle. After not finding work we double down with gradschool only to fail at finding work again when we graduate. Yesterday I met an old Italian engineer with over 30 years of experience working in Europe, China, America and even Cuba for a year. He moved here over two years ago because his Spanish wife found work in Germany. He speaks fluent German by now and still hasn't found a job after 2 years of sending out sometimes hundreds of CVs a week.

And I can see why. We hire RAs at a Masters level and every time we open a position we instantly get borbarded by 200 CVs (the record was 3400 CVs for a single low paid RAship at our lab (a Max Planck institute). You're not gonna like this, but by EU law we have to look at and interview all the EU citizens first so practically all the 3rd world CVs gets tossed. It's heart breaking because some of those CVs are amazing (way better than mine) but I'm the only one on the committee that even glances at them. Top 100 schools, perfect grades, more than one Q1 journal publications (the biggest points for rating CVs in our system are publications in international journals). But the EU CVs themselves are also amazing and better than mine. The situation has just become full clown world I don't know what I'm going to do when I finish my PhD. More than half the grads here didn't find a job after finishing. I'm praying every night for a contract extension so I don't get deported.

In Spain the youth unemployment rate is 40%. It is 17% for the EU in general. Meaning roughly 1 in 5 young people you meet do no have a job. It's a fucking disaster and no one seems to care.

It's not all doom an gloom though. China still hires foreigners a little. For my part though I will fall for the startup meme and try my best in Berlin.

>> No.12767325

Europeans don't care about unemployment because most of the families are old money families who live frugally and their kids will survive no matter what. As long as the euro stays stable they will never starve. Especially in Switzerland, Luxembourg etc.

>> No.12767335

Hmm. That is quite a wake-up call. I shouldn't even consider going to Germany now.

>> No.12767358

Only advice I can give you is that if you want to get into gradschool then publish as early and as much as possible. That is what worked for me and a lot of the people we hire. But more importantly I think the model of getting a job in professional career is dying. The idea of getting a permanent contract is already dead and buried. So what in some way figure out how to make money for yourself. For me it was a piece of code I wrote that was put into scikit-learn. I get e-mails every day over it and I'm hoping that I can turn the work I do in maintaining that code and helping users into some kind of consulting firm. Godspeed Anon.

>> No.12767377

So what *I recommend


>> No.12767618

This is bait or the company went bankrupt and hired some other company to try to scam people out of any possible penny.

>> No.12767691


Nah, >>12761980. Don't lie on your CV bro. Another thing is to read the fine prints when you sign a new employment contract after getting a new job. HR at big companies checks your degree _after_ you start working. If they find out you faked/changed grades on your transcript etc. you could be liable for damages including your full salary and the time HR spends filling the replacement for your position. You could also end up in jail in some states.

Just don't lie on your CV simple as.

>> No.12767765

> piece of code I wrote that was put into scikit-learn
Holy shit anon what are you even doing here. I'm trying to break into the ML field as well. Haven't contributed to a library yet and don't plan to do a PhD.

>> No.12767821

It's a myth in general that you can get into FAANG with a good GitHub profile. I know all the top Python scientific library (numpy, scipy stack and scikits) guys and most of them have okay jobs, but nothing amazing. And only about half are in academia.

People acknowledge that you are a talented coder sure, but you're not gonna beat out a CMU grad applying for a research position at Google or IBM. I even know a technical manager at Airbus who is a good friend of mine, but with his recommendation I would still be competing against top 20 uni grads. I'm pretty sure I could convince some bank new to the ML meme to hire me I suppose, but that doesn't pay well in Germany.

Some hedge guy offered to pay me to fix his use case a few months ago which is what motivated me to the idea that I could start this firm.

>> No.12767869
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I've seen dudes with this - sleeping bags of their bed. I really don't understand it. Unless it's literally <50 degree in your house, then I don't see why you would need a fucking sleeping bag. I live by the Canadian border, and didn't have heat for about 2 years in my old apartment, and I never once needed a fucking sleeping bag. There were a few times where my apartment go into the high 50s, and even then, all I needed was a single extra blanket (I prefer quilts).

If you need a sleeping bag, then you are a low cuck.

>> No.12767918


>> No.12767945

All this time and effort you put in this post you could have instead read a scientific report on researchgate and expanded your knowledge but no you decided make 'muh feels' blog post, get your act together OP and stop helping clog this board up with shit.

>> No.12768458

Since I couldn't find a job/education post, what do you guys think of this masters program?
Worth? Looks like a scam

>> No.12768539

It's a scam lol

>> No.12768553

What a mopey and pathetic thread. Reading through it, all i see are materialist rat racers and self improvement fags. Why don't you grow a spine and find some meaning in your pathetic life that's not just meeting society's arbitrary standards or trying to be "better" than others? Is that seriously all you live for? That is just so pitiful. I can't believe humans, with all their intelligence, are more shallow than literal rats. Seek help.

>> No.12768678

I can have meaning while being better than others too, fag.

>> No.12768685

Most humans, and especially financially successful ones, are barely smarter than rats.

>> No.12768772

You can pretend to be above it all, but you live in the same society as the rest of us, bound by the same constraints as the rest of us. There is only one correct way to live in this society and be fufilled, anything else is just detrimental delusion and running away.

>> No.12769437

Literal npc

Truth hurts, I know. Sorry, your life of chasing the basic bitch standard was completely meaningless. In the end, you are no better than a homeless uneducated druggie, a pedophile, losers you look down on. Your body will decompose just the same, and your consciousness will end just like theirs. Your money? Gone. Name? Forgotten in 1 generation. DNA? Irrelevant after enough generations. You are nothing but insignificant matter just like the rest of us. You are the delusional one.

>> No.12769457

no such thing as time wasted if you enjoyed yourself

>> No.12769474

>Lot of retarded trophy seekers itt

probably 18-25 year old un*versity students who think too highly of themselves
we will ALL be pathetic, depressed 50 year old men in the future, let's not kid ourselves

>> No.12769502

Based and humblepilled. Don't know why all these zoomie faggots think they're going down in the books as some legendary hero. You're posting on /sci/, you ain't going to be remembered for shit. Nobody looks at you like you're a hero or main character, they see you as another background character. Get over yourselves. Besides, even popular figures get forgotten today anyway. Boomers could name every musician of their time and how and when they died, and you probably have no idea who those people are. Greatness is a farce, and your obsession with it is laughable.

>> No.12769522

lemmings are always so sure of themselves

>> No.12769525

here OP. Might help with building habits for achiving things

>> No.12769533

these zoomers grew up on shounen anime and harry potter, protagonist syndrome with a touch of just world fallacy

>> No.12769593

>Pewdiepie provides me with entertainment.
underaged b&

>> No.12769617
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that's literally me. can't get started after an decades.

>> No.12769645
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OP if you're still here, my parents immigrated to the US when they were around 35. My mother was in charge of raising fish back in her country and that shit was useless here, while my dad had a grad student's salary for several years. They also had 0 rich friends here. After a few years of working shit jobs my mother got into a state school, got a masters in statistics, worked several low paying jobs, and around her mid 40s got a job in big pharma. Her salary is around 6 figures now and the family finances are pretty good.

I don't exactly like the way my parents raised me but I respect their diligence. It is possible to still achieve some success from your current position, but you might have to change your outlook, goals, and life habits to be more economically fruitful, and admittedly changing any of those is not easy. Good luck.

>> No.12769685

I'd say 20 is the cutoff age desu.
t. turned life around at 18/19

>> No.12769916

>I don't need a single manual labourer when I can just program an 50 euro RaspPi controller to so the same thing.
>Raspberry Pis are constructed and tested by manual laborers in China

>> No.12769942


testosterone doesn't drop if you're on a wholefoods plant based diet. stop being a meatcuck.

>> No.12769951

green (green's theorem) did his major stuff after 30 if I recall

>> No.12770123

> Markiplier and Sasha Grey are geniuses because they made a lot of money
Truly the dumbest thread I've ever witnessed on /sci/
even moreso than .999=/=1 posters

>> No.12770175

>can only comprehend life by examples of ecelebs
Hmm I wonder why you are a broke loser, truly a mystery

>> No.12770192

just become a pig bro
or a fireman
decent middle class life, just a few months of training

>> No.12770501

I love my life, being able to actually do all the cool STEM things I studied and actually being paid well for it to sustain my beatiful wife, house and lifestyle to experience and enjoy as much as possible what the other inferior cultures of the world has to offer.

>, you are no better than a homeless uneducated druggie, a pedophile, losers you look down on.
Protip I don't look down on a generic losers. I like people and wouldn't get far if I treat the majority of the population with disdain. This thread evolved the way it did because Anons were asking if it's "too late" to achieve the things we have. They didn't like the answers we were giving when we actually described how competative it is and so they started talking about how they could easily have done what we did, worked as hard as we did, beat out competition as many times as we did etc. (and then some rants where they think YouTubers have it easy). This is the only delusional part of the thread. Loserfags then segwayed into your style of posting pretending they're better than us anyway and never wanted to achieve what we had to begin with (which given of the existance of the thread they are posting in is just a prime source of lulz).

>stuff about death and time that you unironically thought was profound

Yes, obviously, so make your life is about finding meaning, enjoyment and happiness right now. That is what we've been telling everyone this whole thread. Make the best of what you have right, it won't get better than this. Especially not the boring life a lot of you ended up with. Go play vidya and stop feeling guilty about it.

>> No.12770510

Maybe if we don't plan ahead? (i.e. how most Anons itc with a shitty middle stage life to begin with). I already bought the beautifuk mountain farm plot I'm going to retire on and have started to take it off the grid. I know the state pensions are going to implode so the only other thing I need to is to build defences over the next 30 years to keep the flood of sandniggers from looting my property. Just build things for yourself that doesn't rely on currency in general.

>> No.12770529

>Based and humblepilled.

One man's based and humblepilled is another man's cringe and coomerpilled.

>Don't know why all these zoomie faggots think they're going down in the books as some legendary hero. You're posting on /sci/, you ain't going to be remembered for shit.

My name is already in subchapters of textbooks about my field, that's way more than I ever dreamed of achieving.

>Nobody looks at you like you're a hero or main character, they see you as another background character.

Wrong, my wife does. My children will if I treat them right.

>Get over yourselves. Besides, even popular figures get forgotten today anyway. Boomers could name every musician of their time and how and when they died, and you probably have no idea who those people are.

Very few ancient Grecian actors, sculptors and musicians are remembered compared to philosophers and scholars so this was a dumb strategy to begin with and everyone who's read more than one fiction book a year already knew that.

>Greatness is a farce, and your obsession with it is laughable.

No one here ever said they were aiming for a Nobel prize or whatever the fuck. This thread is literally just about "making it", whatever that means to you personally. Making it can mean 30k salary and enough time to maximise your minecraft time. The only way to not make it is if you fail to achieve the goals you set out for yourself. That is the definition of success vs. failure. You doomers are all projecting your own warped image of success itc and then making wild claims about how all those people must be secretly miserable and have shit personalities to have gotten what they have. That is beyond delusional.

>> No.12770545

I can just program an arduino to replace the RaspPi Chinks you idiot.

>inb4 made by Chinks again

I can just program a PID controller to produce my arduinos you idiot.

>inb4 made by Chinks again

No I can literally build PIDs from driftwood and sand. The very definition of unskilled labour is that anyone can do it, especially the people managing them or the people who designed the processes they form a part of. Get over yourself labour never was and never will be more valuable than minimum wage by definition.

>> No.12770568

They won't make it dude. There's a guy like OP in the /sci/ chat and he literally dropped out of cop school that the state paid him full time to attend after only 6 months. They don't have the discipline or attention span to even complete simple 2 year trade courses and then they're talking about going from nothing to gradschool as if they could easily do what countless hard working people fail at every year.

>> No.12770584

I'm 26, transferring to a third-rate state university this year for CS. I'll be happy if I can land a shitty job doing database work at petfood or toothbrush holder manufacturer or something.

I regret wasting probably the best years of my life, but it is what it is. Coping with being an average/below average person in the professional world has gotten easier over time.

>> No.12770623

You were both blown the fuck out, stop backpedaling. I can scroll up and read your sappy high schooler posts about thinking you're better than others for arbitrary reasons. Both your new posts are incredibly inconsistent with what you were originally saying. I'm just going to assume you know what I said was right and you immediately ditched your immature beliefs and are now trying to save face (on an anonymous imageboard? Sad). I respect you more for understanding what you said was stupid, but next time you should really make sure your beliefs aren't so retarded that you don't embarrass yourself when you voice them. Such opinions are usually wrong. That's probably why you did so here, because it's anonymous and you won't have to take responsibility for your incorrect and pathetic opinions.

Be less miserable people.

>> No.12770686

What a self-centered and delusional post. Let me explain why your delusions of grandeur are inconsistent with reality.

>I can scroll up and read your sappy high schooler posts about thinking you're better than others for arbitrary reasons.

Because I DO think I'm better than the people I replied to who tried and failed to achieve the same things I did. They are not based on arbitrary reasons, but the objective, third party measurements mentioned in those posts.

>Both your new posts are incredibly inconsistent with what you were originally saying.

Not from my perspective. I don't look down on GENERIC losers (in the sense that Anon defined as homeless druggies etc.) because the overwhelming majority of them ended up in their current position due to circumstances beyond their control (and not just small things like financial issues and family death we all had to overcome). I DO look down on (You) who had every opportunity in life handed to them, aimed to achieve something and still fucked it all up. That would've been fine too, but then you come here with the insistence that you are still better, more diligent and smarter than successful people who must all have horrible personality traits and actually be stupid to succeed. You are not better than them period. You are not better than YouTube ecelebs either.

Most people are normal and that is perfectly fine. The problem comes in with delusions that you were meant for something "great", you will never be happy until you accept that you are just normal yourself.

>I respect you
Pssst. No one gives a single fleeting fuck about what (You) respect. We care about the respect of people we admire or people who have what we want. I care far more about what the bum on the street who can fold cool origamis thinks about me than I care about some incel who thinks he's going to get a PhD at 35 and change the world.

Respect is earned, not a right.

>Be less miserable people.

The only senseful thing you've said.

>> No.12770771

i hope he remembers to tip them

>> No.12770783

>Because I DO think I'm better than the people I replied to who tried and failed to achieve the same things I did. They are not based on arbitrary reasons, but the objective, third party measurements mentioned in those posts.
Incorrect. You are not better than anyone, and your standards are arbitrary and not objective.

>> No.12770817

That was literally the only post I've made in this thread. I have no idea what you're talking about, with this PHD nonsense and whatnot. I just read one of your posts and saw you claiming your better than other people and I wanted to call you out. You are confusing me for another poster.

I don't know what argument you were having but thinking you're better than others, even horrible lazy people who waste opportunities given to them, I think even that is an incorrect conclusion to make. It's a bit emotional and doesn't serve a purpose. What does "better" mean? To what end? In what ways? Morally? Financially? And what do you do with that superiority? Was it given? Earned? How did you earn it? And mist of all, why does it matter? I don't think it does, or rather, I don't even think it has meaning. That's why I said it was emotional, because you want to claim superiority over others, yet it has no meaning, so that must mean it has meaning to you. I usually see this sentiment from people who have something to prove. They obsess over being better, because they want to make themselves feel better about not seeing any worth in themselves or life.

Your thinking is materialistic and emotional, no matter how dogmatic your methods for proving your superiority are.

>> No.12770834

You have given me a lot of advice. Thanks and best of luck for your business venture!

>> No.12770836


>If we both write an exam and I score a higher mark than you then I am better at taking that exam than you are.
>If we both are both (AAless) white males)that want a merit scholarship that is rewarded based on GRE scores and I got it while you missed the mark then I am better at getting that merit scholarship than you are.
>If we both aim to finish a STEM degree and you dropout while I graduate then I am better at getting that degree than you are.
>If we all want money and fame, than PewdiePie is better at getting money and fame than we are.

I am not better than some crack baby because we have nothing that we both cared about that we competed for. As for the people in this thread we went through countless objective hoops to compete for the goal of becoming a (STEM(?)) degreed professional starting at early high-school.

>B-but I'm still intelligent and grades don't matter!

Apparently grades do matter for actual intelligent people who decide which applicants become the next generation to follow in their footsteps. We all knew that it mattered so you are actually just a retard either way. We all had high IQ scores, but it is also known that there are extra academic genes that determine performance too so the chances are you would not have made if you just tried harder.

This is what you need to accept and just be happy. Stop stressing about never having graduated.

>> No.12770857

>I just read one of your posts and saw you claiming your better than other people and I wanted to call you out.

Then maybe don't read shit out of context and try to reply to it with moral authority?

>I think even that is an incorrect conclusion to make.

Good for you, I don't think it is. See my other post. We are talking about very specific and well defined goals here. There are countless other emotional arguments and excuses to be made that are ultimate irrelevant to actual achievment of the specific and well defined goals; a person either achieved them or they did not. Simple as.

>> No.12770876

>grades are an indicator of intelligence
Imagine being this much of a literal npc. Academia is filled with obedient grade chasers, how can you actually believe that's a good indicator of intelligence? Also, it's been bought, sold, and paid for long ago. Do you not see scandal after scandal of college admissions being exposed? People who have never seriously studied anything out of their own merit literally buy your flimsy prestige with cash and connections, which you seem to hold in such high regard for some reason. That is literally the reason why your top schools are "top schools", they simply paid out for it. Harvard seeks out high status people so they get more money so they can buy more status so they can get more money etc etc. Where's the merit? I don't see it, and that's because we obviously don't live in a meritocracy where everything is fair and people can "compete" on the same playing field, and since that is true, then that means your standards that you judge others upon are flawed. You are incorrect and my post still stands.

>> No.12770887

I'm not going to read your little essays where you squabble over nothing. Each of your posts can be criticized individually at face value, and you shouldn't expect otherwise in such a long thread. I hold no emotional attachment to you nor owe you anything and as such am not obligated to read all of your posts. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, but have thicker skin, simple as.

>> No.12770892

Average degree holder vs average solution enjoyer

>> No.12770916

I actually very carefully said that getting good grades is an indicator of getting good grades. Intelligence comes in where you learn to get better grades. Improving reading comprehension is another underrated indicator of intelligence.

>stuff about elites you are bitter about

We all knew about that growing up too. The only difference between you and me is I accpeted it faster and with humility set out a path for myself to achieving what I want in life despite obstacles. There are a very small number of scholarships in the world that are still meritocratic. While the rest of my peers were bitching that it was only for black people I went out and got some of them.

Getting bitter about elites buying over adcoms is exactly as useful and pointless than getting bitter about ecelebs.

Why are you still here then?

>> No.12770939
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Learning how to drive a forklift and listening to audiobooks on the warehouse jobs is the way, Fren. In Texas forklift jobs pay up to $28 an hour. Download forklift simulator and then do the test on a real forklift organization near you. The economy is rigged and you were seperated from the real demands of the real world at a young age so you could be placed in a school with everyone just as clueless as you to maximize clown world centralized power. You are right to feel this dread and danger the clock is ticking late! Act now! Cut your lofty losses and be practical ASAP. Consider time as a journey man a good investment for a good old man knowing his way around basic real estate properties. You're gonna have to Mexican your way out of this, OP. That's how immigrants who already had a life they missed out on readjust in the new country and end up with bad slates like you.

>> No.12770948

Nigga there's no IDs

>> No.12771054

Did Ba in mathematics and physics and currently in Msc in Data Science. You will be spoonfed the machine learning, but not the stats, so you should study up on those.

>> No.12771801

>I love my life, being able to actually do all the cool STEM things I studied and actually being paid well for it to sustain my beatiful wife,

What is your job bro this sounds awesome

>> No.12771845

>Everybody's future is uncertain. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a fool.
Works only for poor people. A rich boy already has his future decide by his parents, probably going to work at his father's company or so on.

>> No.12771850

>, it's not a race
This, op. There are infinite companies employing infinite people out there, no need to fear that you will not find a job, there are jobs growing up on trees, too.

>> No.12772277


>> No.12772347

Room routinely goes in into the -5c range during winter.

>> No.12774290
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now this is hq posting

>> No.12774350

>theres a reason every responsible adult pushes every retard to go to college immediately after high school
Total horseshit,These so called "responsible adults" are the drooling administrators who have no idea how the greater labor market works outside of their bubble.
>tfw every single close friend of middling intellignce forwent college to dive into the bottom rung of a profession
>now at experience levels that demand an excellent salary in their vague industries
Guess they were smarter than me after all.
>avoid trades and military
fuckin lel. One of these friends is about to retire from the military with a pension at 36 and is debating whether or not he wants to private contract for an easy six figures or NEET his cock off.
stfu sunken-cost faggot.

>> No.12774356

I see where you're coming from anon, and dont disagree. But if youre not one of those rich boys, this a great alternative strategy.

>> No.12774370

Holy fuckin based, anon. After getting spin-cycled by the bullshittery of the college/corporate/tech industry I took a violent dive into Registered Nursing (practically a blue collar trade if you specialize in Emergency Medicine/Trauma)
Wew, I am a completely new human. This shit honestly saved my life, and I was doing incredibly and unusually (on paper) in a more cerebral profession.

>> No.12774373

fucking great life stories man

>> No.12774377

>Be less miserable people.
Fucking bitter ass anon. You've tied your ENTIRE being to your egotistical pursuits which not a soul will recant. Thats real failure right there you edgy faggot. Youre like Ayn Rand minus being able to publish some books. Utter dust.

>> No.12774382

>. I went to a good one and it doesn't matter
Young anons, take everything your dimwit parents and school administrators said about the real world and chuck it out the window. Theyre so off-base its borderline negligence

>> No.12774383

yeah dude nice work fuck techies they are the parasite scum suing investments like like

>> No.12774392

>just a side effect of adults being out of school
I wouldnt paint quite such a rosy picture but the truth of this is not insignificant. I felt like a fumbling retard dealing with any sort of complexity 9 years after graduating high school in a dead end job, but after just a year of being back in school I would readily say that Im back to being as sharp if not sharper than I used to be.

>> No.12774414

Thanks anon. Growing up in an impoverished, ass-backward home I saw techies as portrayed in the media as being modern day wizards and so aspired my whole life to that end. Talk about being disillusioned.
Theres really only three types of people working in tech:
>spergy bugmen
>failed normies looking for an easy arena for promotion to management levels
I wanted to die.

>> No.12774426

>few times where my apartment go into the high 50s
Yeah, you wouldnt get it. But thank your landlords/parents for the well maintained insulation

>> No.12774754

yeah you physically peak at 25 but at your age you should be experienced in something and that experience is well sought after because it can't be beat.
Doesn't mean give up and die. Get good at something and fight for it. I know it's harder if you're male and white. Consider a technical trade or CNC programming or CAD design something. There is money to be made if you can make things happen

>> No.12774806

Is it advisable to pursue a non research master's right after finishing undergrad?

>> No.12775950

>became a pilot in the Air Force reserves
I fucking envy you bro.
Currently trying to study for private pilot

>> No.12775965

What the fuck are you on about? Amazon makes billions of dollars because millions upon millions of people find it more convenient to have stuff shipped to them than go to the store and try to find something. Why is this so hard to understand? Also how do you "steal" from your workers when you are paying their bills kek

>> No.12775994

t. hyper-insecure, narcissist, undergrad

>> No.12775998

>could build up wealth to try again at an equally good university
Confirmed underageb&. Come back to threads like these when you've been working for a while and have mellowed out, sperg.

>> No.12776025

>If instead you would've just shown an ounce of humility once or twice in your life you wouldn't have been insufferable lazy assholes who don't understand anything about the real world
This is so true and glad it smacked me in the face at 24. Turned my life around. I have a humble, decent job, plethora of hobbies and interests, free time, and a budding family. Iz gud

>> No.12776114

>based family
>based advice
>based anki meme

>> No.12776128

Hell, Im trying to spread the good word that becoming a Registered Nurse is absolutely a smart move for directionless young men these days

>> No.12776213

>I'm 34 now and get weird looks when I'm applying for entry level jobs.

You don't owe an explanation to the "people" nor you should give less of a fuck about what they think in their self righteous mind, fuck them all in the ass.

You can change careers when you want, you can try whatever you want and do whatever job you like to do if you can manage to, hell it's your own business if you decide to go cleaning sewers as a 70 years old, whatever rocks your boat man.

Having said that, yeah you feel uncomfortable because you didn't follow the common recommendations and now you experience frictions when trying to conform, it is pretty normal.

That does not mean it's over or that you are a failure and bullshit like that, but start moving in a direction, whatever that is, and then good things will start to happen.

Remember, don't misunderstand prejudice with good advices and keep the ball rolling, you're gonna make it anon.

>> No.12776229

that's an actual career so it demands a lot more time, effort and money than being a cop or a firefighter.

>> No.12776319

nobel prizes come with a monetary prize as well

>> No.12777119

What if you are in your early 30s, were successful at your 1st career but then want to do something else and go back to school?
I want to be an engineer so I'm working full-time while taking classes at night but am considering going back to school full time for a year. Will be 34 by time I graduate.

>> No.12777137

If your finances are in order or you live in a civilized country where you don't have to take on crippling debt in order to educate yourself, go for it.

>> No.12777523

I just noticed, for all the talk people give of not caring what others think and not hinging your life on others approval, you literally NEED others approval to make a living. You can't get hired without someone's approval, you can't sell shit without customers approval, you can't do anything without someone else's approval.
Only profession free from this is amateur stock trading on an individual level. And being a career criminal I guess.

>> No.12777561

>t. hyper-insecure, narcissist, undergrad
extremely accurate, or a complete hypocrite
eat shit you idiot
t. bs engineering at 21

>> No.12777815

>Plenty of people have kids and regret it.

And for plenty others it brings them the greatest joy in life (as well as security when they get older to also know there will be a warm comforting hand that they can reach out to sincerely). What the fuck do misanthropic, childless failures have to look back on when they are no longer in the prime of their life and can't 'partay' like they used to?

>> No.12777972 [DELETED] 

personally I think it’s damn evil to reproduce. this world and this life are so full of pointless suffering. and if you aren’t suffering, it probably means you’re a piece of trash with a fake greedy “job” who steals from others. so even the lack of suffering is a bad thing.

>> No.12778367

>Peak of career

>> No.12778370

>fuckin lel. One of these friends is about to retire from the military with a pension at 36 and is debating whether or not he wants to private contract for an easy six figures or NEET his cock off.
not typical. most people are in the military are there because they were too lazy for college and so they don't get opportunities like that after service, especially since most people try to leave after just a few years and go to school afterwards graduating at 30, instead of turning their service into career.

>> No.12778506

I know a forum user who who dropped out of engineering and then went back to do engineering at UCLA at 28 and is very successful now

>> No.12778857
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fuck those tards anon. There mommy and daddies probably paid all there fees in college. there are millions just like you. You just have to find something you are good at and stick with it. That is what most people fail to see. Wake up do the thing you want to pursue, work all day on it, and then go to sleep and repeat.