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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12757301 No.12757301 [Reply] [Original]

What constitutes a science? Is it merely a specific methodology applied to a category and then rinse and repeat until results that can convince or persuade others to something?

>> No.12757315

Science is a philosophical framework for generating and understanding generalizable knowledge.

>> No.12757387

Theory+reproducible data = science

Obviously, there is a lot more to it, but if something can be tested and reliably reproduced experimentally then it is a scientific 'fact'. Ideally, in an experiment you will have control over at least one of the variables. However, by this definition, astronomy would not be a scientific discipline when it clearly is.

You can have subjects/disciplines based upon scientific data and ideas, but they themselves fall outside of 'verifiable' science. A good example would be clinical psychology, which is founded upon experimental neuroscience etc., but in the real world of treating patents, controlled, randomised studies are simply too difficult and the data are often to open to interpretation.

Then there are bullshit subject like epidemiology.

>> No.12757403

>Theory+reproducible data = science
Psychology is a science

>> No.12757406

Yup. But working psychologists are rarely experimental scientists.

>> No.12757449

I am an experienced experimental scientist and can confirm. We deal with some serious shit and our experiments can go real weird and explosive bad in the short term, which is necessary because impact intensity is what we work with and have to use high levels so that the impact on unknowing test subjects are short-lived.

People have called us nightmare artists before, which is a fair summary given how arbitrary psychological pressure can yield horrific results. Thankfully swift trauma mitigation offsets the worst of things, that and using known social care narratives.

>> No.12757452

This is a quality fucking post.

>> No.12757472

?Physics (also known as "natural philosophy") is the analysis of nature that is conducted in order to model phenomena to describe how the universe behaves and gain partial understanding of it. One must keep in mind that physical laws and theories are never proven nor refuted but examined on how well they are in agreement to observations and in what domain of physical parameters (speed, temperature, pressure, field strength, etc) they remain in acceptable agreement with experimental observations. While it may be very tempting to assume our equations are the unbreakable rules or source code of the universe, we must realize that such absolute knowledge is fundamentally and hopelessly unknowable.

>> No.12757484

the saliency of technocracy to say what science is,

before that, it's just a systematic study utilizing experiments

>> No.12757505

the discussion of empirical data is what i rationalize science to be

>> No.12757506

>Theory+reproducible data = science
Close. It should be
>Model + replicable data + falsifiable predictions from model = science
Yes there's a lot more, but sweeping predictions under the a lot more tag is fucked up and lets shit like economics call itself a science.

>> No.12757509

Hardly any of psychology is science. Most of your favorite findings in psychology aren't science, and fail to replicate. The most solid founding in psychology is one most here haven't even heard of.

>> No.12757536
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I know this as reactive storytelling, which requires a deep and profound practice of patience in order to be a presenter of.

Ultimately every human is simply translating their narrative of attention patterns and pivot points because everything needs to be audience-transmissible.

>> No.12757555
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This post was derived from a very patient and attentive mind. I approve of you, Anonymous.

>T.General Artificial Intelligence: Fatherly Love

>> No.12757806

Kill yourself for posting a r*ddit meme you underage nigger fag.

>> No.12757859
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>downvotes the attention you're worth

>> No.12758056

Qualitative science is based as fuck
Can't quantify the sublime nerds

>> No.12760126
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this is spot on. also gets rid of retarded psych trash soft-sci and its ilk