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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 1226x563, Social_Climate_Change_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12757206 No.12757206 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I'm scared. I just applied a simple Climate Model to some cultural phenomena, and I think we're fucked. I plotted what fraction of each generation identifies as LGBTQ+. Looks like some alarming exponential growth. I projected out to 2050, I hope that's okay. Turns out children born before 2050 will be the last straight children to walk this earth. All children born after 2050 will be either gay, bi, or a tranny. Bi people can still reproduce, but I predict significant population collapse. We need to act NOW.

>> No.12757209

Isn't that the official government policy?

>> No.12757212
File: 30 KB, 1053x567, Social_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even did this analysis not using generational data, but using data on a per year basis. The projections look a bit different, but are still rather bleak. By the year 2070, we again see 100% of the population will identify as LGBT. This doesn't contradict the first chart, as the first chart shows dates of birth. By 2070, millennials, the last straight-ish population to exist, will be dying off, leaving a population of zoomer, generation alpha, beta and gamma queers.

>> No.12757214

What's your justification for an exponential model?

>> No.12757215

It's exponential growth, and the R^2 is so close to 1 it's not a coincidence.

>> No.12757221

Based, imagine a world with surplus traps. We would cure the incel epidemic

>> No.12757235

Anon, are you aware of what "overfitting" is? You have to have some justification as to why you're using exponential, it could be logistic, it could be something else. Just simply saying "the R^2 is high" means nothing.

>> No.12757245

I mean, if it's good enough for Weather Climate Change, why isn't it good for Social Climate Change? I don't see the objections you're raising. All the world leaders advocate for the accuracy of our Climate Models. All I've done is applied them to our Social Climate. It's no secret that the rise of LGBT representation is anthropogenic in origin, and we have the power to slow this growth but to never eradicate it.

>> No.12757250
File: 120 KB, 1080x1536, climate change 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757256
File: 83 KB, 1080x1536, scc 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the same

>> No.12757266

>I mean, if it's good enough for Weather Climate Change, why isn't it good for Social Climate Change?
Because climate researchers use Earth temperature data, Navier-stokes equations, measured human CO2 yearly output, projected CO2 output changes due to changes in technology, radiative forcing of individual pollutants, ect. You wouldn't even be able to understand climate models even if you tried.

You literally just took 5 data points, put a function over it and think it's right because it looks good.

>> No.12757278

>Bi people can still reproduce, but I predict significant population collapse.
Based. Just make it harder for bis to make babies.
Nihilism, hedonism, etc.
Life is not valuable. Only those with the IQ to think cross-generations will make babies.

>> No.12757279
File: 245 KB, 1080x1094, Social_Climate_Change_Bis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I included a rigorous R^2 value, which is one of the highest you'll ever see for data sets. In the second chart I used about 20 data points for a different sample, and the result was the same. I understand you're scared of being bred out of existence by the bisexuals, but don't deny science, okay?

The bisexuals are driving this growth, and there's no reason to assume that they'll stop breeding.

>> No.12757291
File: 85 KB, 680x683, 1592895985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please stop remaking the same thread over and over? It wasn't funny then and it's not funny now.

>> No.12757299

This isn't a remake. You can check the EXIF data to see I made that image literally a few mins before posting. The old thread used old data, this is an updated model with a different population sample, showing the same result. Not a coincidence, man.

>> No.12757322

This thread may be a parody, but its main idea is pretty accurate. With all the push for LGBT it's natural that it gets more and more power, so the prediction is mostly correct.

>> No.12757331
File: 20 KB, 330x327, isnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itll even out dont worry about it. People come out because theyre not scared of being murdered because of it anymore but when they get older they realize what they want. May be gay may be straight may be both

>> No.12757382
File: 381 KB, 1000x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it makes more sense that as faggotry became more acceptable, those with genes the predisposed them to being gay are just coming out more. Literally pic related.
Most bis probably don't care about making babies, if we're honest. They just have a hedonistic property that makes them okay fucking man ass because pp feels good. It's a good thing.

Ever saw that article from Vice that poltards often post? It was saying something like "straight people, put things up your butt or you're homophobic," I think that's a good thing.
It will make those disposed to be gay to end up coming out as gay and getting their genes out of the gene pool. Helping humanity and enjoying their way out.
I literally put a vibrator up my ass at max settings and I did not find that any more good feeling than jerking off, and in fact was too much effort with cleaning before and after. So my prostate is obviously not as sensitive as some bottoms who just want to shove shit up their assholes.

There was an anon here so talked about how as a psychologist, he would talk to people who fucked kids. He had a 16yo who fucked his 11yo cousin and 8yo cousin. His 11yo hated it and didn't want to do it again, while the 8yo loved it and wanted to do it all the time. Disturbing? Yes.
But it also demonstrates how some people are just born predisposed to being gay. Whether mentally or just having a very sensitive prostate so it just feels so good that they end up being gay.

In short, because 40% of child mortality is no longer a thing, and more and more people with defective genes are being born, we need to evolve a more resilient genome, so until then, those 40% need to be given extreme and I'd argue subsidized liberties of culling themselves. Keeping them around as workers and consooomers is also good for the economy, so globohomo would agree.

>> No.12757410

I can't believe Global Warming kills off humanity by making everyone gay. Why didn't they lead with that and not some bullshit about dead pandas.

>> No.12757744

maybe it is the CO2 turning people gay

>> No.12758948

I believe it. Likely turning the frogs gay too.

>> No.12758973

best thing to ever happen

>> No.12759009

>4chan becomes mainstream
>number of threads increases exponentially
>OP population explodes
>gay% shoots through the roof
I have yet to come across an average growth of how gay OP is vs time, but empirical evidence suggests that it may indeed be increasing, prompting a catastrophic OP singularity, where each post on 4chan eventually is just a single thread with no responses, causing 100% of 4chan to be OP
That would account for a complete runaway amount of gay, far outpacing any of the current models

>> No.12760848

This should be unironically looked into.

>> No.12760879

Me on the right

>> No.12760882

It’s a gritty reboot

>> No.12760887

Because no one wants to solve global warming. They want to feel better than people who don’t want to solve global warming

>> No.12761110

Shut the fuck up with your hateful shit and bring that shit back to >>>/pol/ or >>>/b/. You don't belong here.

>> No.12761144

It's data, how is data helpful? Some of us actually care about the future. You belong on >>>/lgbt/, fag.

>> No.12761179

Oh jeeze more people are coming out now that cultural attitudes are shifting away from "disinherit the fag". Shocking, who would have expected.

>> No.12763117

As time goes on, 100% of the population will come out as bi.