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File: 69 KB, 514x555, why even live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12753400 No.12753400 [Reply] [Original]

In 4 hours I have an (online) exam on Physical Chemistry: Raman and Rotational-vibrational spectroscopy.

I am on my first year PhD. I know nothing, I feel like shit and I will drop out because I will fail. I will have to leave my country to seek a job elsewhere.
I briefly considered having someone on fiverr do it for me, that's how desperate i felt.

If this thread is up in 6 hours I will post an update. I hope you find more success in your life.

>> No.12753402


You will probably kill yourself sooner or later.
You either take life serious or you don't.

>> No.12753407

Why didn't you study?

>> No.12753410

Just fail dude it doesn't matter

>> No.12753418

yeah, you don't get to will all batlles in your life OP

>> No.12753438

>You will probably kill yourself sooner or later
ouch :(
>graduated with a first class from golden triangle uni, UK
>came back to my homecountry to do a PhD
>home country is dysfunctional (organic chemistry PhDs take 6-8 years to finish), so I opted for physical chemistry which takes 4-5 years
>undergrad uni: top 50 globally
>PhD uni: top 500
>this cant be that hard
>get admitted
>no contract
>no stipend
>incoming solely dependant on TAing
>no postdocs to help, research group is 3 people
>corruption, exam answers released before exam, gotta know people to get them
>zero background on my topic
>gotta work a job to support myself

Lost all motivation on month 3.

>> No.12753444

leave that shithole

>> No.12753448

wtf is that shithole

>> No.12753451

i'd tell you but then that would be doxxing myself
hint - southern europe

>> No.12753461

if there is no income i'm guessing spain lmao
my shithole

>> No.12753463

hey I know nothing about that either
Show me your notes

>> No.12753466

Hungary? Please don't say hungary

>> No.12753469

why would you even wanna see that

>> No.12753472

show us how horrid your subject is

>> No.12753474

It's cool OP, nobody cares about spectroscopy anyway.

>t. PhD physical chemist

>> No.12753479
File: 24 KB, 300x345, CryingWojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't even wanna look at it anymore
a good undergrad degree means nothing, after all

>> No.12753495

whatever you decide to do anon, be happy with your choiced

>> No.12753522

>you WILL fail
>you WILL dropout

>> No.12753783
File: 296 KB, 500x500, theend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's coming

>> No.12753787

>phd students
>takes exams

Why are you even bothering with shitty basic undergraduate courses?

>> No.12753808

My uni mimics the american PhD style which includes courses at the start

>> No.12753836
File: 25 KB, 534x403, 1492023908775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I didn't even graduate HS on paper and still doing organometallic chemistry. You on the other hand are on your way to PhD. How the fuck can you not get this done unless you are actively hindering yourself from learning?

>> No.12754637

bumping to learn anons fate

>> No.12754661

How did it go?

>> No.12755650

rip op

>> No.12756002
File: 346 KB, 439x500, 1609506788192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I had a girl also taking the exam sit next to me, and we traded answers. I also googled the fuck out of everything and was lucky with a few questions...
I passed. But my torment isn't over. I just applied to a big pharma, screw academia

making thousand off bitcoin and I am not even happy

>> No.12756106

did you at least fugg her?

>> No.12757170


>> No.12759163

hello italibro

>> No.12759209

>big pharma
Oh no no no. I know a lad in the UK who fucking wants to kill himself because he decided to go into big pharma. dont fall for the bait, its soul crushing bullshit anon.