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12753375 No.12753375 [Reply] [Original]

Why do American police departments reject applicants who score too high on IQ tests?

>> No.12753434

Because when you give midwits positions of power, they destroy society.

>> No.12753450

Because they would be racist otherwise

>> No.12753473

a good dog follows
a smart dog leads

>> No.12753475


>> No.12753477

Euro cops go to school for years
American cops are given a gun a badge in weeks

>> No.12753642

What school do you need to shoot at anything that moves.
(And also at what doesn't)

>> No.12753660

because they tend to leave the force pretty fast

>> No.12753673

a good cop shoots the family dog when it barks lmao

>> No.12753708
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Can’t have intelligent people questioning the obviously harmful and counter-productive practices the police employ under the guise of “protect and serve”.

>> No.12753789

>harmful and counter-productive
BlueLivesMatter unironically

>> No.12753847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12754072

The actual answer is that they consider that job a poor use of that person's time and skill set. The person is also likely to get bored very easily or not take it seriously. Also it was only like one town in Connecticut that does this iirc.

>> No.12754083

>protect and serve
It's not a guise when you make explicit who are the benefactors of this slogan.

>> No.12754097

Years of school for what? Arresting people over spicy tweets?

>> No.12754145

Most school is nothing but obedience training, get a clue.

>> No.12754150

It wouldn't make a good news story down the line.

>> No.12754152

they would begin to question the system
we can't have that

>> No.12754160

And the reddit midwits don't question niggers behaving like niggers thus forcing their hand

>> No.12754161

Cops are zog-bots who abuse their power, everyone with half a brain understands this
Nothing new underneath the sun

>> No.12754202

We need to decriminalize statutes against rape, murder, and robbery because they disproportionately target bipoc communities and are a relic of white supremacy.

>> No.12754227

People with high IQ are more likely to get bored with the mundane daily routine and more likely to question orders.

>> No.12754235

Does that scool teach them how to apologize to muslims while they rape children?

>> No.12754271

Nice English

>> No.12754292

It should be legal for black people to kill white people as retribution for lynchings and white supremacy. It's impossible to commit violence or racism without holding power, and white supremacists currently hold all the racial power.

>> No.12754301

Do they really?

>> No.12754303

yes, i read it in the newspaper that told us saddam hussein had nuclear weapons

>> No.12755493

cause intelligence = free will
wouldn't want them thinking too much about the things they are involved in

>> No.12755653

Police training costs money. High IQ people move on to bigger and better things. They target people with an IQ low enough that they're willing to continue to risk their life until retirement for a paycheck.

>> No.12755666

no, thats the ATF anon get it right

>> No.12755674

jura actually

>> No.12756031

too true

>> No.12756059

High IQ people shouldn't be in police work, they (should) have more to offer society than being a cop. Imagine if Einstein chose to become a cop, rather than an academic.

>> No.12756508

>Why do American police departments reject applicants who score too high on IQ tests?
Proof of this happening since the turn of the century?

>> No.12756537

I've never seen anyone provide proof for this claim either.

>> No.12756538


>> No.12756544

Okay, in an alternate reality, Einstein as a cop killed hitler during the putsch and nazi germany never existed. Honestly would have done a lot more good than relativity thats for sure

>> No.12756689

>only response is to shout out a meaningless phrase like a good drone

>> No.12756700

Only in the city of New London, Connecticut.

>> No.12756703
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>Okay, in an alternate reality, Einstein as a cop killed hitler during the putsch and nazi germany never existed. Honestly would have done a lot more good than relativity thats for sure

>> No.12756731

intelligent people will immediately see the police or corrupt and retarded, therefore, must only hire retards that follow orders to kill kill kill, plant evidence, and lie to the jury. The retards are told they a smart, special, highly trained and then they believe they are so, when in fact they are still retarded, actually retards. Ever talk to a real cop? They are actual retards who think they are smart and brave. They see joggers beating and robbing people, burning down neighborhoods and what do the retards do? They take a knee.

>> No.12756752

>Why do American police departments reject applicants who score too high on IQ tests?
It's shocking to me how few people are even questioning this statement. Aside from one case in 1996, I haven't seen evidence of this, much less evidence of it actually being a widespread issue.

>> No.12756827

Said man also went on to become a prison guard so it isn't like they blocked him from all law enforcement occupations.

>> No.12756835


>> No.12756842

Don't bring my hatred of the Jews into this!

>> No.12756845
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Why do British police departments reject applicants with high testosterone levels?

>> No.12756851
File: 153 KB, 634x1052, 1590890900172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do British police departments reject applicants with no disabilities?

>> No.12756860


>> No.12756866

>Why do British police departments reject applicants with high testosterone levels?
Those forearms, that jaw...Skye clearly has some high test.

>> No.12756873

>Those forearms, that jaw...Skye clearly has some high test.
the absolute state of DYELs

>> No.12756881

Also most of the gueses were way off base. The ruling had nothing to do with "they don't want you questioning the man, man!!!" It was because they thought it would be a poor use of his skills and he would get bored or leave.

>> No.12756894

>the absolute state of DYELs
The absolute state of not knowing how to even link to another post.

>> No.12756899

Kek. I forgot how lifting suddenly made the jaw lay down new bone growth.

>> No.12757118
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pic related

>> No.12757148

Yes, Trump isn't a man, what's that have to do with lifting not having shit to do with square jaws? Jaw growth is purely down to hormones.

>> No.12757171

its more like the people they hire have a certain psych profile which is dumb

>> No.12757174
File: 56 KB, 711x570, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, Trump isn't a man

>> No.12757178

go back

>> No.12757187

Policemen, law enforcement, public maintenance and similar are very fine jobs but they are not a good use of someone with that intellect or skill set.

>> No.12757188
File: 202 KB, 610x692, comment_oHJGVOEcgBfdhHA0DyfHJEt8vDXAj79h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jaw growth is purely down to hormones.
So poles ARE high test :)

>> No.12757198

Or Einstein would have done nothing of note and ended up a faceless, forgotten figure in history who is only known by his great grandchildren who did some ancestry, which is 100x more likely.

>> No.12757228

Found the Lolbertarian jogger.