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12752356 No.12752356 [Reply] [Original]

is there anything more low IQ than being fat? if you are mentally weak enough to get fat how can you possibly be smart?

>> No.12752366

being short

>> No.12752367

im fat and i picked up smoking two days ago to help me lose weight, wish me luck bros

>> No.12752370

Addiction plagues smart people as much as it does, if not more, than dumb people. The vice of choice is immaterial.

>> No.12752376

Small males are superior and there will only be small males in the future.

>> No.12752380

How do you fat people stay fat? How the fuck do you get up and think "wow I'm glad I only eat fdast food and don't do any physical activity"

Fucken disgusting. The fat acceptance movement in undeniable PROOF that an elite run and control this planet. If you are fat, you deserve death because not only are you physically weak trash, but also mentally weak. We do not need these people.

Thank fuck I benefit from all you fat fucks' stupidity. You disgusting consoomers keep me well off. Make sure to go like and subscribe to some companies I won stock in

>> No.12752385

>is there anything more low IQ than being fat? if you are mentally weak enough to get fat how can you possibly be smart?
cope people with high IQ are mentally stronger.

>> No.12752391

I am always hungry.
I don't know if this was innate, or the result of my parents blatantly overfeeding me during my childhood, but i do not know satiation.
The only reason i'm not obese anymore is that i recognized this issue, and leart to live with it.

My trick is that i hate spending money much, much more strongly than my hunger can handle.
So, when i live alone, my weight gets to normie-level since i buy only the cheapest shit, which is all healthy primary food that need to be cooked ( procrastination also kicks in to help on that step ).

And then i go live with my dad, and i'm back at 100kg, like right now.
Not obese though thanks to all the muscles i do my best to maintain, but damn it there's all this essentially free food and i can't resist.

>> No.12752406

you're now double retarded

>> No.12752408

There’s no such thing as “mental strength.” The universe is an objectively evil and intolerable place and the only protection from that fact is low intelligence and/or ignorance. Mental strength and willpower are usually just stupidity. For example, is a religious person who believes they’ll be supernaturally punished for addiction “stronger”? No, they’re just dumber. They have an additional option for fighting addiction that smart people don’t have.
The other facet you’re ignoring is luck. Good looking people are literally constantly on a drug high. They have no difficulties or pains in life and are handed everything. Ugly people are exposed to a trillion times more pain than good looking people, making addiction infinitely more difficult to avoid.

>> No.12752446

Adherence to base animal instincts (reminder that metabolism i.e. keeping one alive is not animal in nature, but applies to life in general, so I don't mean that part obviously) is inversely related to intelligence, yes. See also: coomers.

>> No.12752465

adherance to all instincts without thought is as stupid as thinking you're above them. There is 4 billion years of knowledge compressed into those instincts.

>> No.12752469

I too remember when I was young.
Print your post, put it in a frame, and look at it in 25 years. Then look at it again in 30 years. It will remind you how naive you were in your youth.

>> No.12752485

put down the fork

>> No.12752637

Can confirm, am fat, am midwit or worse.

>> No.12752668

Why, do you think I undervalue the simple hedonistic modes of life? Don't worry, I have come to terms that life is fundamentally meaningless. Even science is just dopamine fixes besides its practical value, and only some of the great philosophical questions being answered could perhaps alleviate these existential quandaries.
So because it's meaningless, it's perfectly valid to just enjoy its simple creature comforts.

But I don't respect anyone who approves of simple hedonism and who hasn't come to these conclusions; who in fact haven't come to ANY conclusions, they just follow their suggested programming like an ape.

>> No.12752705

i don't even understand how you get THAT fat cause i eat all of the no no foods, don't count any callories, and i shit on diet advices

once a obese womyn implied i didn't eat my food/had bulimia/whatever lol that was hilarious

the world is built for and by average height people the "internet people" would call "manlets" though

>> No.12752784

t. /fit/ board tourist

>> No.12752828
File: 45 KB, 750x585, dn12301-1_750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So suicide is the sign of the mentally strong?

Some of the most high will post people I've met are relatively low IQ.sometimes being a bit dumb is exactly why makes someone unbreakable.


>> No.12752879

>knows why society is shit
>seen as a ressource by retards that want faster mobile phones
>higher understanding and capacity to visualize consequences and thus more stress when people ignore them
Feel so bad for the galaxy brain nibbas. Like that brilliant Russian mathematician that didn't want a fields medal and told them to fuck off so he could pick mushrooms in peace.

>> No.12752908

God damn fatties are stupid.

>> No.12752913
File: 247 KB, 999x1191, Norbert-Wiener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754207

anon, as a fat person do you daily drink soda?
sparking water or any other sodas?

>> No.12755019

nope, quit soda years ago, strictly water now

>> No.12755057

Fat gain and cognitive deficits are both rooted in metabolic function.