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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12752077 No.12752077 [Reply] [Original]

>Have been taking classes and TAing nonstop since 2019
>thought online classes would get smoother as professors got used to teaching online
>the wheels are falling off most of my classes, some professors have practically retired
>weeks behind getting material posted
>physics professor has posted like 3.5 hours of lectures for the whole semester
Holy shit, the past year has been trying but everyone has kept it together so far. This semester everyones' frustration and cabin fever is boiling over. How much longer is this charade gonna last, we are ruining an entire generation's education?

>> No.12752082

You are simply watching the scam that is the University method fall apart under any kind of change. Professors were unfit to teach before the pandemic, now the light is shining on their lack of motivation and inability to teach a subject.

>> No.12752083

I know that feel. I was gonna use 2020 to take a bunch of classes I thought would help me know what career i want but it all went shit

>> No.12752130

At least cheating is easy

>> No.12752604

more like mandatory

>> No.12752607

That's a downside if you're actually smart.

>> No.12752612

open book exams are the greatest thing ever though. i don't have to waste my time copying down everything the professor writes on their slides in order to answer their test questions right for their classes that I won't need to remember anything about after graduating. i currently look really good because so many of the average and below students are performing even worse under distance learning.
nah, the classes of mine that actually matter just made harder finals. cheating doesn't help if the answers are proofs that can't be looked up and require creativity and if there are more questions than you can answer in the time limit so that smart people can breeze through while cheaters complete less questions since they need to look through so much material.

>> No.12752620 [DELETED] 
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When doing my College Math homeworks I have always at least these 2 tabs open:
1 tab for https://www.wolframalpha.com/ as calculator
1 tab for https://math.stackexchange.com/ to search similar problems' answers.

Technically cheating... but professors still require to write down step by step the reasoning, that's requires additional effort and skill.

>> No.12752632
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When doing Math problems I have at least 2 tabs open:
1 for https://www.wolframalpha.com/ as calculator
1 for https://math.stackexchange.com/ to search answers

Technically cheating... but writing down the reasoning/proof behind the answer demands more effort than simply Ctrl+C Ctrl+V.

>> No.12752655

i fucking hope cabin fever is boiling over, more people need to attend anti-lockdown protests.

>> No.12752659

Stay. Home.

>> No.12752673

Fellate. Me.

>> No.12752836
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>> No.12752839

Indian man on YouTube > Indian Professor

You are witnessing everything fall apart, see you anons at khan academy next semester.

>> No.12752968

I would love to have one professor, only one, that was born and raised in the US and didn't have an accent. Too much to ask?

>> No.12752986

>open book exams are the greatest thing ever though
stfu they're terrible. since exams are open book, profs expect you to have a more conceptual understanding of the material and so tests are harder. My midwit brain can barely understand the simpler closed book test so I was btfo by my waves class last semester

>> No.12752994

Idk where you are but almost all of my professors are white and raised in the us. The exceptions are 1 Leaf, 1 Bong, 1 Kraut, and 1 Paki and the only guy with a strong accent was the brit. Maybe you should have tried harder in high school to get into a T10 sweety

>> No.12753028

>t. silver spoon

>> No.12753037

Fair point, I didn't even try applying anywhere just went to the nearby public uni. I'm glad your experience is satisfactory.

>> No.12753039

>You are simply watching the scam that is the University method fall apart under any kind of change
t. Lecturer

>> No.12753053

Last semester I took two courses. One professor was a hard-ass, long boring lectures, tedious homeworks, etc. the other uploaded a video once a week and assigned only one final test over the first chapter.

>> No.12753075

One of mine just stopped giving a shit entirely: He had two live Zoom lectures before just prerecording videos with PowerPoints (which worked), then had a question session where he sat at home in a recliner with his laptop on his belly answering questions while his kids ran around in the background (he was 60 with two prepubescent kids), then gave the easiest exam in my life that had 0 fails and more As than any other grade.
Unironically one of the best lecturers I've ever had, and not just because he was so chill.

>> No.12753227

Based. I'm so glad that everybody paying for "virtual lectures" (youtube videos but complete shit) are being completely fucked over. Fuck this world.

>> No.12753286
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it's not only in education. Jobs looks the same. The society is literally dissolving.

Shit's gonna get really messy.