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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 61 KB, 1540x324, iqpolitics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12751994 No.12751994 [Reply] [Original]

IQ and race have been discussed to death. Let's talk about IQ and political affiliation.

>> No.12752000

childhood intelligence?
link the whole thing

>> No.12752014


>> No.12752017
File: 204 KB, 944x796, LangFig1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always count on the Engineering Chads to keep shit republican

>> No.12752019

I just vote for whoever I think will win

>> No.12752074

With a few exceptions, this also reads like a list of fields from most useful to least useful.

>> No.12752087

Garbage plot. What do these numbers even mean?

>> No.12752094

While the plot/picture is shitty without a title, if you can't figure out what it means based on the bottom two arrows then you're a complete retard

>> No.12752103

70 iq
>luv me queen, luv me beer, simple as
90 iq
100 iq
>trump killed 500,000
120 iq
>universal healthcare! basic income!
140 iq
>the government, media, courts, and businesses are under control of a select elite, which is largely jewish and serves the interests of israel above all else
>luv me queen, luv me beer, simple as

>> No.12752107

>leftists cannot into economics

>> No.12752137

Shitty plot is shitty. Even if you figure out it's plotting proportion of Dem vs Rep, it's a misleading graph. Even the lowest number, engineering, implies about 50% more Dems than Reps in the field.

>> No.12752145
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>> No.12752166
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antisemitism is literally the very bottom of intelligence, as demonstrated by your post and by every /pol/ post ever made. the US Congress and Senate are 6% jewish, and that’s their highest representation anywhere in the world government-wise outside Israel. Whites and Christians are 80/90 percent respectively, completely running the government.
All the rest of that stuff is nearly as stupid incel lying. Israel has dropped from 93% Jewish to 73% in the last few decades, which more than meets the /pol/ incel definition for Jena Cyde. Are brutally delusional double standards a sign of intellect as well? There’s not even one 90 IQ /pol/ drone, let alone one over 140.

>> No.12752175
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>> No.12752180

>the US Congress and Senate are 6% jewish
Still overrepresented

>> No.12752182

>t. midwit

>> No.12752183

>Christians separated into 4 different categories to make it seem like they don’t completely control the government
now that’s a laugh

>> No.12752184

How much do they pay you? Just curious. I wouldn't mind becoming a professional shitposter.
t. 25% Ashkenazi

>> No.12752186

6% is 6% of control (actually zero since it’s not enough to influence any decisions). Both Christians and white people are also dramatically over-represented in the government, but in that case control it completely due to majority influence

>> No.12752194

I'm gonna nip this shit in the bud. You're both discussing religion. A large fraction of ethnic Jews are forced to identify as white, and don't even identify religiously with Judaism. All you're equipped to say is that AT LEAST 6% of Congress is Jewish. The rate is much higher. You need to find what fraction of the whites are Jewish. This can be done with some effort. Just scrape all their names, match to How to Identify a Jew, and then you have a result closer to reality.

>> No.12752195

I never understood why you incels ask this question to those people instead of the shills paid to scream and lie about jews on this site all day
As an unbiased party it seems far more likely this place is crawling with far right shills paid to slander Judaism than vice versa, just going by volume of posts. Every single board I browse has between a few hundred and a few thousand posts per day by NPCs trying and failing to make me believe all manner of nonsense about da joos. Notice how what is very clearly a discord of far right shills was just linked to this thread to do damage control.

>> No.12752199

>the conspiracy theorists shunned by society so hard they need to post da joo conspiracy online are NPCs
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.12752206

>As an unbiased party
This post reads like a caricature.

>> No.12752213

More psychological evidence that conservatives are brainlets!


>Conservatism and nationalism were related to greater caution in perceptual decision-making tasks and to reduced strategic information processing, while dogmatism was associated with slower evidence accumulation and impulsive tendencies. Religiosity was implicated in heightened agreeableness and risk perception. Extreme pro-group attitudes, including violence endorsement against outgroups, were linked to poorer working memory, slower perceptual strategies, and tendencies towards impulsivity and sensation-seeking—reflecting overlaps with the psychological profiles of conservatism and dogmatism. Cognitive and personality signatures were also generated for ideologies such as authoritarianism, system justification, social dominance orientation, patriotism and receptivity to evidence or alternative viewpoints; elucidating their underpinnings and highlighting avenues for future research. Together these findings suggest that ideological worldviews may be reflective of low-level perceptual and cognitive functions.

>> No.12752214

yes, people who can't see logic when it's presented to them and instead through a contrarian hissy fit to justify their personal failures are NPCs.

>> No.12752216


>Firstly, the finding that political and nationalistic conservatism is associated with reduced strategic information processing (reflecting variables associated with working memory capacity, planning, cognitive flexibility and other higher-order strategies) is consistent with a large body of literature [2,5] indicating that right-wing ideologies are frequently associated with reduced analytical thinking [74,75] and cognitive flexibility [6,15,17]. Additionally, conservative political ideology was characterized by a diminished tendency to take social risks (figure 4 and electronic supplementary material, figure S4) such as disagreeing with authority, starting a new career mid-life and speaking publicly about a controversial topic. This corroborates research showing that political conservatives tend to emphasize values of conformity, ingroup loyalty and traditionalism [76–80]. These empirical consistencies between the current data-driven findings and past theory-motivated research endow the present line of work with further credibility.

>> No.12752223
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>Contrarians are NPCs

>> No.12752228

Except the religious demographics of congress are broken down asshat, adding up to 100%. There’s no room for “Jews identifying as something else.” Anything to avoid admitting you’re wrong though right.

>> No.12752235

“Contrarian” is a matter of perspective. Agreeing with /pol/ on anything makes you a retard and a contrarian in the outside world, but it makes you a retard and a rule following brainwashed NPC on this site. There’s no one more NPC than /pol/.

>> No.12752240

Is there any chance that, say, you might be of jewish descent?
>Responds with a basedjack variant

>> No.12752247

Let's use a simple example. Imagine a Congress with 100 people. Broken down by religion,
>80 are Christian, 6 are Jewish, 14 are Muslim
Break it down by race
>60 are white, 20 are black, 20 are Hispanic
Oy vey, looks like 6% of Congress is Jewish! But you're a brainlet, so allow me to quantify my earlier comment. Of those 60 white people, a large fraction are ethnic Jews. 15 of them are ethnic Jews.

So while 6% of Congress is religiously Jewish, I just showed you how at least 15% of them are ethnically Jewish. The real number remains to be calculated.

>> No.12752258

Or calling you NPC/poltard/incel

>> No.12752261

>he’s a brainlet because he doesn’t pretend people are jewish to force reality to adhere to an evil brainless political ideology/religion/cult called antisemitism
seems like a lot of effort just to cope with the fact that some fat retarded losers and muslims online are wrong.

>> No.12752269
File: 68 KB, 960x944, 145289618_4970569143015010_6897066936398088067_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This graph is misleading. It only takes into account people that are registered republicans as opposed to people in those occupations in general. It doesn't take into account the population of engineers that aren't registered in either party. Also
>kek no medical field data on the graph

>> No.12752272

Dude. I'm Ashkenazi Jewish. I have relatives who are literally Christians (socially at least, they don't really give a shit). In all racial demographics questions, I have to mark white, as do my family members. Anyone who knows anything about Jewish people knows that Jewish are forced to identify as white, even if we don't want to. You'd have to be an absolute retard to believe that the only ethnic Jews in Congress are those who are religiously Jewish. The real Jewish representation is at least 6%.

>> No.12752281

Congress is 92% Christian, so there’s barely room for additional jewish representation anyway

>> No.12752287

>religious Christians can't be ethnic Jews
That's simply not true.

>> No.12752309

not all contrarians are npcs, but in order to deny clear logic and facts you need to be incapable of an internal monologue. i see no other way that these two things can simultaneously exist.

>> No.12752312

I’m not getting a lot of actual evidence for the existence of these imaginary jews in congress. just a highly suspicious desperation to claim there are more of them

>> No.12752316
File: 814 KB, 1125x1120, B20956E8-FF08-47F2-BCB5-11318708254F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think there’s necessarily a correlation between political affiliation and IQ. The real correlation is: the smarter you are the less extremist you become since you tend to be more capable of conceptualizing ideas and therefore empathizing with the other side. A high IQ liberal sees the value in institutions and order, and a high IQ conservative sees the plight of vulnerable people. Not to say they can’t have serious convictions or beliefs, but they’ll understand more.

High IQ extremists tend to be eccentric because they do no suffer the consequences of their world view. It’s easy to propose retarded ideas from the comfort of a tenured academia job or a columnist/talk show host job. People in industry are so centrist it hurts sometimes.

>> No.12752332

How the fuck are there so many democrats under religious studies?
I thought Christians were very much right wing.

>> No.12752340

Cross reference with the list of Jewish names here.
I leave it as an exercise to the reader to falsify my claims. My claim is that more than 6% of Congress is ethnically Jewish. So, if my claim is imaginary, then prove me wrong with the evidence.

>> No.12752348


>> No.12752349

Is it possible to raise your IQ? My IQ tests indicate I scored a midwit 115.

>> No.12752355

You posted a neo nazi website as evidence, which makes it obvious you’re either a troll or a genuine /pol/ incel and therefore not worthy of even a few seconds spent falsifying your bullshit

>> No.12752359

>tries to discredit my claims as neonazi
Bro, I already told you, I'm Jewish. The last thing I support is Naziism. I don't agree with things in that document, I merely cited it because it's the most exhaustive list of Jewish names I've ever seen. Find me one single last name there that isn't a Jewish last name.

>> No.12752378

Am I meant to understand you think anyone with one of those names is Jewish?

>> No.12752416
File: 81 KB, 1024x764, 1610752293995m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better yet, why not talk about mental illness and political affiliation?

>> No.12752417


>> No.12752427

Okay, well the list itself admits that isn’t the case. Next to Levi it says (exclusively jewish) which implicitly acknowledges everything else isn’t. And that was made by a neo nazi /pol/ rat who deserves far worse than cap. punishment, so you’re dense as fuck to believe a thing you read there in the first place.

>> No.12752431

>*duck speak intensifies*

>> No.12752438

>religious studies
Does not mean Christian

>> No.12752441

Minorities have Lower IQ. Most Minorities vote dem.

>> No.12752456

Asians and Jews are minorities and have higher IQs.

>> No.12752466

Asians are a world majority and jews could be considered Caucasian

>> No.12752477

>Porportion of respondents to SSC's survey who say they are comfortable with seeking help for their mental health by position on a left-right spectrum.

>> No.12752488

Nice cope. Reminder that being transgender is statistically a better predictor of autistic traits than having an actual autism diagnosis.

>> No.12752505

Why are some many transgenders autistic, though? I understand why many autistic kids have a fascination with electronics or computers, but why do they want to become women. I'm baffled.

>> No.12752507

lmao based engineers
All of the surgeons i work with are also right wing trumptards. they are 1000x better than leftypol psychopaths though..

>> No.12752510

>fbi/cia:the post
fuck off

>> No.12752514

It's literally a manifestation of body dysmorphia, an obsessive mental illness, and it has been proven to be treatable with antipsychotics, just like body dysmorphia.

>> No.12752519

because social pressure is really hard on people with autism. they cannot fit in and they are not genius savants either. becoming a tranny is a surefire way to get attention and become 'accepted' in a group despite being a social misfit that struggles with communication.
autistic young adult and adults commit suicide at a disproportionate rate as well. It's really fucking sad, best bet for a person with autism is finding some niche they can work from home. They'll never be normal and struggle with relationships more than pretty much anyone.
just writing about it makes me sad. but tldr it's a feedback loop.

>> No.12752526

now psychiatrists must support their delusions and fantasies to the bitter end or risk licensure issues.
Most of the psychs I know just go for it because it's big money. The one I don't [right wing guy] refers them to someone else and just says its not his area of expertise. desu he's probably the smart one, in 20 years the psychiatric rules will shift again to treating it like a treatable mental illness and lawsuits of today's trannies will probably be insane.

>> No.12752532

You need autistic traits in order to get an autism diagnosis, so that's categorically impossible.

>> No.12752540

>empirical evidence that conservatives are brainlets
>"Da Jooz"

>> No.12752565

>The transgender and gender-diverse vs. cisgender effect sizes are equivalent to or larger than the autism vs. non-autism effect sizes and the cisgender male vs. cisgender female effect sizes in non-autistic individuals.
>www dot nature dot com slash articles slash s41467 dash 020 dash 17794 dash 1 dot pdf
Cope harder my mentally ill libshit friend.

>> No.12752566


ive seen you post a lot here lately. what's up rabbi?

>> No.12752568

fuck spam filters btw

>> No.12752573

Huh? Just a 5 second query on Google.
Republicans score a bit higher than democrats, but frankly, who cares.

>> No.12752576

you could almost certainly associate voting for those third parties with 4chan style "autism" i.e. social awkwardness/ineptness, probably keyboard warrior on reddit, not enough friends so less things to distract him from autistically focusing on school, etc.

>> No.12752592
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You probably should have read the whole paper.

>> No.12752594

But they still vote Rep.

>> No.12752599

now randomize the racial background of the participants :^)

>> No.12752601

It's also using data from the 1970's. Modern trends are much different.

>> No.12752621

>I have to mark white

No you don’t. Aside from Native Americans, there is no legal definition of race. You are whatever you say you are or perceived to be. That’s why Obama is “black”

>> No.12752633

there is no "other" option, and you can't decline to answer.

>> No.12752768
File: 226 KB, 1280x691, nuremberg_iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12752797

The social sciences are a pipeline towards far-left extremism. It's sad.

>> No.12752804

>Let's talk about IQ and political affiliation.
Oh well that's easy.
Democrats are statistically higher IQ and better educated that Republicans.
Explains a lot doesn't it?

>> No.12752805

If someone wore that shirt around me i'd find it funny. Dunno why natives get so bent out of shape over being represented by a football team.

>> No.12752809
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>I just vote for whoever I think will win

>> No.12752825

You sound so ridiculous I'd almost think you were falseflagging. I sure hope you are.

>> No.12752841

Which late night news and comedy show did you hear this factoid from?

>> No.12752849

>Agreeing with /pol/ on anything makes you a retard
kys dumbass

>> No.12752853

Jewish isn't just a religion and you know it.

>> No.12752858

>better educated
Lesbian dance theory isn't a valuable education.

>> No.12752866
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Last time they did a poll, 91% of Native Americans weren't offended by the Redskins name. It should be obvious why they were never polled on the topic again.

>> No.12752887
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Pic related

>> No.12752893
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Pic related again

>> No.12752899
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Pic related once more

The upshot being right wing thought is typically shared among both low-IQ and high-IQ outliers, leftism being reserved to the midwits and other such mediocre people.

>> No.12752906
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In fact, it's completely obvious when you think about it.

>> No.12752909
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Pic related once more

>> No.12752920

>words words words
The left can't meme

>> No.12753542

Yeah but the Jews are just controlling everything behind the scenes without any way to find out what they're doing so you can't fit in empirical information or statistics. All that matters is your feelings about them

>> No.12753606
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>> No.12753616

Anon who is the man on the right, holy based

>> No.12753632

kys faggot

>> No.12753662

Who cares if right wing have lower ow score. I don’t so what does it matter to me

>> No.12753739

105 IQ detected

>> No.12753751


>> No.12753768

the only right wingnut people that are smart, are the 3% that are fleecing the remaining 97%

>> No.12753864
File: 479 KB, 1024x768, 1611172646033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so true comrade! together with the help of the corporate media, big businesses, and wallstreet, we will finally put an end to the right wing!

>> No.12754165

I don't know if you realize this but leftists, not liberal but leftists, are pretty anti-capitalism.

>> No.12754211

Anybody that doesn't support Trump is a leftist liberal commie to these people.

>> No.12754223
File: 86 KB, 1024x703, map-usa-average-iq-us-state-1024x703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are red states so much smarter?

>> No.12754233

>dumbest states are Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi

>> No.12754234
File: 82 KB, 512x384, lord-forgive-him-for-he-knows-not-what-he-do-smh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy Based
I get that you don't read and being racist is all it takes to be based to you but I can't help but cringe reading this.

>> No.12754249

The dumbest states are Louisiana, Mississippi, and California.

>> No.12754257

yes comrade! we will overthrow captalism and white supremacy thanks to our generous donors at jp morgan who gave us all this protest gear! just remember what you read in the new york times: black lives matter!

>> No.12754258

Thank you for the reputable, transparent source.

>> No.12754263

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.12754265

If you go by literacy rates, California is the dumbest state in the union.

>> No.12754270

spoken like a true right wing nazi. didn't you see the shows on nbc last night saying how we need socialism to end capitalist racial inequality? seriously you need to watch more television

>> No.12754356

There isn't a single major network that advocates for socialism. Again, liberalism=/=socialism, but that's a nuance that's just going to be lost on your smooth brain.

>> No.12754358

They really are a drag

>> No.12754618

Real for them, faggot.

>> No.12754643

okay you fucking nazi, you need to watch some john oliver on tv so you can learn about why we need socialized medicine and why we need to be more like socialist countries

>> No.12754702

clearly, niggers
t.a genious, very smart

>> No.12754731
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x799, 1613621892365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. paid shill

>> No.12755011

remove the chess pseud. looking up to chess players is an indication that you are a midwit because chess players aren't as smart as media makes them out to be.

>> No.12755670
File: 176 KB, 956x532, schoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobby Fischer was very smart.
Listen to some of his interviews.

>> No.12755939

>under class
Nigger IQ. They will vote left because they can't produce anything of value.
>working class
Low IQ. They can do manual labour, so they will vote for right-wing nationalists that will protect their jobs.
>middle class
Average IQ. They can do white-collar work. But their labour is not worth a lot more than the manual labour that the working class does. So they use moralism (blm, feminism, pacifism, veganism, climate change) to justify their higher standards of living, so they vote left. They are "good" people so it's okay if they leech off the working- and the upper class.
>upper class
High IQ: They don't need to justify their position in the hierarchy. They are better of if the state is not involved and so they vote right.

>> No.12755968

yes how did you know?

>> No.12755972

You wrote ALL of THAT?
And you expceted me to READ it?
Like you spent time WRITING THAT?
Expecting me to... READ IT?

>> No.12755974

>neet class
more than 3 SD from the mean, leech from the state because they know its shit and morality doesnt exist

>> No.12756130

[continued] This is a very simple marxist analysis but it's a good basic overview.

The Democratic Party's voting base is something called "transferiat". They dominate the under- and middle class. They can't produce anything of value or not enough to justify their standards of living. So they use moralism to justify them taking money from the productive members of society. Examples:
>Welfare and benefits
>Socialising industries
>A large public sector with comfortable and high paying jobs.
>Jobs that combat "racism", "sexism", "homophobia", other injustices and fake news. HR, administrators, communications officers, teachers, professors, journalists, etc.
>People with useless college degrees
If you don't agree with them then you are "evil".

>> No.12758037
File: 198 KB, 906x1024, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it has to do with mainly testosterone and education (indoctrination) level. Of course high and low iq people are not as affected, but anyone who was homeschooled and has functional physical fitness, for example, is fine.
I hate to type too much, but its like Hitler said.
"A healthy body makes for a healthy mind. The rare exceptions to this rule only prove it to be true." (iq above 130)
or something along those lines...

>> No.12758301

Here's your data