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12747691 No.12747691 [Reply] [Original]

Not suicidal, just a little curious on what it would be scientifically. I'd assume it's something like nitrogen but I don't know.

>> No.12747694

nitrous oxide

>> No.12747701

exit bags seem to be pretty cool.

I dunno imo suicide is probably stupid when you can bail out to a tropical paradise and build a cabin on the beach and go fishing and shit.

>> No.12747702


>> No.12747748

Probably shotgun to the face. You can have your heart stop and still be alive for a couple minutes before your brain runs out of oxygen. There are stories of people being guillotined and still being conscious for a few seconds. By taking a shotgun to the face, you are physically destroying your brain before your body can even process what's happening, let alone send you pain signals.

>> No.12747764

people have survived shotgun blasts to the face though

>> No.12747789

Most of the time when someone survives, it's because the bullet ricocheted off of a bone and missed the brain. You can end up paralyzed if it hits a nerve or possibly bleed out if it hits an artery. Firearms are still the most lethal method though, with around 97% lethality.

>> No.12748586

Believe 1 cor 15:1-4kjv

>> No.12748755

Use .5 ounce slugs, those things mean fucning business

>> No.12748766

What's the survival rate of jumping off a bridge after downing a bottle of pain killers?

>> No.12748771

i have read that exit bags are actually pleasurable.

>> No.12748773

does the helium method work, or is that a meme?

>> No.12748786

it doesnt work anymore. they fixed the helium available to the public because too many people were killing themselves with it.

>> No.12748853

Ask yourselves how Texans died. They died in their garage due to car exhaust.

>> No.12748866

painless? i dunno about that but fun for sure

just shit on the society and drink yourself to death while doing crazy and weird shit.

>> No.12748916

I always figured jumping from a really tall building would kill you so fast you couldnt feel the pain

>> No.12748982

It is, but that's actual suicide which most people asking about painless suicide don't want.

>> No.12750977

Sodium Nitrite
also hanging can be pretty painless if you do it well

>they fixed the helium available to the public

>> No.12751313

Obviously it would be doctors stopping your heart while under genera anesthesia.
Short of that, shooting yourself in the heart will only hurt for a couple of seconds, and it might not hurt and feel more like a blunt impact. Then the lack of blood pressure makes you faint within seconds, then you are are still alive but its the same scenario as doctors killing you under anesthesia.
You can live with half a brain, you caant live with have a heart. If you shoot your heart and miss you can simply shoot again, you might not be able to by shooting the brain (or jumping from a bridge or in front of a train, etc).

>> No.12751315

They mix oxygen with the helium, the balloons still float.

>> No.12751331

Use a slug and you have absolutely no chance of fucking it up.

>> No.12751343

If you read positive reviews, they aren't probably suited for the job..

>> No.12751373

They are not because your body can detect the lack of oxygen.You will hyperventilate trying to get more oxygen

>> No.12751441

Your body can only detect excess of co2 actually

>> No.12751456

1.Nembutal(sodic pentobarbital)
2.NaN3 + water
3.opioid overdose
4.shotgun in the mouth pointing to the brain
5.carbon monoxide asphyxiation
6. Nitrogen asphyxiation

>> No.12751486

Hmmm. So I am guessing something that makes you drowsy, puts you to sleep and then kills you, without any pain or abnormal physical effects. Ideally something not messy, something which does not cause massive physical trauma. Something which has no chance of possibly harming anyone else, either in the process or after death. Something which has the highest possible success rate.

Without much knowledge on the subject I would have say asphyxiation through an exit tent. Not sure what gas to use. Possibly just CO2, but I dont if that causes hyperventilation. We dont want hyperventilation as that would induce stress. We want nice and peaceful. Slip into sleep as you take your last glance at existence.I imagine doing it somewhere warm, quiet and peaceful would be the way to go. Maybe N2 then? Anon said they now mix oxygen in with helium so I guess that option is out. I have heard about people running the car exhaust into their car with windows shut, but that sounds unpleasant, car exhaust stink.

>> No.12751489

Thats just a myth. Your body can also detect the lack of oxygen. It just wont be the same reaction as with an excess of CO2.

>> No.12751496

checked and based

>> No.12751501

Shooting yourself in the heart is less messy than shooting the brain, and much more lethal. The brain is not well understood, the heart is a mechanical pump, put a hole in it and circulation stops.

>> No.12751523

If I could muster the motivation to make something like that happen, I probably wouldn't be depressed. Not op but agree suicide is fucking retarded. Even the most miserable existence is better than non existence

>> No.12751531

That's called balloon gas. You cant weld with oxygen in your inert gas shield. Helium for welding aluminum is very pure

>> No.12751551

if you dont exist you dont suffer

>> No.12751581

>Even the most miserable existence is better than non existence
This is really stupid, and also sounds overly convenient for privileged people who wouldn’t have anything if people refused to work for their benefit

>> No.12751623

t. junko furuta

>> No.12751706

Its still messy. Blood. You could miss, disable yourself and have a prolonged painful death. You are also leaving behind a gun which could be used by someone who finds you. There is also the remote chance of the "Law of Arsefuckery" coming into play.

No, personally I dont like that option. Think I would stick to some sort of gas. Just a matter of finding out which gas is best for the job in terms of painlessness, reliability and availability.

>> No.12751759

Say you shoot a lung, it wont kill you, it just hurts, its hard to breathe. Ok so you missed by an inch, fire again, opsie, another lung. Looks like you get to shoot again.
You hit the heart and you are dead, and no pain. There is no painful long death if you hit the heart.
If tha pain and breathing difficulties of shooting the lung makes it impossible to shoot again, you will then either die or be rescued, make a full recovery and then you can shoot again. You wont get such chances with headshots.
Tojo shoot himself in the heart and missed, doctors found and patched him, so he went to court and was hanged. He was dying when he was found though, point is there is no way to wind up as a horrible vegetable with half a brain by shooting the heart.
Want a gas? Eat magnesium sulfide with a glass of water, it will turn to hydrogen sulfide in your stomach.

>> No.12751766

Thats not an option for sick people.
Also there are no tropical paradises. You mean like Benin? Haiti? Gonna break into Richard Branson's private beach in Martinica to fish on his water?

>> No.12751939

The idea is to make it reliable and painless you fuckwit.

>> No.12752129


Opioid overdose probably. You'll be fine one second, slip unconscious and then possibly die. However you may not die and wake up with catastrophic brain damage making you even more depressed.

As to the worst way to die - Datura or bromo dragonfly overdose.

>> No.12752146


Suppose you can increase the chance of death with higher doses. It probably hinges on how much you can administer before slipping unconscious. There's reddit posts of people trying this, almost succeeding, but just putting themselves into an extended coma.

>> No.12753123

Shooting the heart is painless if you actually hit the heart. The point is if you miss its not gore and you get a chance to fire again. And hydrogen sulfide is not painful.

>> No.12753205
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apparently lava burns your nerves so fast you don't feel a thing. but the information library graph says it's a shotgun blast to the noggin.

>> No.12753209

The last time I was put under using anesthetic I didn't feel it. You could supplement any asphyxiant gas with chloroform really and you wouldn't know the difference. Just soak cloth in chloroform, put the mask on with gas turned on while holding your breath, then slip chloroform cloth under the mask and take a deep breath

>> No.12753351

if you overdose on heroin your body would be too fucked to feel anything, wouldn't it?

>> No.12753669


It'd be kind of like falling asleep, often people are ok one second, slip unconscious without really realising and then wake up getting revived, I think.

>> No.12753770

>exit bags seem to be pretty cool.
Wow I didn't know about these. Thanks Anon