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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12743125 No.12743125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will you science bitches just stick to your field please? Stick with physics, math, chemistry, technology. Stay the fuck away from the human mind and soul please. It's really sickening when you think you have anything to say about that shit.

>> No.12743139

I just mean don't apply the institution of science and the scientific method to the human soul. I'm not saying don't talk about it just keep your science away from it.

>> No.12743143

How can one stay away from something that doesn't exist?

>> No.12743147

The human mind exists you can't even deny that. Why do you become really illogical the moment we question you huh? I thought YOU were the one with logic and facts behind him?

>> No.12743180

>that gamergate-tier gotcha comment instead of a civilized discussion

>> No.12743196

Philosophy was my minor.

>> No.12743197

The fuck does gamergate have to do with anything?

>> No.12743202

Did it do you any good?

>> No.12743208

I mean, engineering was my major, so, eehhhhh?

>> No.12743209

We don't care about the soul cause its an I'll defined term that doesn't actually mean anything.

The mind in context of cognition and thought is firmly in the realm of science and it's annoying how philfags treat some random thought experiments as sacrosanct in the face of actual data on human experience.

>> No.12743212

>Stay the fuck away from the human mind and soul please.
But I study human brains, and it's a (softer) science.
There is no reason to think a soul exists. Neuroscience is adequately advanced to demonstrate that the brain is responsible for the """mind""". If you need to cope and believe an unproven soul exists then feel free kid

>> No.12743228

I'm just in a similar boat, but I plan to get extra courses in Math to improve chances for Grad school. Feel like shit because it's choosing between something for myself or something for career.

>> No.12743233

You both are just arrogant twats that rely on faith even more than I do. You think you are saying something profound but you aren't. It's not even philosophy that's another bullshit institution. I could actually go further and say the school system and academia should stay the fuck away from the human mind because they are largely full of shit and constantly dehumanize people.

>> No.12743240


>> No.12743248

>It's really sickening when you think you have anything to say about that shit.
As opposed to brainlets like you? No thanks

>> No.12743251

The pot calling the kettle black

>> No.12743253

Because you always exacerbate the problems and ironically when presented with evidence that contradicts you, you deny it and pretend it isn't true. You don't even practice the method properly but you also overvalue it because human beings understand themselves better than your method ever can. We are already equipped with the tools to help each other and you just get in the way with your nonsense. You dehumanize us and make us into machines instead of treating us like human beings.

>> No.12743257

This is how pathetic universities are. It's all about claiming to be "smart" you really aren't interested in ideas just the status of being the "intelligent" one. It's pathetic.

>> No.12743392

I would like to see this "evidence"
Not the guy you replied to btw

>> No.12743401

Hello. You are currently posting in a b8 thread

>> No.12743416

But the human mind grows out of math, physics, chemistry, and biology. Also computation.

>> No.12743423

Everyone is relying on faith.
I trust that there is an external world, and that my senses convey to me some information about the external world. I also trust that physical reality is causal, that X can cause Y.
Then I use these three things I take on faith, and use them to perform experiments and analyse data.
When I see particular patients with particular brain damage, and I see how that affects their cognitive ability.
When I take a drug like caffeine, or if someone took a drug like alcohol, nicotine, amphetamines, etc etc etc, I (and they) can observe the effect that drug has on them. We can see how different drugs affect different parts of the brain using expensive imaging techniques.
What I take on faith is relatively simple, and science is an extension of that.
But to believe in a soul... simply because someone told me to? or because some book has it written down? That seems retarded to me.
If you could tell me some sort of experiment I could do, where you get result X if a soul exists, and result Y is no soul exists. Then I might believe a soul exists if we get result X. But you don't have such an experiment.
You childishly find some sophistry to justify a belief you hold.

Now let me reply to your post piece by piece:
>You think you are saying something profound but you aren't.
I don't think im saying anything profound. I think im saying something that is obvious to anyone who isn't a complete retard.
>You both are just arrogant twats that rely on faith even more than I do
I'm relying less on faith.
>It's not even philosophy that's another bullshit institution. I could actually go further and say the school system and academia should stay the fuck away from the human mind because they are largely full of shit and constantly dehumanize people.
It sounds like you're angry because scientists and most science academics don't believe what you believe.

>> No.12743437

>human beings understand themselves
They don't.

>> No.12743449

Are you the schizo who complains about being committed to a hospital for "attacking" a doctor?

>> No.12743461

A soul is not controversial. The soul is consciousness it's just another term for it. You are being pedantic. Also the concept of a brain has never once been helpful to me. Even with drugs you know how it affects you and that's all that really matters I don't care about the brain it is merely an image reflecting some part of consciousness.

I have a problem because academics impose on me. If they just left me alone and stopped saying my beliefs are signs of illness I would not hate them.

>> No.12743483

Also I want you to know I have sent posts back in time on 4chan. Causality is not true.

>> No.12743523

There is literally no academic seeking you out to disparage you unless you are talking about your psycholgist. Posting online about these things is you seeking others out to validate you. No one is required to agree with you

If you want to be left alone then leave

>> No.12743530

You're such a bitch.

>> No.12743538
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>You're such a bitch.

>> No.12743539

I am also stupid like the OP but I hope that you instead try to learn everything about everything and leave no subject as taboo and maybe you will discover something that benefits me whether I perceive it or not

>> No.12743541

>A soul is not controversial
Yes it is.
>The soul is consciousness it's just another term for it.
No it's not. Is english your second language?
>You are being pedantic.
I'm not being pedantic. I just assumed I was talking to someone whose first language was english, and who actually knew what the word "soul" meant.
> Also the concept of a brain has never once been helpful to me.
Okay? That's probably because you're an NPC who lives a simple life. It's been useful to me and the intelligent people I know many times, even those who don't study the brain.
>Even with drugs you know how it affects you and that's all that really matters I don't care about the brain it is merely an image reflecting some part of consciousness.
You probably think you are saying something profound, but you aren't
>I have a problem because academics impose on me. If they just left me alone and stopped saying my beliefs are signs of illness I would not hate them.
How about you fuck off then? No one is forcing you to post on /sci/. You are coming here, and then getting angry when people who know about science talk to you about science, and getting upset when bring up your beliefs ON A SCIENCE BOARD and then have science people tell you that you are retarded.
It's like going to a gay bar and then complaining about being around faggots. You are choosing to be here, so either fuck off or learn to not get buttmad when someone calls your retarded beliefs retarded.

Also, to clarify. I'm only calling your beliefs retarded. There are plenty of non-retarded people who believe in souls, and plenty of non-retarded systems of beliefs that include souls; but they have a way to make souls fit within science, rather than chimping out about science

>> No.12743542

Shut up you fucking demon. I know what you are I'm only pretending you are a human for my own sake. Now fuck off.

>> No.12743543

Based OP.
Religion > Art > Philospohy > Sciencucks

>> No.12743548

Again I know what you are. You are playing dumb and being pedantic. You are a negative entity within consciousness that plays the authority game. You are not in charge and you do not have authority over me.