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12742591 No.12742591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation to why our brain finds white skin more attractive? I've discovered that this is true regardless of the skin colour we grew up around with. Someone who grew up in Africa would still find white skin more attractive if migrated to the west, and someone who migrated to Africa growing up in white surroundings would still find black skin less attractive. What's the scientific explanation to this? Because black as a color itself is not unpopular. People have black cars, black phones, etc. Why does our perception change when the color moves to a human body?

>> No.12742604

you are wrong faggot.
the only thing that i find attractive is big ass soft tits and tummy,fuck you

>> No.12742769

Because the brain associates it to something which is diseased. A skin patch that is white looks clean (even if it's not) and we as humans are attracted to partners that look healthy.

>> No.12742822

not just skin, light features in general are found to be more attractive on women by pretty much all men worldwide. women to like darker features on their men more than men like darker features on women but its not to the same extent that men like light features on women, since many women prefer blonde hair or blue eyes or wouldn't date someone black.

>> No.12742823
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It’s tall dark and handsome, the preference for lighter skin isn’t universal among women. Is your question properly gendered? Are you just slyly implying blacks are unattractive? Dark skin isn’t always worst but certain primitive features the aboriginals and Africans often have isn’t attractive on women. Why is that?

>> No.12742826

>Applying his thought process on everyone else
Faglord detected.

>> No.12742877

He asked for explanation, not expansion on his views

>> No.12742918

dark means tan, not black

>> No.12742935

What a cringe thread.

>> No.12742978

>Is there a scientific explanation to why our brain finds white skin more attractive?


>> No.12742991

tan skin is the superior skin color

>> No.12743015

Because association with damages to skin from sun. Dark skin has always been viewed as lesser social class in Asia for that reason. Someone forced(not literally as slaves but because economic conditions) to work manual labor vs someone with lighter skins who stays in home/house/office/stores/etc and have easier time in life.

The racial connotation in Europe about white skin superiority to black skin superiority is bit more confusing.

>> No.12743019

I think we don't find white skin more attractive, it's that we find those similar to us more attractive, we find those with symmetrical beauty more attractive, etc. In white and asian cultures, for centuries it was indeed true that paler skin on women was more attractive. One explanation is that it was a symbol of status, as only workers would have been out in the sun all day working the fields. Funny enough it is the opposite today as worker stay in doors while the wealthy jet lounge on beaches.

>> No.12743023

tribalism and selfishness, but in the good sense.
if you grew uo around white people, chances are you're going to find white people atractive, it only makes sense.
imagine you're born in a small village in siberia but you'll only get hard for Australian aboriginals, wouldn't make sense would it

>> No.12743027

Fuck, I sound like an esl there. Fuck it, you know what I mean and I'm going to bed.

>> No.12743031
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>> No.12743050

>if you grew uo around white people, chances are you're going to find white people atractive, it only makes sense.
I don't think that's wholly true as even in america over 80% of people still marry within their own race. As this ESL >>12743019 says, you are more likely to be attracted to be similar to you regardless of exposure.

>> No.12743100

>Because black as a color itself is not unpopular.
rarely anybody is black

>> No.12743153

that girl is pretty af

>> No.12743156

>the only thing that i find attractive is big ass soft tits and tummy,fuck you
So you're attracted to most American males? Faggot.

>> No.12743314

darker skin looks dirty

>> No.12743318

Biologically we're programmed up to protect our own 'tribe' to protect us against viruses.

Kind of fitting given we now have a virus from a tribe that ass fucks bats and pangolins.