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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 1280x720, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12736454 No.12736454 [Reply] [Original]

So Perseverence has finally landed on Mars on the 18th. There has been a lot of talk about it's updated cameras, sensors, and microphones, which are supposed to give us not only stunning videos in high def, but also sounds of Martian surface. It's been two days since the landing, so where the FUCK are the videos and sounds? What are they hiding bros?

>> No.12736522

>It's been two days since the landing, so where the FUCK are the videos and sounds?
On the rovers SSD, slowing getting uploaded a little more every time the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has LOS to the rover and then sent to Earth when MRO has LOS to Earth.
They made the mistake of hyping the audio and video to people that don't understand how shit internet on Mars is.

>> No.12736570

I know it's not really for science but fuck how cool would it have been to record in VR so I can ride on it's back while it does it's stuff

>> No.12736581

>Shit internet on mars
Better than what half the shit rural Americans for their easy $295/month cable/phone/internet packages.

>> No.12736586

We'll get the cool stuff in a week to a month, for now, we get the hazard camera.

>> No.12736607

Very interesting. I thought with the modern tech they would be able to compress the video and sound data and send it in massive amounts in a short burst. The more you know..

For sure! I played around with Daydream and I remember a video where someone compiled a ton of Curiosity and/or Opportunity photos and made a static VR Martian environment panorama in several spots on Mars. Even then I was completely in awe.

Yeah the grainy images are better than none for sure.

>> No.12736617

Who pays $295 for internet in the US? The most I've heard of is maybe $150 tops. Starlink is supposed to be about that much.

>> No.12737007

Just open up nasa's website and read why, you conspiracy faggot. Monday 2pm ET, press conference and video reveal. What are they hiding? Nothing, maybe document yourself about how narrow the bandwidth is when sending shit from such a distance to avoid errors. That video of a few MB needs days to be sent, received and processed.

>> No.12737013

Instead of talking out your ass and throwing dates around, maybe just read what nasa said? Video reveal: 2PM ET, Monday.

>> No.12738985

Awesome, thanks for the heads up man!

>> No.12739097
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>> No.12739101
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>> No.12739105
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>> No.12739107
File: 640 KB, 2121x1196, 1613851038193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the only colored/HD pictures from the mission we have as of right now, afaik.

>> No.12739128

Awesome, thanks! Those seem to be much better quality than what I've been finding. Are these from the NASA website?
Zoom in part reminds me of the pale blue dot.

>> No.12739130


>> No.12739153
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One more

>> No.12739321

>It's been two days since the landing, so where the FUCK are the videos and sounds? What are they hiding bros?
They're busy doing actually important shit and tripple checking everything according to the procedures.

>> No.12739341

>It's been two days since the landing, so where the FUCK are the videos and sounds? What are they hiding bros?
You don`t understand the speed boomers at NASA that work from 8 to 4 and have frecuent lunch, coffee breaks and feel good meetings move.
Is very slow.

>> No.12739342

How do they even deal with the dust shit?

>> No.12739378

133MHz and 128MB of ram isn't much to do video compression with. they do have some form of image compression however

>> No.12739562

Very tight tolerances.

>> No.12739581
File: 161 KB, 1200x799, 1200px-Inverse_square_law.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inverse square law means radio signals get weaker with distance, and Mars is quite a distance away. The rover and MRO have limited power to transmit a signal with, so bandwidth is limited no matter what.
Whenever we start colonizing the place we can set up larger and more powerful transmitters to get more bandwidth. Though it will never be super amazing.

>> No.12739603

don't tell anyone else, but some joker made it so that the first sound that got sent back was BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP! Fucker was a clever bastard too, the BRAAAAPPP-generator code was extremely small, just a single line, which is how it got through code review. They also tuned the BRAAAAPs! so they compressed well and took minimum bandwidth

>> No.12739614

Higher frequencies don't disperse as much. Lasers work great for this and have been demonstrated as far as lunar orbit. X-ray comms are being tested on the ISS too. Higher frequency stuff is harder to aim.

>> No.12740597

It's pretty amazing that we're still getting constant telemetry from both Voyagers. I've only recently learned that they are both still alive and it blew my mind, considering that the original Star Trek movie based on it feels ancient and it was made a few years after the launch.

So why are they using 90's era tech? I mean I now it takes years to get approval and to go through the paper trail while tech is advancing, as was the case with the previous rovers, but even if Perseverence was based on circa 2010 tech, you would think that it would have more brains than a 1995 PC.

>> No.12740612
File: 10 KB, 250x230, 1591875343380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever meet a brap fag on the voyage to Mars I'm tossing him out the nearest airlock.

>> No.12740628 [DELETED] 

This looks fake like they took those in Arizona desert or some shit. Is this more nasa KIKERY?

>> No.12740636

The worst part is the brap meme used to not even be about farting.

>> No.12740824

the components have to be highly reliable and resistant to extreme temperatures and radiation, this offen comes at the cost of performance. the rtg also only produces like 110W at its best which is less than most desktop computers

>> No.12740925

Surprise, a desert shithole is a desert shithole. Reject failed low budget Tatooine, strip mine the Moon and some asteroid to build space mansions.

>> No.12741038

Technology should research about moving Enceladus to hit Mars.

>> No.12741130

Is it true it runs on nuclear engine ? those one with spikes/fins like in KSP

>> No.12741967

Yes, although I wouldn't call it a an engine.

>> No.12742312

That is a rational response.

>> No.12742418

"The Red Planet" a lot more brown than I expected now that I'm getting to see HD footage. Anyone else surprised by this?

>> No.12742437

>"The Red Planet" a lot more brown than I expected now that I'm getting to see HD footage. Anyone else surprised by this?

Not really. Also, they have a 360° panorama and 4k video of EDL on youtube now.



>> No.12742445

Too fucking slow. We need to send these eggheads next time. If they so smart, they will figure out how to survive. Who the fuck spends billions on a snail atv and copter worse than 500$ cheap chink drone?

>> No.12742470
File: 1.29 MB, 1437x1005, surface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for making a dedicated thread
let's go

>> No.12742471
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based and O'Neill pilled

>> No.12742494

ah yes, light rocks dark rocks and holey rocks

>> No.12742544

JPL posted a bunch of clips







>> No.12742565

the audio recording from the rover:

>> No.12742572

this is such a fucking waste of money kill yourself if you "enjoy" this

>> No.12742587

no u

>> No.12742607
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video)-landing.20299.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they showed this landing montage at the press conference.

>> No.12742618

How about I kill you instead npc

>> No.12742623

Your life is a waste of money.

>> No.12742630

yEaH, We NeEd tO bE pAyIng repARaTiOns InSteAD!!
PaY uP!!

>> No.12742632

>A wild /b/tard appeard!
>The /b/tard uses Bait!
>It is super effective!
Stop feeding him, retards.

>> No.12742648 [DELETED] 

your mom not aborting you was a waste of money for them

>> No.12742655

>Fly to mars
<find rocks
/sci/ cheers

>> No.12742660


>> No.12742662
File: 320 KB, 1608x1196, 3_-_PIA24423_Maki_8_09-Sol0002P_Mastcam-Z_26mm_L0raw_caltarget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuk is this in the front ?
Are the wires cut on the right ?

>> No.12742668

Yes, the wires are cut. That was the descent databus and the skycrane carriage lines.

>> No.12742670
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x960, 4_-_PIA24421_-_Deck_NLFC0002_0667125069_000FDR_N0010052AUT_04096_0A02I2J01-stretched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742674

The doodads are camera calibration targets.

>> No.12742700
File: 226 KB, 963x1000, 1611306298628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much bandwidth would you need to stream the landing live (with the 8 minutes delay)?

>> No.12742719

around 14mbit/s

>> No.12742723

Nuclear isotopes generate radiation.
Radiation converted into heat energy.
Heat flux gets turned into electricity via magic (seebeck effect).

>> No.12742739

They said they had somewhere around 30GB of footage from the landing so you could probably work it out from that.

>> No.12742746

that makes 64 MB/s if my calculations are correct

>> No.12742749

I'd rather pay 90% of tax in every single transaction I make and have this rather than pay 1% and it going straight into your pockets, Tyrone.

>> No.12742755

Surely it wouldn't be difficulty to send a satellite with 14/mbs to mars.

>> No.12742766

in the first video it gets all dusty? is that the booster/rocket creating that dust as it touches down?

>> No.12742771

are these the first close up videos of mars surface?

>> No.12742786

Yes. You can get a better idea of what is going on here where they sync up the videos.

>> No.12742831

the sky crane had pyrotechnical blades on that position to physically cut the connection to the rover.

>> No.12742837

the stuff on the front are color calibration charts, also used in regular photography, a grey card to adjust the white balance, and a rgb table.

>> No.12742842
File: 1.37 MB, 953x1059, fucking glue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me that's not in relation with what you asked but



>> No.12742846

Looks like epoxy

>> No.12742863

well, yeah. its 5 million dollars worth of nasa hot snot. i guess its some sort of epoxy though, hot snot might get brittle in that cold. this does not look to be meant to hold there forever, just capton tape to cover that place as long its traveling to mars. sooner or later this might just come off, no need to use super adhesives for that.

>> No.12742900

Won't those colours degrade fairly quickly? There isn't a protective magnetosphere on mars to stop solar radiation getting at it.

>> No.12742902

I can already see the over 9000 objections brainlets will have.

>> No.12742908

WHERE IS THE DUST, oh right there, nvm

>> No.12742925

you can uv stabilize colors

>> No.12742930

yeah, if you roughly know the deterioration rate you can compensate

>> No.12742933
File: 1.39 MB, 1811x1080, PIA24331_landing_site_full_res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742937

Gimmie martian fish fossils!

>> No.12742941
File: 1.76 MB, 4376x2400, PIA24333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12743075
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>> No.12743101

>A wild /b/tard appeard!
Think you need to be a bit more specific..

>> No.12743108

Fucking hell, are those the boosters on the skycrane we see?

>> No.12743111

My backup keyboard is gently hinting that it needs maintenance and that it would be really swell to have the main back. Or are you not referring to the typo?

>> No.12743123

wow. It's brown rocks!

>> No.12743126

Why does Mars sound like a bass rip?

>> No.12743132


>> No.12743135

thought the rover only had 2GB of storage, does every camera have its own storage?

>> No.12743137

Nah, referring to the /b/tard, cant seem to spot him. Then again, its been a long day

>> No.12743141

No idea. I was just going by the info they gave out on the live stream.

>> No.12743188

Yes that's the worst part

>> No.12743215

i think the mro has more memory, it might have had line of sight for the landing, recording from the upstream to send it to earth later

>> No.12743793

Based and 'Muricapilled

>> No.12743799

This shit is so obviously fake. We're being KIKED again fuck (((them)))

>> No.12744064

Not anymore thanks to Starlink
150 down, 300 down next year, <50ms ping for $100/month no data caps.

>> No.12744545

he announced his own arrival.

>> No.12744559

>NASA tries to justify its billion budget
>can only come up with a dried up planet
>shill this mars crap for decades
>all the drones support those bureaucrats spending tax payer money on a pile of dust

I love how atheists are still upset by having not found a luxurious planet like Earth so they try to cope with hyping a crappy planet

the atheist republic is a huge mistake

>> No.12744575

Who hurt you, anon? Do you need a hug?

>> No.12744583

Nice bait I’m Catholic and I want to die on Mars one day

>> No.12744621

Thank you. Rocks make my cock hard.

>> No.12744834

It's a solar dial, retard.

>> No.12744839

How did they decoupled the shield and links to the descending stage ? what's the mechanical part used and hot does it work ?

>> No.12744921

I have no idea for sure, but I'm guessing it was some kind of exploding bolt.

>> No.12745244

So is this how really Mars looks?
A brown desert under a grey sky with a pale sun?

>> No.12745267

Considering the atmosphere is so thin.
How do we get an Earth-style amount of atmospheric effect (mountains in the distance looking bright.)
I would have expected things to look a lot clearer with only 1% of air in the way.

>> No.12745319

>this is such a fucking waste of money kill yourself if you "enjoy" this

Netflix is a waste of money Mars rovers arn't

>> No.12745531

If you have a component which does it's job and has a proven record of 40 years functioning correctly, would you change it for some extra capacity that's not necessary in a mission where any failure can cause instant loss of billions of dollars of effort?

>> No.12745696

Its mars dust in the atmosphere

>> No.12745729

smooth brains should leave

>> No.12745747

They’re probably using lossless compression in order to ensure they don’t have to worry about image artifacts.

>> No.12745775

Does the procedure really say they need to triple check everything or did you just make that up?

>> No.12745779

>Very tight tolerances.
Mars is no place for your mother then

>> No.12745813

That includes all cameras constantly recording from whenever the T-0 was to get video. Iirc, there were 5 cameras they successfully pulled video from. A 6th camera failed, but it was redundant.
Not sure if all the cameras were the same quality, I know the parachute cameras were 75 fps.

>> No.12745826

>pyrotechnical blades
Interesting, got any links to more info on the mechanism that did the cutting?

>> No.12745837

Mars is also a lot further away from the sun, so the rays are much more weak by the time they get there.

>> No.12745855

>Fucking hell, are those the boosters on the skycrane we see?
The white dot on the left side of the photo, just above the midline is the parachute (maybe heat shield, I forget exactly). Directly to the right of it is a smudged looking black spot, that's what's left of the skycrane.

>> No.12745885

>So why are they using 90's era tech?
That's only for a small part of the rover that handles data storage and transmission, plus kinda being the center of all the components to talk to each other. The more in-depth and hardcore processing for the various tools on board are done by much more modern fpgas and other various logic controllers.
No need for a high power PC if all it does is hand out orders and mainly monitor stuff.

>> No.12745960
File: 472 KB, 1024x1024, raw_images_895969_site=msl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broken wheel ?

>> No.12745970
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>> No.12745993

Yes. Curiosity's wheels were structurally deficient, and were seriously damaged by rocks. Perseverance's are much more robust.

>> No.12745995

thats a curiosity-wheel, isnt it?

>> No.12746011
File: 832 KB, 1233x953, Screenshot_20210223-172612~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These recordings give me a strong '80s vibe. The color palette and slight image disortion... It looks like VHS a bit, 4k but VHS.

>> No.12746312

They said something was wrong with the heat shield in your pic related, but I didn't quite get what it was?

>> No.12746447

>What are they hiding bros?
The aliens have already flipped it and started harvesting it for scrap metals. Bloody Romanian Alien fuckers.

>> No.12746512

yet curiosity still did its job quite well, right?

>> No.12746622

also nice complementary colors shot

>> No.12746842

How can anyone look a this and say "yes, this is 100% real, totally not CGI"? wtf

>> No.12746863

One of the bolts didn't fire correctly when the heat shield separated. It came up during the press conference but I still can't see it.

>> No.12746873
File: 94 KB, 739x739, 1612797123457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12746951

By not being a paint-huffing retard?

>> No.12746978

Damn, that sounds like it could have wrecked the whole mission as the shield could have been stuck? How did it come loose anyway, did the weight of the shield break off the one remaining bolt?

>> No.12747185
File: 193 KB, 1233x953, spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He said one spring popped out and was at the 4oclock position. If you look at the edge slot just above it its missing the spring. I think that's what he meant.


>> No.12747212

Ah now I understand. That spring was supposed to be at the outer edge at 15:30. I guess it did the job it was supposed to and then came loose

>> No.12747410

My eyes work?

>> No.12747931

Shoo Schizo, back to /pol.

>> No.12748032

Can't wait until it captures its first sand storm experience lads

>> No.12748098

what is the scale here? are those 2 craters only 15m wide or so?

>> No.12750192
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>> No.12750204
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>> No.12750283

Stop sending /x/tards to /pol/

>> No.12750369

That's Curiosity, not Perseverance.

>> No.12750489
File: 2.00 MB, 2072x1475, ezero_HiRISE_with_ellipse_crop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are about 1.5km apart.

>> No.12750647

That's Curiosity

>> No.12750900

A lot of cameras, and no microscope ?

>> No.12750919

On the robotic arm is a spectrometer and a microscope

>> No.12751001

1. dust
2. it's thin but its not nearly as thin as the trace atmosphere of the moon where gargantuan mountains look like a small hill

>> No.12751377


>> No.12751908

Have a look at them rocks, curiosity is sighting the most promising shit so far just when nearing its inevitable end. The rover will leave behind some substancial science even when it had extended its mission way beyond life-span expectations.

>> No.12751950

the martian atmosphere may be thicker than previously though, but nasa might be covering that up aswell releasing the obsolete data to the public. It def looks thicker than 0.01 atm, could be actually something like 0.1 atm or so

>> No.12751960

Why the fuck would they cover up the thickness of the Martian atmosphere? What the fuck would they even have to gain? Try thinking before you spew retarded horseshit

>> No.12751999
File: 99 KB, 480x600, tin foil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck would they cover up the thickness of the Martian atmosphere? What the fuck would they even have to gain?
What if the pressure has been going up because the sun has been causing global warming for the last 25 or 30 years on Mars

>> No.12752016

I have fantastic eye sight and no major underlying mental health conditions.

>> No.12752025

To deny the chance of triple-point of water in current martian climate from a physical stand point, so they can come up with whatever the fuck they want and make you believe in it, and cover up the current pools of liquid water on the planet's surface. But now that China joined the party, USrael will have to reveal the truth sooner than later.

>> No.12752027

>those phrases and images on the calibration pad
Total a calibration tool, definitely not an ayyy lmao hello message.

>> No.12752029

kek I wish

>> No.12752032

If you cum on mars would it feel different than cumming on Earth? asking for a friend

>> No.12752037

you cum boiling loads with a frozen erect dick

>> No.12752709
File: 476 KB, 1024x1504, 150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the sky crane go after delivering the rover?
Did it fly off to land somewhere else?

>> No.12752864

>Global warming caused by the sun, not lifted trucks with truck balls

How will the green cucks ever recover?

>> No.12752884

Alright, so it's compartmentalized, but still doesn't explain why they didn't use the latest transmission equipment with the highest bandwidth.

>> No.12752891
