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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12735472 No.12735472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/.

Do you hate the basedjak "I fucking love Science™" redditor types?

>> No.12735485

Hate isn't really the right word, it's a lot closer to disdain.

>> No.12735486

being a basedjak over a galaxy that is shaped like a tie fighter is not a sin. however basedjaks who go crazy over “look this study shows that trannies are born with opposite sex brains” is cringe

>> No.12735493

No, they're cringe but the contrived postmodern Neo-Christian science-denying LARPers are much worse and actually annoying.

>> No.12735534

>however basedjaks who go crazy over “look this study shows that trannies are born with opposite sex brains” is cringe
Based. Neuro is my field of specialization. The whole tranny-opposite-brain thing is a bit of an over-simplification, seems to be essentially true, and is boring as fuck in all honesty. It only interests retards who care about transexuality as a political or social issue. In my opinion the true based opinion here is "why spend ever more resources arguing about transexuality when we can use those resources to figure out how to detect this brain abnormality in neonates and return them to a healthy and stereotypical state?"

However, I dont hate redditor types because I dont ever encounter them. Theyre too left leaning for me. The stereotype in my head is that they'll reject or misinterpret any science to push their woke agenda.
But this is essentially identical to what the stormincels on this board do, except they are right leaning instead of left leaning. And I actually do encounter them, since I browse this shithole.

Again, as a neuro guy, I see the endless string of "I'm smart enough to provide an interpretation on neurobiology and race, but too stupid and not impartial enough to arrive at the correct conclusion".
I'd probably be as tired with soicucks as I am with stormcels, that is... if I ever interacted with soicucks

>> No.12735561

>postmodern Neo-Christian science-denying LARPers
That sounds like a catch-all straw man.

>> No.12735658

Yes, but I hate the constant threads about them here more.