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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 1200x627, uk-approves-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12732692 No.12732692 [Reply] [Original]

What's the /sci/ consensus? A money-making scheme or something more sinister? Will you be refusing it?

(Preferably we get input from anons with a background in/related to virology and not the usual /pol/ NEETS.)

>> No.12732722

I'm a biochemist. Ain't no way in hell I am letting them stick that shit in me.

>> No.12732734


>> No.12732744

I'm trans and black so it would interfere with the hormones I'm getting.

>> No.12732784

Jews are castrating white males with this vaccine, i have first hand experience on this so i can assure you it's true

>> No.12732812

Except it's not just white males getting it.

>> No.12734255

Refusing it for now. Already got the vid last year and it did nothing to me, was like an allergy. No 'muh permanent damage' since i got my wife pregnant with a healthy boy afterwards, chest x ray looks good etc.
Literally no reason to take a liquid bolus of an experimental rna treatment that has unmanipulated research from pre 2016 indicating it can cause autoimmune disorders long term.

>> No.12734263

Immunocastration, brain circumcision, who knows what else. No reason to egt it other than socail pressur eand the fact that they're going to cripple your ability to function in society until you finally submit.

>> No.12734363
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x6350, vaccine copypasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. medfag

Not on your life. I've had a gag order put on me by my employer not to spread my views on the subject because they don't want other employees to follow my lead, but even so, less than half have been willing to take it. Many medical professionals have kept their doubts about our vaccination policies silent for a long time out of fear of losing our licenses, much as people keep their religious doubts silent in church to prevent being kicked out of a congregation, but this was the final straw for a significant number of them. Now the scramble isn't focused on stopping private citizens from sharing peer reviewed research online, it's on stopping medical providers from sounding the alarm over a product with known dangers that overtly and absolutely outweigh the dangers of what it's trying to prevent.

After being pressured to declare motor injury deaths as COVID and seeing no difference in census now than in any flu season in terms of sick people, it becomes extremely hard to buy the propaganda ... particularly when the medical community gets data that the public doesn't.