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12726426 No.12726426 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here worked in the Pharma/Biotech industry? What is it like? Would you recommend it?

>> No.12726904

bump. also wondering this OP.

>> No.12726943

Bump for interest.

>> No.12727050


>> No.12727057

Bump. I am especially interested in bioinformatics and computational biology (not OP)

>> No.12727150

stupid bich

>> No.12727702

I currently work for a small pharma/biotech company (not sure what to call it really) as a medicinal chemist.
I'd recommend it if you're genuinely interested in your field. I get a lot of enjoyment out of my job. In terms of pay it's not bad for where I live but nothing to write home about. If money is what you want there are better paths in life you can take.

>> No.12727746

It's like working a research job.
If you're interested in the type of work they do but don't mind shitty pay compared to other fields with the same education level sure.

>> No.12729239

Is anybody here with experience in de novo alignment? I would love to hear and discuss regarding the primer sets and alignment program used to determine SARS-CoV-2 in the initial cohort.

>> No.12729254

I work in big pharma and its non stop diversity bullshit and women sending endless emails. This has become a jobs program getting gibs from medicare and transferring them to useless wagecucks.

>> No.12729336

>women sending endless emails.
That's become a thing in the workplace now. HR departments are turning monstrous. Fuck skillsets they say, let's go modern, E-learning, diverse. Fuck boring books and rules eew.

>> No.12729354

>I work in big pharma and its non stop diversity bullshit and women sending endless emails
I work at a university, and I have this exact same problem. My work mail is so full of spam about diversity talks and HR nonsense that I don't necessarily even notice if someone sends something relevant in there.

>> No.12730159


>> No.12730883

If you don't like it CHADS then start your own company! Something Something /pol/!!! >:(

Could you though? I imagine a few smart guys doing small batches of valuable drugs would be pretty profitable if they could get past the regulations and capital requirements. Seems really faggy the current state of things.

>> No.12732194

that sucks man. by contrast small pharma is comfy as fuck, just doing lab work all day with no bullshit