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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12726340 No.12726340 [Reply] [Original]

Is it actually possible for humans to prevent aging?

>> No.12726358

But it would be irresponsible

>> No.12726362

But you'll still be a oldfag boomer

>> No.12726372

Yes but if you try it first you get 100% cancer.
If you try it not early enough the guys who tied before you might have already an to huge advantage.

>> No.12726382

Its tricky you know if you try it to fast you might get an un-curable condition of some sort. But if an old fag who was already smart get 20 years of extra learning before you try it...

>> No.12726385

Do you have any fucking idea what would happen to our species if women never aged? They would hold all the cards. Look what happened when we gave them equal footing. You think this is hell? You can't even comprehend the shitstorm that lies waiting

>> No.12726442

yes, its fucking obvious to anyone with a brain and the ability to use inductive reasoning, how many threads until u niggers realize this

>> No.12726450
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You can become any age you want after the second coming.

>> No.12726462

What do you define as ageing tho, is me dying from the lead in the air the same as ageing?

>> No.12726465

The real trial is actually not to believe in anything supernatural, and if you fail it ----> rokos basilisk for ever.

>> No.12726483


Longevity escape velocity is based on the nullification of diminishing returns. Looking at any field reliant on technology reveals this to be a baseless assumption. Just like CERN needs larger colliders and LIGO needs longer detectors, rejuvenation would require ever more powerful techniques to clear the damage that simpler techniques can't. Even the posterchild of the singularity is near crowd - Moore's law - is dead, you can't even find a decent GPU on stock at economical prices.

It is impossible to prove absolute resistance to ageing - How would we know, for instance, if some heretofore undetected damage accumulates in Turritopsis nutricula after enough cycles of reversal to the polyp stage that eventually kills it?.

On a deeper level, gerontology and biology in general are stuck in a phase of cataloguing what exists, no real conceptual breakthroughs have occurred since Darwin.

It is an open question whether we can solve this under the Globohomo yoke.

>> No.12726488

>rokos basilisk
>less wrong

>>>/reddit/ is that way

>> No.12726491

It is a waste of time to try to speak too precisely of biology. Bio niggers can't even define species or death.

>> No.12726494

Go read the hallmarks of ageing for a consensus approved review, retard

>> No.12726660
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By preventing birth

>> No.12726661
File: 303 KB, 1236x949, The Techies' Wet Dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you do cure aging, AI will still eventually kill you.

>> No.12726666
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>> No.12726671
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>> No.12726673
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>> No.12726675

>giving a shit about vapid things like “responsibility”

>> No.12726682

Just become the AI lol. Tho you as an organic being will die in due time.

>> No.12726701

Someone should make a smart contract to bet on who would die first: Aubrey de Grey or Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.12726711

Jokes on you, I always come at least 3 times.

>> No.12726712

Yes, aging is simply the process where cell replication is retarded by the loss of telemeres over time. If you could promote telemere length without giving people cancer you can make them live forever.

>> No.12726733

> Ignoring DNA mutation
> Ignoring protein aggregates
> Ignoring metabolically insoluble macromolecular reactions
> Ignoring stem cell pool and potential depletion
>Ignoring gene deregulation and cell misdiferenctiation (aka why you grew hairs on your back)
Get off my board you fucking retard.

>> No.12726877

Ted is a lot older than Aubrey, so Ted will almost certainly die first.

>> No.12726885

Why you dont go and play a bit with your flat earth friends Christ tard?

>> No.12727130 [DELETED] 

On the contrary - the results are likely to add up to more than every single result.

>> No.12727140

On the contrary, the results are likely to add up to more than each removed problem alone.
The problem isn't really accumulating damage, nost of the damage we see comes from the innate repair mechanisms stopping.
The main problem is that the research gets stuck on looking for high tech solutions to some final damage, while ogboring potentially easy to deal with problems like iron and calcium accumulation with aging.

>> No.12727412

>not driving innovation by keeping our smartest alive to innovate, and the masses alive to require said innovation.
Bioimmortality is the quickest way to achieve K2

>> No.12727804
