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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 333 KB, 3224x2500, TIMESAND___Infinity+Hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12715830 No.12715830 [Reply] [Original]

RH is false due to infinity hat. Some people say that infinity hat isn't in R and I agree with them. However, inf_hat-1 is in R in the same way that pi-1 is in [0,3]. Some people who didn't solve RH are smart and just didn't crack it but a lot of people who couldn't solve RH are stupid. A lot of people who post on /sci/ are from the latter population.

Fractional Distance: The Topology of the Real Number Line with Applications to the Riemann Hypothesis

>> No.12715839

>neighborhood of infinity
into the trash it goes

>> No.12715844

You might have solved it by grossly misinterpreting what Riemann said in his non-rigorous language, but you didn't solve the Riemann Hypothesis as formulated in the modern day in the framework of ZFC and reals as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences.

>> No.12715846

Idiots posting this kind of crap is exactly what keeps /sci/ alive. Thank you OP!

>> No.12715851

>not knowing who OP is
Why hello there newfriend.

>> No.12715863

Jonathan just kys

>> No.12715870
File: 62 KB, 839x809, TIMESAND___700xxx762XXXzdivkjjvskfhh56fm008n9nsni833bbzz15s1f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell that this person's opinion on math is not very good when he would throw the undergraduate MIT math curriculum in the trash. Pic is where I got the phrase "neighborhood of infinity" from but stupid poster makes his posts as if to suggest that I am the discoverer of the neighborhood of infinity. My contribution was only to invent notation for describing numbers in that neighborhood.

>you didn't solve the Riemann Hypothesis as formulated in the modern day in the framework of ZFC
I agree. The problem Clay has a $1M bounty on has nothing to do with that so I didn't touch it.

>> No.12715897

>MIT math
show their support for your rant theory then

>> No.12715919
File: 2.18 MB, 3032x7248, TIMESAND___criticisms3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pythagorean theorem
>show Pythagoras' support for Newton's mechanics then
>My implication is that if you can't show Pythagoras' support for Newton's rant mechanics then it's garbage.

>> No.12715923

Everyone on /sci/ already understands that you suffer from elementary misunderstandings of fundamental mathematical basics, and this you have demonstrated now for years. It makes you an important component in the ecology of /sci/. But I think people are saying that you should make your repeated contributions more entertaining.

>> No.12715927

>no support to show
big fucking surprise

>> No.12715937
File: 3.99 MB, 1597x1405, TIMESAND___disguisemonsternames6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you suggest, I suppose, that the lack of support indicates the weakness of my idea as opposed to the strength of which the POS USA is so afraid that they have made it top secret? And they are afraid of the strength of my idea because is evidence of my own strength which 9/11 was orchestrated to undermine?

>> No.12715940
File: 293 KB, 1540x916, TIMESAND___arXivRemoved3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even get on arXiv
>it's because he's tarded
>not because the government is going out of it's way to fuck him in the ass

>> No.12715946

you were the one who brought up MIT's authority.

>> No.12715955

I brought up the fact that I am not the inventor of the neighborhood of infinity after you seemed to suggest that I am the inventor for the 150th time. Also, I think you forgot to write "umm, sweaty that's" in front of your word "sad" there. What's sad is the fate of your ancestors' descendants, or bot's operators'.

>> No.12715956

lol schizo triggered

>> No.12715960

>neighborhood of infinity
is retarded
inf is not near to any real number

>> No.12715965

In pic related "neighborhood of infinity" means any open set that contains some set {x: |x|>R} for some R>0. It's very different from what you're saying.

>> No.12715967
File: 923 KB, 879x430, TIMESAND___700xxx762XXXzdivkjjvskfhh56fm00h9nsni8kfhh56h8n9nsni833hbzz15s1f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you think it's just coincidence that this 9/11 mural a quarter mile from my university is the obvious likeness of the people who told me the lies that they were my parents? The main point of 9/11 was for these liars to kill the people who were having meetings in the WTC about what to do about these people's obvious intention to defraud me: the Sovereign Lord. Same thing goes for the targeting of the Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon.

>> No.12715968

I used to dismiss you until I saw you with the based swastika of peace flag on /pol/ and now I support neighbourhoods of infinity

>> No.12715973

>inf is not near to any real number
>very different from what you're saying.
Please say more about your hot opinions.

>> No.12715978

>based swastika of peace
This is the flag of the war of my grandfather Adolf. It's not peaceful.

>> No.12715980

Yeah it was a joke champ

>> No.12715979

Tooker are you jewish by any chance?

>> No.12715981

Yes, I am God in fact. Judaism is my religion.

>> No.12715982

Did you have a bar mitzvah?

>> No.12715983

ask MIT

>> No.12715987

I was automatically bar mitzvah-ed when I turned 13 but I didn't have a party and I wouldn't have known anyone to invite even if I did.

>> No.12715989

I don't have a question.

>> No.12715999

The rabbi cut off more than he could chew?
Armin Meiwes's story springs to mind.

>> No.12716005
File: 3.63 MB, 398x254, TIMESAND___nicegif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

>> No.12716291

What's more likely, that there's a massive governmental conspiracy to keep the great Tooker off arXiv, or that Tooker is a full blown schizophrenic who has lost touch with reality? You're a crank. Deal with it.

>> No.12716354

What is a infinity hat?

>> No.12716471

It's the infinity in a new number system Tooker works with. It's not the Reals. While it's a cute approach, Riemanns hypothesis applies to the Reals. What Tooker is doing is playing a word game.
>Use number system that looks like reals but isn't reals
>Apply to hypotheses about reals
>Doesn't understand hypotheses aren't applicable to this pseudo-real system
If he just dropped the stupidity and admitted all his work is based on a pseudo-real system, he'd probably have gotten published.

>> No.12716492

point is that tooker is convinced that his real numbers are rigorously derived from Euclid's axioms

>> No.12716722
File: 2.11 MB, 1864x7256, TIMESAND___debateBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that there's a massive governmental conspiracy to keep the great Tooker off arXiv
I guess you'd want me to believe that you don't think there's a conspiracy *just like that* to keep me out of North America but, indeed, there is. I'm in the Antarctica prison right now, and this text is being written in Antarctica. They put me here to ensure the failure of anything I might ever try to do, and to ensure the success of anyone who wants to mutilate my genitals and electroshock me remotely night and day for all the days of my life. In my opinion, you all know very well that everyone posting in this thread lives in Antarctica or is aware that this is an Antarctica thread, but very few aware of the negative side effects that will come of my hatred for Antarcticans.

Also the point is that people just started saying, "Nuh-uh schizo," instead of making actual criticisms because I have BTFOed them so hard they realize they know any criticism they can come up with is only going to make my case stronger by my rebuttal. For instance:

>> No.12716755
File: 26 KB, 281x325, TIMESAND___CC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people put me in Antarctica to simulate the failure of my physics research. You people put me in Antarctica to simulate the failure of my math research. You do it to simulate the failure of my book. You do it to simulate a reality in which pic related tall white man has about a 100% strikeout rate with women. It's all about the glorifying my enemies and ensuring their nation's security but I am going to destroy that nation.

>> No.12716769

A sigma algebra with w/e complete space doesn't mean what you think it means, I think.

I think you have the wrong axioms, making your research meaningless. It's not good for logic and unfruitful.

But I wouldn't disagree with you, because that's fruitless.

>> No.12716783

Also. "infinity hat'' takes the beauty out of chaos, and in-determinism. It offers no calculus insight.
unless you can make an field out of it.

>> No.12716906

Hi Tooker I hope you're having a nice day :)

>> No.12716981

I anticipate a nice use case for infinity hat in ODEs. Due to the identity non-uniqueness of 1/x=0 for any x in the neighborhood of infinity, certain ODEs involving, for instance, terms like 1/x which might have only trivial solutions in the neighborhood of the origin might have non-trivial solutions in the neighborhood of infinity. One problem I have in mind in this regard is the breaking off of loops of EM flux to form propagating waves disconnected from sources. We know this happens but it is not possible to find solutions to Maxwell's equations which achieve the disconnection of electric field lines from charges (or the corresponding magnetic case.) I hope infinity hat will give a new way to treat this problem. For instance, we could use the normal procedure of normalization to set the scale of fractional distance as the macroscopic scale of an electromagnetic system, and then we could use the scale of natural numbers to do something tricky where field lines have to cross and form cusps before they can separate from sources. The process of M^3 that I have come up with would suggest, actually, that we start with the natural scale as the EM scale and renormalize to the scale of fractional distance at each time step, then iterative keep setting the scale of fractional distance back to the scale of natural numbers with iterative normalizations. In this way, I hope we could achieve truncation effects that allow electric field lines to disconnect from their sources. Analytical solutions for vector fields with cusps do not exist right now but it seems like non-unique 1/x=0 could be useful for finding cusped vector fields. The problem with cusps is that the vector field point in two non-unique directions at the cusp, so it seems like the special non-unique operation might be useful.

>> No.12716982
File: 274 KB, 1081x655, TIMESAND___700xxx762XXXzdivkjjvskfhh56fm00h9ffhh56h8n9nsni833hbf5s1f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to find a picture of field line breaking on Google images. It's weird that you can't find a picture on the internet of what is "the important unsolved problem in classical electromagnetism." Pic is one I found a long time ago for my book.

The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model