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12715094 No.12715094 [Reply] [Original]

What would be your perfect utopian society?

What is your philosophy?

>> No.12715113
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One dedicated to the holy quadrangle of
1. Uptake
2. Uptime
3. Utility
4. Utilization

In that order, written as a quadratic convergence language, and offered to sentient life. It would start out as nigerian prince levels scams but eventually spambots would coax everyone out of digital dead-ends and into kewl shit 2.0

>> No.12715196

>Democratic Socialism
>Renewable and Nuclear Energy
>Space-Faring Civilization / Colonization
> Transhumanist Society / Cybernetics
>cool robots

>> No.12715202

It's like I'll poop into her butthole and then she'll poop it back into my butthole and then we'll just keep doing it, back and forth, with the same poop forever.

>> No.12715203

Everyone i dont like dies

>> No.12715212

A world where the concept of utopia as it stands isn't necessary to achieve happiness, peace or enlightenment. But then again that would be self-contradictory if we assumed the current definition of what it means to be happy.

>> No.12715273

>Democratic Socialism

>> No.12715293

>libertarian, christian
>we decide to stop researching into transhumanist propaganda, space exploration stops, technology doesn't need to advance further
>keep the internet informative and primitive, not everything needs to be recorded or photographed, no more celebrity drama
>people can live and believe what they want, but schools will have absolutely zero bias of propaganda, just education, including anything catered towards children
>get rid of big government, reduce their funding, have everything ran locally, state by state
>people live in small communities, working normal blue collar jobs, live a modest life

i think it would be comfy

>> No.12715305

Everyone following the NAP would be nice.

>> No.12715313


>> No.12715326

>zero bias or propaganda

>> No.12715357

White people only, no Semitic influences, no niggers or Satanic Jews or nigger-Jews (Muslims) for 1000 miles in all directions, a strong patriarch centered on family values, women rewarded for being good mothers and banished for narcissistic Jewish whorery, softly enforced eugenics that selects for intelligence, health, and athleticism, oneness with Nature, highly militaristic but not imperialistic

>> No.12715362

Also a weak state whose sole mission was keeping niggers and Jews out and/or dead. You are responsible for your own health and safety. Gold based system of finance. Banking reduced to a utility. Anyone with an IQ below 115 is neutered and lives a life of luxurious slavery.

>> No.12715422


>> No.12715426

State enforced homosexuality. Run entirely by Jews. Ever girl is deflowered at 16 by a gang of large Africans. Women and Jews make all decisions. Lab grown BBC for everyone. Communism headquartered in Israel. Everyone lives in a state provided tube like tube hotels in Japan. State provides diet of bugs and rice no meat. Manly non Jewish boys are castrated at 16 and become the sexual salves of Rabbis. All of European history is destroyed. All of Europe is filled will African Muslims who are used as consumption beings. African penis is the state symbol. The Talmud is all of the law.

>> No.12715449

So we're already in someone's utopia

>> No.12715465


>> No.12715530

FOH atheist scum

>> No.12715554


>> No.12715556

the best society is a burning one.

>> No.12715561

I would only be able to communicate its perfection through smell.

>> No.12715563

something similar to a mix of distributism, minarchism and ethnonationalism

>> No.12715583

More fucking and less hating. Basically bonobo society with big brains.
Also more optimism. Modern society is far too pessimistic

>> No.12715599

>all these things that you want stopped

>> No.12715647

scientific advancement and achievement would obviously be a good society's ultimate goal, so the intellectual class, particularly those well-trained in the STEM fields, would be fully utilized, they would be employed 16 hours a day doing the most advanced and taxing research possible, and then housed communally where they will be expected to use their leisure time studying or will lose privileges. this will require constant observation. the most capable of these workers will be selectively "bred," with focus being on intellectual ability and secondly endurance and obedience, disregarding all physical characteristics. of course the duties of fertilization, pregnancy, and family rearing would obviously be done by outsiders. everyone else would essentially be free to enjoy the benefits accrued by the intellectual class and everything would be run by capable philosophers, kept separate from the worker drones, who would be kept in opulent comfort as to not disturb their ethical and political reasoning, and to attract willing mates as to spread their seed widely and combine the twin goods of wisdom and aesthetics to the benefit of the rest.

>> No.12715650


>> No.12715676

Something like a social democracy where there's no perfect balance between the power of the state and the power of corporations, but a constant back-and-forth shifting between acceptable extremes. I don't believe in fully stable utopias, there has to be some constant internal conflict and change for it to work.

>> No.12715678

1984 is the only answer. I wish I would live in a comfy world like that but Winston had to be a little bitch.

>> No.12715712
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Lifetime benefits for the poor in exchange for voluntary sterilization.

>> No.12715749


>> No.12715779

>Purely meritocratic technocracy
>Democratic government - voting is policy based (politicians must remain anonymous to one another and to the public)
>There must be a 90% consensus among the public to change the core constitution (policies are arranged in ringed tiers, the further out a policy is, the less consensus is required to change it)
>Drugs are not policed
>Guns are banned
>Freedom of speech
>Freedom of information is mandated(potentially jeopardising information is exempted)
>Trying to compel someone to vote a certain way is a 1st degree offense
>Children are taught how to critically evaluate policy changes and explore their consequences from an early age.(This alongside literacy and numeracy are the only compulsory elements of school curriculum; schools are run sudbury style)
>Strict individual privacy and advertising laws
>Corporations will be regulated in ways that prevent them from manipulating culture
>No niggers
>Women don't get to vote unless they score >80% on a rigorous examination upon graduating school.(Same for men but the standard is 65%)
>Gays CAN marry
>Gender dysphoria is recognised as a mental illness

>> No.12715781

Big anime tits for everyone

>> No.12715785

>Sterilize the poor locals for benefits
>Import a dozen million MENA migrants that have 50 kids and get very nice child support.
close enough to current policy.

>> No.12715814

Immortality is a must. Of course immortal society may be full of trouble too, but any society without ubiquitous immortality is barbarian or dystopic.

>> No.12715878

Voluntary society based on private property. I like Christianity but I dislike all churches and their pharisee tier takes, so I'd like to see Non-denominational Christianity as the norm. In this society science won't be cancelled just because it hurts SJW atheist feelings, nor will there be States funding useless crap no one cares about.