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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12711962 No.12711962 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people use Godels proof(not his ontological one) prove the existence of God? From what i understand it just summarizes to, "mathematics cannot prove everything about natural numbers, even truths", am i missing something here? Can you even apply certain theologies and plot it out with an algorithim with variables? Probably, but that means jack shit, you can do the same for everything, doesnt exactly translate efficiently. I dont know, anyone care to enlighten me about it?

>> No.12712213

You can interpret it along the lines of "there is an underlying act of faith beneath any rational logic" or something like that, similar to quantum theories describing the workings of the great Tao

>> No.12712215

Gödel was a fukcing dumbass

>> No.12712218

Prove it.

>> No.12712297

>Prove it.

>> No.12712441

>most important result in 20th century mathematics
get the fuck out, you jelly midwit.

>> No.12712473

Please, continue.

>> No.12712477

dilate, he's right.

>> No.12712490

about what?

>> No.12712583

to solve N, just add another layer of abstraction; apply infinite times --> god?

>> No.12713271

>most important result in 20th century mathematics
It's just some simple algebra in a Cartesian-closed category. There is nothing mysterious about it once you understand Lawvere's fixed point theorem.

>> No.12714982

then write down some simple algebra that everyone will be talking about for next 100+ years.

Ah, you can't. Cause you can only learn and replicate what others figured.

>> No.12715061

Gödel has a separate proof for the existence of God. Of course, for it to be taken seriously the axioms would have to be proven.

>> No.12715499

Yeah I don't know how to become overrated by normies

>> No.12715645

Normies don't give a fuck about Godel, or mathematics in general. Godel's work is appreciated by mathematicians, by your post I can certainly say, you are not one of them.

>> No.12715714
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>t. seething midwit pseud who also happens to be a category theorist
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.12715757

Every math normie worships Gödel even though they know jack shit about logic or his theorems.

>> No.12715763

>math normie
I have some news for you you might not like

>> No.12715768

Go ahead

>> No.12715772

The hands of an annoying, autistic mathematics undergrad typed this.

>> No.12715775

I liked that

>> No.12715782
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>Every math normie worships Gödel even though they know jack shit about logic or his theorems.
and they will never worship you, cause you suck, and have 0 valuable math papers with your name on it.

>> No.12716080

"math normie" isn't that far from "vore porn normie"

>> No.12716124
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>vore porn