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12711540 No.12711540 [Reply] [Original]

(not tryn to be homofobe am ge myself)

>> No.12711542

Trauma from epigenetics

>> No.12711545
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Why do conjoined twins exist from an evolutionary point of view?

>> No.12711546

Male homosexual love is the purest form of love.

>> No.12711547

Disease, obviously.
This is not a Selfish Gene that piggybacks on reproductive populations. It is a horizontal gene transfer situation, that propagates from older homos to confused youngsters, mainly early teens.

>> No.12711563

Brother if I have the choice to raise a child with an ever demanding female counterpart or an gay relation ship I choose the second. Also no homo.

>> No.12711593


>> No.12711634
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What's it like being a racist, homophobic incel OP? Why do you hate anyone who isn't like you? Is it maybe a sense of inadequacy because your and angsty right-wing incel virgin?

>> No.12711712

I think people who are exclusively homosexual are pretty rare and maybe do have some sort of trauma thay doesn't let them get hard without it being someone of their same sex. I.e. I think for most people either they are straightish or bisexual and most homosexuals just prefer their own sex. I mean, in nature a hole is a fucking holeI don't think some dumb monkey is going to pass pussy if he is horny just because he fucks ass on a regular basis.

>> No.12711719

nice theory

>> No.12711820

Because they can still have kids.
Given a long enough time line they will disappear.
And I'm not saying a specific gene is responsible, it's a complicated combination coupled with social construction. Given a long enough time line, people susceptible to "the gay" will no longer exist.
Evolution is a slow process that continuity throws in curve balls.
If some guy accidentally mutates ovaries in his colon then women are fucked. We can safely genocide them since they are piratically worthless

>> No.12711943

Being gay is more likely if you have a lot of older brothers. Supposed to be because maternal anti-male immune response in utero messes up masculinization.
Then instead of competing for mates with all your older brothers (which you lose because you're younger and is doesn't help spread your genes since your brothers are just as good for that) you cooperate in hunts and fights and strengthen the family group without adding the burden of extra babies and women.
It's advantageous in easy times when tribes get big, there are lots of men and not that many women to go round.

>> No.12711953

misalignment of the exterior body and the interior mind (soul/psyche/etc).
Since we all have a masculine and feminine side, the relationship between the two should be wholesome, like an old married couple.
But if the two aspects are in disharmony, you can catch the Gay.

>> No.12712570

It really is.
And it saddens me how much (((the powers that be))) are trying and succeeding in turning homosexuality into this weird feminized promiscuity.
(((They))) are terrified of homosexuals because of just how strong that bond can be.
Women, no matter how "based", are always subject to social subversion because that's just how they are wired.
Men, on the other hand, are more resistant to those social controls.

>> No.12712585

op said he's a faggot, what's your point?

>> No.12712593

women can also be homosexual, you know

>> No.12712595

Because of civilization. They reproduce by molestation.

>> No.12712598

they get molested as children

>> No.12712605

Yeah but they're still women

>> No.12712608

>(not tryn to be homofobe am ge myself)
why do you care about that?

>> No.12712613

I hate to break it to you guys, but infographics are not reliable sources of information.
They are pieces of propaganda made by the jews to deceive you into being the controlled opposition that they want.

>> No.12712642

It's the result of nasal-retentiveness. The Nasal mother (Or moral mother) comes before language of the Oral father, so their Oedipal Complex has an underlying Orpheus Complex - the complex of an irreplaceable lover. They have no desire to replace the lover/mother, but to find the true love that has been taken from them. There is a lack of preference, as gender/sex have no significance in regards to this lost lover. We are to be homogeneous - Self - in relation to a single heterogeneous desire. So all other heterogeneity is grossly oppositional. Since the essential purpose of mimetic desire is 'replacing the mother', the very idea of 'being with a woman' at all can be found as repulsive, as coping, distraction, empty temptation, tragically and immorally attempting to replace the irreplaceable.

You all know what it's time for: meds.

>> No.12712696
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Why are you gae?

>> No.12713250

Absolutely based.
>The Sacred Band of Thebes (Ancient Greek: Ἱερὸς Λόχος, Hieròs Lókhos) was a troop of select soldiers, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers which formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC, ending Spartan domination. Its predominance began with its crucial role in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC.
>And if there were only some way of contriving that a state or an army should be made up of lovers and their beloved, they would be the very best governors of their own city, abstaining from all dishonour, and emulating one another in honour; and when fighting at each other's side, although a mere handful, they would overcome the world. For what lover would not choose rather to be seen by all mankind than by his beloved, either when abandoning his post or throwing away his arms? He would be ready to die a thousand deaths rather than endure this. Or who would desert his beloved or fail him in the hour of danger?

>> No.12713257

This anon is right. Look up the "fraternal birth order effect" if you don't believe.

>> No.12713285

>I don't think some dumb monkey is going to pass pussy if he is horny just because he fucks ass on a regular basis.
Beautifully put.

>> No.12713448

>not tryn to be homofobe
why not?

>> No.12713460

I don't know about strict homosexuals but bisexuals exist because some boys are so cute that we confuse them for girls and by the time we see their dicks we're so horny that we just fuck them in the ass since there is no pussy available.

>> No.12713711

take the homopill anon

>> No.12714052

do you think (not accounting for accsadents) that there is a bitch for every guy?
do you think it's healthy that most men in a villadge fuck one hore?
are you a fucking zoomer that didn't get to live with a woman, in a house that you oun boy u are luscky
in group genteics thery paports it states men out of the gean pool but still manogmus (lik good intenderd) is good while sssssssssssss
mellineal zoomer fags liek you do not respect gods law
you should feel bad for yourself

>> No.12714057

Some femanons find the geh sexy. Also biwinning people exist and can have children just aswell as strailghts can.

>> No.12714061


>> No.12714071

The connections in the brain forge pathways actively, compounding beliefs, emotions etc.

Much like a foot fetish.. if you start jerking off to cute feetjob porn you'll grow that kink.

Most homosexuals have had some experience when younger, not necessarily abuse.. often just sword fighting with a friend or whatever and it kick starts it.

It can be unlearned, like everything else. But years of compounding it will make it tricky.

I'm not talking electric shock therapy I'm just saying only jack off to porn with chicks in it for 22 days straight, avoid any other homo stimulus and bam, you'll be on your way.

Rebuild the sexual links in the brain.

>> No.12714080

Learn to read, you're giving homosexuals a bad name

>> No.12714156

Scientifically all that can really be said is that it didn't occur enough or to such an extreme degree to be a major liability for the genes associated it with it now. Maybe there were groups who were uber-queer who effectively bummed themselves out of the gene pool, who knows. Realistically though most homosexual identifying people are probably not even that adverse to having heterosexual relations, they're just weirdos. In the wild a gay ape would probably still fuck a female and a lesbo ape wouldn't have much choice.

>> No.12714268

It's just genetics, OP. Random chance.

>> No.12714314

fuck it fuck it man is just a random shit like my post fuck im so mad

>> No.12714544
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toxoplasma infection

>> No.12714644

When all the feminine genes go into one man, or child molestation. I don't mean this in a homophobic way, you are literally a science denier if you deny this.

>> No.12715241

as a whole they didnt reduce the breeding success of a group. childless adults would probably benefit a group with extra food and defence etc

so no evolutionary negative apart from for the individual, that didnt get to breed.

>> No.12715346

They are a blight upon humanity. Killing them would be a mercy

>> No.12715404

Why not start yourself?

>> No.12715409

Because I'm straight.

>> No.12715421

You are more of a blight on humanity than gays. Homosexuality is a result of male failure to attain power in a primate pack structure, the hierarchy itself is encoded somewhere in the subconscious apparently, this is nature's way of filtering who gets to reproduce and who doesn't.

The only unnatural and disgusting thing is suppressing it.

>> No.12715435

I think you replied to the wrong person anon

>> No.12715476

Yeah but they're bad at it