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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12710105 No.12710105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are TikTok videos the future of math curriculum?


>> No.12710117

Evidence of the left attempting to dumb down society for easier control, prove me wrong.

(Not that the republicans are much better either)

>> No.12710120

>worship of the written word
>being able to communicate the procedure used to get results, aka every proof ever, is paternalization

>> No.12710150
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>practice with math colleagues how to answer mathematical problems without using words or numbers

>> No.12710162

Showing your work is important because in engineering and science, other people need to be able to understand how you reached the conclusion you did. Imagine you're Gregor Mendel and you just say in your paper "Species inherit dominant genes from their parents and carry recessive genes." Like, how did you reach that conclusion?

>> No.12710170

Having spent 3 months doing journalism about my county government, they really don't think that far ahead at all. The goal is purely better feels in the here and now.

>> No.12710180

What state?

>> No.12710183

Indiana, not gonna mention what county in case somebody starts looking up county newspapers

>> No.12710191

Demanding that the procedure used to get results should be communicated, i.e. should be aka "every proof ever", is indeed paternalism.

>> No.12710192

I’m not saying you’re wrong in your assessment of your local politicians, but do you doubt the fact they are are swayed by the larger democrat consensus (both media & big name politicians) through sociological means?

Basically those in positions of power to dictate policy may be promoting this type of dumbing down decision making under the guise of political correctness, which trickles down to the state and county level when those easily pressured by their peers take on the same ideals because of the way they are presented to them.

>> No.12710256

Politicians having foresight is an extraordinary claim, burden of proof is on you.

>> No.12710265

How the fuck is it white supremacy when asians kick white ass? Of course it's not fucking racist, writing the proof is showing you not only understand the math but can formulate and demonstrate it properly.

Through interpretive dance probably. Fucking idiots.

>> No.12710268

>burden of proof
This isnt *eddit, we don't use jewish rhetoric here.

>> No.12710281

Jews are white.
>>12710256 should stop being a white supremacist.

>> No.12710298

Asians aren't non-white.

>> No.12710306

You must be able to admit that politicians, at least those in higher office, had to use their intelligence to obtain their position.
Which is evidentiary of foresight.

Rather, the issue is that most politicians simply don’t care about the repercussions. Getting elected requires voters, and most voters operate on the retardedly simple basis of “what have you done for me lately”.

Not that this is an acceptable scapegoat for rampant corruption.

>> No.12710521

what other methods could be able to present math without numbers or words?
drumming and maybe dancing would be the best

>> No.12710714

I show my work naturally because I have to write math down to do it properly.

>> No.12710723

the journos and politicians are retarded puppets of their masters whom you don't see. a lot of the feels shit that gets these brainlets going has ulterior motives they're not smart enough to figure out.

>> No.12710725


Jews are inbred semites

>> No.12710798

>politicians are extremely dumb
>they just happened to outmaneuver everyone else who tried to backstab them and negotiate multimillion dollar lobbyist deals in the process

The one and only skill of a politician is foresight.

>> No.12710820
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Holy fuck

>> No.12710835

don't forget about critical mathematics

>> No.12710838

Why is everything white supremacy? The idea of trying to find alternate ways to get a student to express that they know the procedure and aren't using some quick alternative that won't work on more complex problems isn't bad, especially if you're teaching students that are English illiterate or ESL. The only suggestion that they've suggested that would be viable on anything more complicated than arithmetic would probably be explaining the process verbally, though.

>> No.12710840

I like to look at things like this and imagine how people in the 1960s would react to them

>> No.12710841

these people will be sent to death camps as soon as WW3 starts, dont worry

>> No.12710845

It's all I ask God every day

>> No.12710868

sad turn of events but whatever, society preyed on these people, turned them retarded, and will be consumed when the current global order goes tits up in spectacular fashion

>> No.12710909

even wikipedia is skeptical lol

>> No.12711008

A puppet doesn't need vision at all.

>> No.12711032

>writing with some semblance of proper grammar and syntax is racist


>> No.12711048

LMAO i just opened those slides its literally like something out of nazi germany where the brilliant nazis thought that jews learned "differently" and thus invented the"Deustchemathematik" and "Judenmathematik" schools of math education.

>> No.12711064

I love this shit, it’s just more job security for me as an engineer. Good luck getting your calculation and design package through the AHJ without showing what you did.

>> No.12711066

>American mathematics instructor Shahid Muhammed has suggested that poor mathematics performance among African Americans is linked to higher anxiety caused by negative stereotyping; as he states that many associate mathematics with middle-class white people
Implying math isn't taught by a bunch of pajeets and chinks, lol.

>> No.12711109

100% chance you would never say this out loud irl.

>> No.12711237

This has to be bait.

That’s one of the most reasonable posts on the entire internet

>> No.12711278

doesn't change the fact that you cannot say it out loud in anglo and a few other western countries

>> No.12711280

I would

>> No.12711289

>Force dumb people who don't want to be there to attend for nearly 2 decades
>Surprised when they underperform
Why do sjws go for the "the education system is racist" route when there's a far more simpler explanation that underperforming children simply don't want to be there? It's not like you can force people to learn.

>> No.12711291

It is by definition racist. And that's a good thing

>> No.12711295

Things will make so much more sense to you when you realize the left doesn't care the tiniest bit about "underperforming children", minorities, or oppression.

They just hate straight white men. That is the whole of their ideology.

>> No.12711305

don't worry, asians too

>> No.12711306

More like they're trying to create inter-class strife by perpetuating racial tensions to distract everyone from their classist segregationism and increased inequality policies.

>> No.12711328

It's perfectly fine if you say it reasonably and don't yell it at some """professor""" in the middle of class. Also point out that mathematics is language-independent, so asking someone who verbally explain "how they would help an absent mathematician do this problem" is prejudicial against those uncomfortable in the lingua franca. As long as you don't act like an autist nobody will blow a gasket outside of tumblr or twitter.

>> No.12711333

Based and Orwellpilled

>> No.12711342

How can mathematics by definition be anything other than mathematics?

>> No.12711580

'cause if it's mathematics by a white dude, it's racist mathematics.
That much should be obvious unless you're a fascist and a white supremacist.

>> No.12711662

Dude, if its white ANYTHING, then its racist. One way to deal with this insanity is just to get on board and accelerate it anyway you can. When everything has broken down then it can be rebuilt, avoiding the mistakes of the past.
Painting oil on canvas is racist
Building sun dials is racist
Ice Hockey is racist
Astronomy is racist
Scuba diving is racist
Nuclear families are racist
Geometry is racist
...just keep it going.

>> No.12711674

>left attempting to dumb down society for easier control
they are too dumb to plot all of this
it's just politics-tards hating math and science

>> No.12711679

Doomed if true

>> No.12711682

Whitey will do nothing even if they murder them. That's white supremacy.

>> No.12711736

yes, most faggot whites use it in order to squash creativr thinking or try to exploit smaller finer detaiks against students they dont like.

but most of you arent intelligent enough to be in the places where rich old white men use this tactic against you.

for reference, they would use this against jewish students in the late 19th and early 20th century to fikter them out of the admissions test.

>> No.12711742

It is white supremacy, and that's a good thing. White people touched off the industrial revolution by elevating an attitude that demands some sort of proof, evidence, demonstration, or real result to previously unseen levels. White supremacy should dominate science and mathematics teaching, or it will die.

>> No.12711745

It's a mundane and obvious claim, and in fact the wacky conspiracy theory is that they don't do this. It is the contention that they don't do this that requires an overwhelming amount of concrete evidence.

>> No.12711748

Ah, so given what's happening now we know that the jewish filtering claims are probably lies too. Got it.

>> No.12711749


>> No.12711751

>thinking the opposition of the left is the GOP

>> No.12711755

When did I ever imply that?
They're just the only two parties that ever get any attention from all the media swayed normies
barring the occasional Gary Johnson Gaffe

>> No.12711822

>also white people: "the proof is left as an exercise to the reader"

>> No.12711893

It's not about making sense, it's about hating white people.

>> No.12711923
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The sad thing is we have a lot to learn from looking at the history of calculating devices and philosophy and attitudes around the world. It has nothing to do with "eurocentrism" though, even your grandparents used different tools and ways of thinking than you do today, regardless of race.

>> No.12711928

>Why is everything white supremacy
i'm gonna answer this and you won't like it.
it's because whites are supreme.
it's that simple.

>> No.12711933

>I love this shit, it’s just more job security for me as an engineer. Good luck getting your calculation and design package through the AHJ without showing what you did.
So what you're saying is the AHJ is racist and you need to be replaced with a gay Ethiopian as soon as possible?