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File: 52 KB, 634x387, Vaccination and race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12709223 No.12709223 [Reply] [Original]

Study from English NHS rollout shows clear correspondance between vaccine uptake, race, and IQ:
>Association of demographic and occupational factors with SARS-CoV-2 vaccine uptake in a multi-ethnic UK healthcare workforce: a rapid real-world analysis

>> No.12709229
File: 65 KB, 1280x721, Vaccination and race 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We included 19,044 HCWs; 12,278 (64.5%) had received SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Compared to White HCWs (70.9% vaccinated), a significantly smaller proportion of ethnic minority HCWs were vaccinated (South Asian 58.5%, Black 36.8% p<0.001 for both). After adjustment, factors found to be negatively associated with vaccine uptake were; younger age, female sex, increasing deprivation and belonging to any non-White ethnic group (Black: aOR0.30, 95%CI 0.26–0.34, South Asian:0.67, 0.62–0.72).

Ethnic minority HCWs and those from more deprived areas as well as those from particular occupational groups are less likely to take up SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. These findings have major implications for the delivery of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination programmes.

>> No.12709235
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Proof that having low IQ and high IQ end up being just as good for you. The midwits are the problem.

>> No.12709515

fucking kek

>> No.12709525

Wow, racist data.
You're internet will shut down in 5 minutes.

>> No.12709574

>taking a vaccine for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate

>> No.12709611

Kill yourself, you fucking incel poltard.

>> No.12709627

hes posting studies, bich. this is science this is truth/

>> No.12709725
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>> No.12709731

Trump lost

>> No.12710411

The Guardian has reported on it, I don't think we can deny it any more bunkerbros.

>> No.12710425

older people are more likely to get vaccinated, black and sea populations are far more likely to be immigrants and immigrant populations are typically a lot younger.

>> No.12710448

GO BACK: >>>/pol/

>> No.12710456

The study doesn't even mention IQ once you faggot.

>> No.12710470

It's in The Gaurdian, therefore it's real now and can't be epistemologically closed off>>12710411. I can't beleive the Guardian betrayed us like that but here we are and now we have to confront it.

>> No.12710477

Vaccination is an intellegince test you dumb anti-vaxxer. Go swim in a polio pool.

>> No.12710503

REEEEEEEEE your facts are racist REEEEEE

>> No.12710511

Study doesn’t mention IQ once. This is a psy op

>> No.12710512
File: 53 KB, 500x358, Country_republican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another covid conspiracy thread

>> No.12710632
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>> No.12710652

Something about that image looks European but I'm not quite such what it is.

>> No.12710677
File: 172 KB, 400x405, 1608046879907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are retarted enough to subject yourself to intelligence and no perspective you're going to be REALLY good at making bad connections.

>> No.12710848

What does this have to do with Black and Indian NHS workers refusing to take the COVID vaccine?

>> No.12710853

It does. Vaccine takeup is an IQ test that accords with IQ testing across racial groups. Lower IQ groups have higher rates of vaccine refusal than higher IQ groups.

>> No.12710892

because they are probabilities, races are not binary factors for actions.
>muh outliers fukk me
imagine how many composed people had to deal with your autistic ass in schools. god they pulled the wrong number.

>> No.12710902

can someone actually be this stupid?

>> No.12710946

have you taken Trump's vaccine yet?

>> No.12711669

Its deadly the vax

>> No.12711683

Ashkenazi jews are smarter than asians and are very ideologically motivated. Asian obedient industriousness is what led to every asian country being dominated by Europe for hundreds of years

>> No.12711782
File: 492 KB, 732x622, 59846279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propaganda and lies.
If those jews were so smart, they would start loving God instead of rejecting him.

>> No.12711834

True, did you know kpop they're promoting only has such a big audience on Jewtube because of the Ashkenazi.
The same can be said about the last airbender.
The Ashkenazi isn't even hiding it anymore. They're flaunting their absolute control of much of Asia.

>> No.12711844

IQ goes down in death.
IQ goes down when a someone can't overcome a poison which leads to death. If the body does not overcome a vaccine it will be poisoned, which leads to death meaning lower IQ.

>> No.12711850

>nog adopting a live and let live ideology
Meanwhile, you probably agree the most with the guy in the middle of your own meme.

>> No.12711854

Considering the way you use satire and strawman to prove your point, you are not as smart as you think you are.
Learn humility young one.

>> No.12712203


>> No.12712209

Anglicans are smarter, Jesuits even more so.

>> No.12712217

So blacks are smarter than whypipo? Got it.

>> No.12712286

Asians are the midwit race