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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12707779 No.12707779 [Reply] [Original]

I fuckin' hate science dude

>> No.12707796


>> No.12707804

What science?? Computer science or data science??
Are you just jealous because they earn more??

>> No.12707806
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Circle-jerkin' is great for a while but when it becomes a spiral then yeah it is an utter waste of time.

Just lots of ego boosting and ego stabilizing for a given set of definitions and prepositions.

>> No.12707810

>Are you just jealous because they earn more??
Nah. I just don't get it

>> No.12707995
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Yeah nigga

string theory, higgs bosons and hawking radiation doesn't have real life commercial applications. shhhhheeiiit

>> No.12708009

science is cringe
common sense is the real science

>> No.12708023

i genuinely cant tell how much of this is sarcastic and how much is real.

>> No.12708090
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It's all real, abandon science

>> No.12708105

I want to see science restricted to certain groups of individuals in the future. Unfettered "science" gave us the clown world and collapse of society. We also need a God back.

>> No.12708118

bad bait

>> No.12708158

So which parts do we keep and which do we abandone? Medicine, heating, lights, computers, trains and cars, dental care? Average lifespan of prehistoric people was around 30 years. And it wasnt a comfortable 30 years either...

>> No.12708410
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reject all of it

>> No.12708414

Don't waste energy hating science.
Just tell the truth as much as you can.
Scientists are corrupt cowards.
If such people searched for truth, they would lose their jobs.

>> No.12709672
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>> No.12709699

absolutely based

>> No.12710113

hes way too passionate about things he doesn't know. computers and AI will always only be good at one particular thing. we will keep adding capabilities but there will always be things that computers aren't good at and hence always a place for humans to work to figure out how to add more capabilities to computers or to figure out how to use computers to aid them in figuring new things out.

>> No.12710160

The trouble is the entire system (robots, workers, and all) is controlled with an iron grip by the CEO’s, lobbyists, and politicians who form the fabric of government.
Thus these technologies will never be used for helping humanity, but rather keeping the oligarchs on top of the pyramid.

>> No.12710167

>modern technology is the worst thing to ever happen to the world

He sounds like a whiny 4chan neckbeard. What is this cuck’s alternative solution? Living in a shack in the woods with no internet?

>> No.12710173

>not being a based forest man

>> No.12710218

That looks awful. If man lived the way that people like Kaczynski suggested we’d be eating bugs in a mud hut and dying of gangrene.

Guarantee you that “forest man” went back and uploaded the video of his fort from his mom’s wi-fi.

>> No.12710228
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Unfortunately most people are too corrupt and decadent to want to give up on their materialistic possessions.
May you find God and truth one day.

>> No.12710269

If you check his channel you’ll see he lives 15 miles out in the wilderness away from the closest people
In one video he gets a ride from a stranger to town so he can obtain new boots.

>> No.12710307

>In one video he gets a ride from a stranger to town so he can obtain new boots.

So he’s still leeching off of modern technology and retail

>> No.12710311

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth but that doesn’t mean you need to keep your head inside there

>> No.12710532


>> No.12711573

if you dont like science go to the amozon and try survivin 4 a mont

>> No.12712596

>I hate science because journalists and politicians who do not understand science use their misunderstanding against me but I'm too stupid to actually read enough into it to build enough of an understanding to refute them so instead I just call everyone a tranny
>wtf why is my country falling apart? I thought I could just stick my head in the sand and give up and everything would be alright.

>> No.12712602

i want to hear you say that the next time you have a cavity, or when you are dying of salmonella or pneumonia. You know you can just reject science right now. Just walk out intp the nearest forst without any of your stuff and naked. Good luck, i look forward to the police report of the fat naked neckbeard frozen and eaten by rats.

>> No.12712606

That's a great idea. Tell you what, let's both get rid of our computers and cell phones and any other device we can use to post on this horrible website.
I'm gonna go destroy my devices right away, so you shouldn't delay either. We need to get this technology out of our lives so that we can no longer post on this terrible site.

>> No.12712610
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False, science is a tool.
Nothing more.
You owe everything to workers, builders, courageous inventors and risk-taking entrepreneurs.
You owe nothing to sellout men in lab coats who whore themselves out for money and have not managed to create one single thing other than some propaganda piece of paper.

>> No.12712611

What scientific connotations does "A Pimp Named Slickback" carry?

>> No.12712615

Kill yourself you kike shill

>> No.12712620
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Modern science is still a hoax, a scam and a lie, used to promote things like Global Warming, vaccines, the Coronavirus, etc...

>> No.12712632

who came up with physics, maths, chemistry and biology needed to build your house, make your medicine, make your clothes etc?

>> No.12712633

>gets all of their scientific info from journalists and politicians
>"wtf why am I not getting accurate scientific info"
I'd call you a brainlet, but we both know you're being paid to post by hebrews

>> No.12712643

based. Like 90% of science people get taught is just nonsense made by dead white men, it should all be done away with

>> No.12712649
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Who raised those scientists with love and ensured they would be able to make such discoveries via housing and feeding?

>> No.12712653

Scientists are still sellouts and whores.
Those who are not lose their jobs.
That is the truth.

>> No.12712657

Every job is at risk thanks to the current political climate. That's why everyone hates you. It's people like you that work to divide and set the population against each other because the chaos is something that your people have spent centuries learning to control for your own benefit.
In case I've forgotten to mention it, kill yourself.

>> No.12712661

Based gender roles

>> No.12712666

The more you insult me and wish me death, the bigger the price you will pay. Remember that.
The truth is that easily corrupted atheistic money lovers are the root cause of what is wrong. The elite jews exploit such weaknesses.

>> No.12712688
File: 132 KB, 640x684, D84C9BAE-6F6E-4BC2-9ABA-503E26B2A4D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we’d be eating bugs if people like Kaczynski had their way

>> No.12712692
File: 93 KB, 640x548, 867A3A28-D828-43B5-AA72-4C03B2C1DEA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in mud huts

>> No.12712694
File: 22 KB, 240x120, F1D28751-FD50-4917-AA8F-2300CC666136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying of gangrene

>> No.12712838

My mom and dad raised me. You are right anon, i should be gratefull to them.