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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12702106 No.12702106 [Reply] [Original]

What did you do when school was closed due to COVID-19?

>> No.12702110
File: 14 KB, 326x262, 61B28F63-DA2E-4C29-8D2A-A0551B27FA24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made porn pmv’s
Learned calculus

>> No.12702112

they are still closed

>> No.12702128

It’s still closed

>> No.12702155

Learn to code young niggas. There's no future without it. Start with python.

>> No.12702189

>learn python
Then what?

>> No.12702196

I already know python

>> No.12702235
File: 25 KB, 545x362, 1611867979834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped out of the whole year.

>> No.12702245

Watched every season of Stargate SG-1. Then I watched every season of Stargate Atlantis. Then I watched every season of Stargate Universe. Not sure what to do now.

>> No.12702250

I’ve managed 2 semesters of this, but this semester is killing me. I doubt I’ll pass anything

>> No.12702254
File: 138 KB, 363x275, King-Size_Homer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either I did what Newton did to mathematics, or I am schizophrenic.

My PhD pal is reviewing my paper.

>> No.12702260

Then learn basic computer stuff. Bash, http, data structures and algorithms.
After that, just use the computer for whatever you need. Differential equations, statistics, collecting data, machine learning, a random app, whatever

>> No.12702263

Prepped for and took the USMLE

>> No.12702267

I graduated

>> No.12702274

Is it a consistent way to predict outcomes in complex networks and systems?

>> No.12702311

Langlands? Don't tease us fag

>> No.12702335


>> No.12702404

NEET so nothing different

>> No.12702436

Because it's needed for pretty much any STEM related job.

>> No.12702507
File: 62 KB, 976x850, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came up with a proof of the Pythagorean theorem that I think is completely original despite how simple it is.
I don't know what to do with it tho...
Otherwise, I'm a complete retard and haven't done anything except fail my classes.

>> No.12702621
File: 122 KB, 543x405, ConsideringSuicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>"the smart kid" in school
>my school is shitty
>I'm probably adhd
>can't be bothered to do the stupid shit they make us do because I'm too autistic
>mfw I'm failing (2.8 gpa)
>mfw I'll probably have to go to some shitty college
>mfw the only thing saving me is my testing scores (SAT 1460)
>mfw I realize that at best i'll live a mediocre life and at worst I'll be a complete and utter failure.
I'm studying a whole lot of math to cope right now but it might already be over.

>> No.12702627

how to learn this

>> No.12702632

go to community college and see a doctor if you really have adhd
don't let your life get ruined by a condition which has an easy treatment

>> No.12702660


>> No.12702691

Generalized projection functions, low dimensional polynomial embeddings, i want to stay working with gauges

>> No.12702728

I tried to have it checked out but then covid happened; now I don't know if I really want it checked out.
I don't really respect the mental sciences enough to trust just any "professional"'s diagnoses of me.
I also suspect most people my age range who are neurotic, like me, are mostly failing due to a combination of external sources and a weak character.
That's why I'm working on trying to strengthening my character. The best I can do is hope I shine through all this.

>> No.12702755
File: 20 KB, 306x306, UnimpressedPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro, I know that proof, mine is nothing like that.
I made a partly geometric and a partly algebraic proof.
Seriously, somebody help me out. What the fuck can I do with it?
I legitimately need help, I want to publish it and have it verified as original.

>> No.12702773

Post it on arxiv

>> No.12702785

that you even want to end your life in the boring way speaks volumes.

Why not just get high as fuck on heroine.
God is looking for more Heroine users.

It'd be the best way to OD, because your mind would send you all the way to heaven beyond imaging, an Elysian field of poppies and flowers, a rainbow of bliss fractally exploding through the mind's eye before crashing down in a satanic hell with a vomiting fit, leaving a cold dead corpse on disgrace to your family to clean up after you on the one hand, but the high you'd experience would be one of the pillars upon which God will base reality moving forward and you would touch God in a way few mortals ever get to.

Whilst you pray to the god of the East (Mental success), you seem to have forgotten that there are Gods of South (daily success) , West (Familial success) and North (Spiritual success.

If the God's of the East aren't answering, you either aren't asking hard enough or with enough conviction, or have come off balance from the epicentre in some other way. Perhaps chasing the East too hard, or a hearts desire to chase the west instead?)

>> No.12702838

Working on my plant ID skills, almost able to ID everything in my area which has a retarded amount of diversity

>> No.12702850

There are a bunch of fucking cranks there though and I just want someone to look at it and verify whether it's heckin' valid and original.
Who the fuck wants to look at some random arxiv paper?

>> No.12702936

I personally just googled stuff and read from various sources, but there's probably a more principled and better way.

>> No.12704390

If you're not going to post it then stop whining.

>> No.12704409

I work at a high school school and I can tell you, during lockdowns students lives very quickly divulge into utter shit and/or chaos

>massive spikes in depression and anxiety
>fighting with siblings
>domestic abuse
>drug use
>sneaking out
>video game addiction increase
>kids never leaving bedrooms
>terrible eating habits

Have heard of a lot of stories of families totally falling apart, kids turning into little monsters towards their parents, running away from home etc.

I would say in general most of the population of school age are really suffering, and I doubt anything positive is being produced or will be produced by them during this time. Obviously their education is suffering massively as well.

How the hell did we ever think lockdowns were a good idea

>> No.12704506

>How the hell did we ever think lockdowns were a good idea
It was a good idea in the first weeks until right around first reports of community spread were popping up. After that they've purely been kept as propaganda to hide the fact they royally fucked up and lost to a bad flu. The partial lockdowns are just there to keep wage slaves in line to not get used to government assistance. Public health and well-being is an after thought if it's even considered at all.

>> No.12705206

>>massive spikes in depression and anxiety
>>fighting with siblings
>>domestic abuse
>>drug use
>>sneaking out
>>video game addiction increase
>>kids never leaving bedrooms
>>terrible eating habits
it still puzzles me how being locked in can cause things to go this bad

>> No.12705207

What do you work as? The pedo janitor?

>> No.12705528

Cut down to 155lbs shredded, got really good at speedrunning halo2 and 3, learned a bunch of new songs on guitar that’s about it.

>> No.12705637

Boomer here, I haven't been to school in 50 years.

>> No.12705884

>it still puzzles me how being locked in can cause things to go this bad

Sounds like you are a very well adjusted individual who either lives alone or with a well adjusted family. That's good for you, but most households already had some of that shit happening. Take away the ability to escape said household, and take away any outside positive influences like school or the workplace, and presto: you have hell.

Basically, have you ever heard of cabin fever?

>> No.12706443

Tried to learn calculus but got abused for 6 months so it was quite hard to learn calculus.

>> No.12706475

Keep in mind that newton couldn't play vidya or browse social media or binge watch yt videos or jerk his cock to any material he could think to search for. It was just him and his books. If he was living in this era imagine how much of his time would've been squandered

>> No.12707474

u sound retarded

>> No.12707758

We are not locked down in the west, Anon. People are free to leave their homes whenever and everyone can meet friends just like before. Only parties were stopped and some brick and mortar businesses were closed. That's literally all that happened.
If someone gets depressed from not drinking outside with 20 people, that person's life was going down the drain anyway.

>> No.12707801

Depends what part of the west you are talking about. Where I live you literally were not allowed out to do anything other than get your groceries.

>> No.12707850

As far as I know that only happens in small city parts where the incidence is above 100 or so. Where do you live roughly?

>> No.12707863

Had a bad trip on shrooms that made me experience insomnia and existential anxiety for months

>> No.12708052

Finished my bachelors and will graduate soon into unemployment. Maybe will do masters instead.

As somebody who has been far north, in small shoebox of apartment for many years: Not being able to go outside / do things that free your mind really brings out the worst in people

>> No.12708487

Try CS50