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12701776 No.12701776 [Reply] [Original]

How could a mRNA vaccine be safe?

>> No.12701796

It can’t. mRNA stands for Make Republicans Neutered Again.

This is genetic cancel culture!!

>> No.12701800
File: 845 KB, 1440x1600, retrovirus-infection-DNA-reverse-transcriptase-RNA-host.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's simply not getting integrated into your DNA. reverse transcription is the easy part, the hard task for a virus is getting integrated and activated, the covid vaccine simply doesn't do that and it has a defective integration enzyme

>> No.12701825

>it's simply not getting integrated into your DNA

How can you be so sure?

Many viruses are nothing but RNA+Protein, and they find a way to embed themselves into our DNA even though it may be tricky as you say, but it happens. And here we are, injecting foreign RNA to make proteins in our body. How could that possibly go wrong right?

>> No.12701836

Why is DNA the end of your concerns? What is this bullshit? I'm uncomfortable with the idea of it fucking with my RNA.

>> No.12701840
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this image and post is extremely disingenous as sarscov2 is not a retrovirus. It never integrates, it doesn't have any "integration enzymes". It just hijacks ribosomes to makes its own, essentially.

The vaccine mRNA doesn't have any integration functionality encoded into it whatsoever because sarscov2 itself, doesn't have integration capabilities, it is not a retrovirus.

>> No.12701842

RNA is transitory, DNA permanent

The fear is that transitory DNA may end up, just like a virus, integrating with our DNA

>> No.12701846

*transitory RNA may end up integrating

>> No.12701854
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>I'm uncomfortable with the idea of it fucking with my RNA.
sorry but every virus you've ever had has already done this to you lol
you really don't know what you're talking about. If a virus isn't coded to integrate with the host cells DNA, then it just doesn't lol. mRNA controls pretty much everything in a cell. Ribosomes are fucking crazy as shit, literal tiny machines that turn strands of RNA+cytoplasm into all of the other structures there are in the cell. The mRNA they encode doesn't have anything to with DNA if its not coded for it, plain and simple.

>> No.12701859

Cells are more complicated than that. The central dogma is wrong, there's an RNA brain in every cell.

>> No.12701860

video related

>> No.12701868

>If a virus isn't coded to integrate with the host cells DNA

Basically you are saying

>if they haven't done anything wrong, then it is good xDD

How can you be no sure there is not something we did not expect, especially given every person is different, and that some or many people's DNA will not get severely JUSTE'd from the vaccine?

All I am hearing from you is "its ok, trust me, they didn't make any mistakes"

How the fuck are you so sure it will work without any devastating side effects on some or many people?

>> No.12701883

Not the guy you’re arguing with but how are you this concerned about the vaccine but not the virus itself?

>> No.12701889

Because the virus I can easily avoid, just don't get close to people, and have protection like a mask. I've escaped the virus for a whole year now, going out every single day since it started.

The mandatory government vaccine I can't escape can I?

>> No.12701891

vaccine is man-made

>> No.12701895

Virus is already well-known and risk isn't that big. Meanwhile during the corona affair it was shown that government is malignant, incompetent or both. Not taking injections it advises is a pretty good idea.

>> No.12701900

Can someone explain to me why the body react to the spike proteins when they are alone?

>> No.12701901

>vaccine is man-made
The virus too

>> No.12701909


true if big

>> No.12701913

its derived from the virus, it literally cant be any worse than the virus. Its really not magic, one persons ribosomes aren't going to be radically different than anothers...

If they were lol life would be really hard, food and nutritional requirements would be radically different for everyone, not everybody would be biologically compatible. It would just fuck everything up, viruses and bacteria would be way more powerful and potent. This is the hypothetical world you're living in.

But in the real world, things are a lot more consistent because we're all the same species and almost all identically the same on a cellular level. There is no chance that the vaccine can do anything worse than give them an allergic reaction, that they would have got anyways from the virus should they ever come into contact with it. (not to be confused with allergic reactions from the vax carriers themselves, this isn't a problem unique to mrna vacs)

Do you ever think about if the people who bolted on the suspension of your car made any mistakes? Or if the plane mechanics made any mistakes on the tune up before your flight? Or if the builders of your home made any mistakes when they built the roof and floors? If they had made any mistakes in the vac, it would have never gotten through trials.

>> No.12701934

You are still not talking about specifics of how the vaccine works to be able to say it is safe.

Is the rna we are injecting in our body somethign we ever had in our bodies before, exactly as it is, for instance?

>> No.12701947

>its derived from the virus, it literally cant be any worse than the virus
Non-sequitur, you can fuck up the vaccine in many ways.

>> No.12701954

But we don’t know if the virus causes long term effects? The hypotheticals about the vaccines could just as well happen if infected with the virus? Viral RNA could be integrated into the DNA, no?

>> No.12701962

>The hypotheticals about the vaccines could just as well happen if infected with the virus?
The hypotheticals about the virus could just as well happen if injected with the vaccine?
Maybe the best course of action is to minimize how many of these hypotheticals you engage in.

>> No.12701969

Agreed, avoiding the virus by social distancing and wearing a mask is priority number 1. And if you're scared of the vax, just don't get it. Simple. Let the rest of the sheep get it and we'll see what happens ;^)

>> No.12701987

The mRNA produces reverse transcriptase which converts the original mRNA into cDNA which hijacks your original DNA.
The mRNA vaccine is the virus goy.

>> No.12701991

The virus already comes with a bunch of well documented risks. The vaccine doesn’t.

>> No.12702008

>be old
>get vaccinated

>be pregnant
>get vaccinated

>by young
>get covid
>nothing happens

What is documented doesn't really point me in the direction of an unproved vaccine with the worst short term side effects of any vaccine so far. MSM being a cheerleader for the vaccine makes me significantly more skeptical of it.

>> No.12702016

GME diamond hands soigoy
lets see how the Vax diamond hands turns out.

>> No.12702020

Side effects are milder than covid.

>> No.12702025

>The virus already comes with a bunch of well documented risks.
Which are minuscule if you are not an old man with cancer.

>> No.12702028

>be old
>get blackout drunk

>be pregnant
>get blackout drunk

>be young
>get blackout drunk
> be fine
Its not exactly like its a novel pattern anon, there are always risks to things. But thats what trials and testing is for. And just cause pregnant women are vulnerable doesn't mean that the vaccine is dangerous. Also most old people getting the vac have been just fine. you're just projecting

>> No.12702031

If you have severe covid maybe. But only the living dead boomers get that.

>> No.12702042

>Just because human beings die as a consequence of vaccination doesn't make it dangerous
Nice doublespeak there

>> No.12702047

unless the government or your work place force you to.

And then you'll just be branded an anti vaxx nutt job

>> No.12702053

We don't know the side effects of the vaccine

It has barely been tested. We may only know of its sideeffects 10 years from now.

>> No.12702071

I mean, the vaccine will give you a headache for a day and you think it’s worse than covid?

>> No.12702075

>get cough for a couple of days (maybe)
>get cough for a couple of days (guaranteed)
I'd rather avoid that.

>> No.12702083

Are you willing to write your name down on paper attesting that all the vaccine will do is a headache?


Well guess what, pfizer and everyone else is also saying they are not resposible for vaccine results and are not liable for being sued.

Oh yeah, that is a very trustworthy vaccine.

>> No.12702085

>Getting shot will require one stitch and two days in bed then you're back on your feets. Go stand against that wall please.
Not falling for your lies and tricks. But if the vaccine work so well as you advertise it then you can go ahead and get it so I don't have to.

>> No.12702086

Get the vaccine then, it doesnt make you cough.

>> No.12702087
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>> No.12702094

At this point it’s pretty clear you’re operating on pure emotion.
I thought this was the /sci/ence board.

>> No.12702101

If someone asks me to inject some stuff, I do it only if I fully trust him.
All the covid business reduced my trust in government to negative values.
Therefore I'm not injecting their stuff.
Simple, isn't it?

>> No.12702111

>operating on emotion
>is talking shit but wouldn't be willing to be sued if he is wrong

you are the one being emotional
By reminding you you wouldn't sign your name on a paper backing up what you are saying, you are essentially agreeing with all of us: none of us are too sure this vaccine won't have terrible side effects

>> No.12702114

>At this point it’s pretty clear you’re operating on pure emotion.
>I thought this was the /sci/ence board.
Being able to take critique is part of science. Go back to retard reddit if you just want an echo chamber.

>> No.12702427
File: 70 KB, 524x600, covid_vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12702477

>MY immunity
>MY mask
>MY side effects
>why isn't this yielding immediate benefits for ME

holy shit, this oozes short term boomer narcissism

>> No.12702514

When robber robs you, he isn't doing it for YOU, when rapist rapes you, he isn't doing it for YOU and when government injects you, it isn't doing it for YOU.

>> No.12702594

Oh fuck off
Go suicide blow a church you lunetic and get on with it

>> No.12702642

>the government is a bunch of cute rabbits holding hands spreading joy to the world

The government tends to be a bunch of career politicians who are straight crooked or have warped values because they don't have to live the same life as everyone else.

Get a day where everyone will be shot with the vaccine. Have a politician go there first, mix all the vials randomly and apply any to him. Yeah, that is the kind of stuff that doesn't happen, because no politician is fucking taking the vaccine.

When the government says all politicians, judges and white house staff are required to have the vaccination, let me know. Then at least we'll know they are taking it as well

>> No.12702647

>they took the vaccine
>dna is forever damaged
How does that make you feel?

>> No.12702673

Wear the FUCKING nothing
Own the FUCKING bugs
Eat the FUCKING mask

>> No.12702684

>he thinks a basic mask can prevent airborne viruses from invading the body

>> No.12702696

people can kill themselves with water, human beings dying is a very common thing.

Its rare when someone has an allergic reaction to a vaccine, the risk with the pfizer vac isn't any different than any other vaccine. And lol if you're okay with living in a world with polio and measles and lots of other bad shit, then sure. But otherwise the rare chance of death is worth the risk in the grand scheme of things. I know its hard for you to think about anyone other than yourself but don't worry, you'll be okay. As will the vast vast majority that get the vaccine.

>> No.12702701

>people can kill themselves with water
and covid.

>> No.12702706

>water kills human
>that means you should take vaccine
like clockwork

>> No.12702709

Joke's on you, I drink a glass of water every day to vaccinate against drowning.

>> No.12702722

Is that what I said? Where did I say people should take it? Maybe stop projecting faggot and just fucking look at the world for how it is. Could there be some unknown long term side effect? yeah, like a 0.000001% chance. Its really low. The vac works through a know method exactly the same way the virus works. And the risks of the vaccine having any inherent issues isn't any different from any other vaccine.

There isn't any real reason to be irrationally concerned about the covid vac, its just like any other. If you are irrationally concerned then you might as well be concerned about all vaccinations and therefore you're retarded. Its your choice anon

>> No.12702725

if you don't want to take the vaccine for whatever reason that's fine
just don't spread FUD like a retard

>> No.12702735

>just don't spread FUD like a retard
You first, but with covid.

>> No.12702741

>its just like any other.
Unless you have a time machine, this is a false statement. All other vaccines have long periods of usage behind them and are well understood. That's not the case with any of the covid vaccines. Stop making such ridiculously false statements that you cannot back up with facts. Unless of course you actually do have a time machine, in which case I concede and would like to borrow said time machine for some fun purposes.

>> No.12702744

>If you are irrationally concerned then you might as well be concerned about all vaccinations and therefore you're retarded.
After the covid shitshow it's a good idea to review them too.

>> No.12702754

>yeah, like a 0.000001% chance. Its really low.
That's a very definitive statement.

>> No.12702757

Would a time machine let you teleport to a place where time still didn't exist?

>> No.12702767

>its just like any other
Flu vaccine gave me the worst and longest fever in my life.

>> No.12702768

I never have. I'm a new poster in this thread.
So now you.

>> No.12702775

You need a space machine for that.

>> No.12702781

I have literally read the EMA documentation that leaked a while ago, and I have relevant education to understand it. The only major objection to the Pfizer vaccine is that the purity of the mass produced vaccine isn't always good enough in every batch. mRNA is an unstable molecule, and Pfizer has had some issues with this. This is why there has been so many delays in getting the vaccines delivered.
mRNA is actually a very elegant solution on how to make a vaccine, far simpler and easier than the old whole-body vaccines, vector vaccines etc. Unlike the polio vaccine for example, which can revert and cause epidemics, an mRNA vaccine is just the genetic instructions on how to make the surface protein of the virus, and nothing else besides the packaging lipids. This is the minor objection of the EMA as well, that the lipids used to package the mRNA can be dangerous for extremely sensitive/allergic people, PEG being the primary problematic lipid.

>> No.12702788

It's only unsafe if you're a conservative. (aka uncivilized) We designed it to give all Trump voters cancer

>> No.12702801

good post, but why even bother posting it here? schizos that thrive on these threads are just going buy some vitamins from Alex Jones to combat covid anyway

>> No.12702805

Why combat something when I have 0.01% chance to die from it (assuming that I'll get it)?

>> No.12702810

>literally sharing a screencap of an Instagram post on 4chan as some sort of proof
Fuck off you retarded boomer

>> No.12702822
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Honest question. If the vaccine is supposedly 95 percent effective, how can I still get the disease? How can I still spread the disease? Sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.12702825

When someone has low IQ, complex problems can lead to frustration as they struggle to wrap their minds around the issues involved

>> No.12702828
File: 58 KB, 563x422, pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pyramid bottom.

>> No.12702844

If you couldn't spread disease then why would you have to be afraid and wear a mask?

Media would lose their main source of fear to milk so they'll never admit that you're not infectious after getting it.

>> No.12702855

I have both doses of the vaccine and I don’t get why I have to wear this thing anymore. Am I immune or am I not fuckheads?

>> No.12702898

Any chance it will result in a zombie apocalypse?

>> No.12702925

How many days since you got both doses?
The mask is there to protect others who have not been vaccinated yet or those who cannot be or are not being vaccinated as of now like pregnant women, children, and immunocompromised individuals.

>> No.12702926

>Virus is already well-known
Every week we learn more stuff about it. How is it "well-known"? Just last month we learned that the virus stays in your brain for an unknown amount of time after you were infected, it might be for life. Nobody has any idea of what's gonna happen to those people.
>it was shown that government is malignant, incompetent or both
So instead of taking a vaccine developed by private companies, you're gonna... get infected by a virus made by the government of China?

>> No.12702935

I am an anarcho-primitivist and if my genes are going to be altered it will be altered by nature and not by a scientist and therefore I choose to have the virus instead. I am certain that the information my genes gain from the virus will be far superior to anything made by man. I am getting better info to my genes by choosing the virus over a vaccine.

If I die I die. This is a natural order I have accepted as objectively moral.

>> No.12702939

>Just last month we learned that the virus stays in your brain for an unknown amount of time after you were infected
So maybe next month we will realize that vaccine does not prevent that (or actually causes it too).

>> No.12702942

China didn't
-let the virus in my country (argument for covid-truthers)
-put the population of my country into a basically prison (argument for covid-deniers)
although these arguments actually work for both groups.

>> No.12702943

>protecting children who can't be vaccinated from a disease that barely affect them at all.
You're a useful idiot.

>> No.12702949

>The mask is there to protect others who have not been vaccinated yet
Wait, how will I infect them if I am vaccinated?

>> No.12702953

>ignoring everything else in my post
Also just because the vast majority of children are asymptomatic when exposed to COVID doesn't mean that there were some children who succumbed to this illness and developed Kawasaki-like disease or MIS-C.

>> No.12702956

>there were some
There was a woman who was wounded by a meteorite.

>> No.12702962

>useful idiot
it's weird how the people who actually are acting as useful idiots for russian and chinese propaganda say this all the time
hope you're getting paid some rubles or yuan ivan/chang

>> No.12702975
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I like this version better.

>> No.12702978

Pfizer a shit
Moderna a shit
Sputnik a shit
Sinovac a shit

>> No.12702983

It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve gotten the second dose my neegrumps.

>> No.12702986

Studies and prelim data are showing at least the Pfizer vaccine reduces transmission but it may not be 100% and we need more robust widespread studies.
If we found an easy cost-effective way to prevent meteorites from striking individuals, then I would support that too.

>> No.12702998

do retrotransposons have lipids?

>> No.12703003

>an easy cost-effective way
Well, that's the problem with covid: methods used to prevent it are as easy and cost-effective as Dyson sphere (and they don't even work).

>> No.12703007

the virusis man made idiot

lmao idiot

>> No.12703010

Masks are pretty cheap anon.
If you're talking about the American-style terrible way of shutting down entire sectors of the economy, I'm not advocating for that.

>> No.12703017 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12703021

Why did the virusis man make such a mistake? Making idiot (not just any idiot, but lmao idiot)?

>> No.12703025

>If you're talking about the American-style terrible way of shutting down entire sectors of the economy
You mean American-style, European-style, Latin-american style, Russian-style and so on?

>> No.12703034

OK? I know mostly about America because I live there.

>> No.12703062

>man creates life


>> No.12704912
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>nobody has mentionned the hydroxychloroquine fiasco already
>Yfw the pandemic would already be over if governments worldwide had injected money in public hospital capacity and into the outragely cheap hydroxychloroquine pills
>yfw you discover the forced effort to demonize/forbid/forget this substance that's been used safely for years and suddenly became unsafe just cuz lol
>yfw the pandemic is unveiled to be no medical matter, but purely economical
>yfw some powerfull folks/entites are getting piss rich while all your liberties are dying for a meme virus that kill natural living burdens and you will be forced to watch this shitshow till the end
>yfw yfw is under a meme-mask

>> No.12704932


>> No.12704937

>At least 181 people have died in the US according to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), after taking experimental vaccines meant to combat a 99.4% to 99.8% survival rate virus, the death toll for which a team of researchers in one state found may be inflated by as much as 40%.
>A number of international groups of doctors and scientists have issued warnings over the vaccines, which are still in the experimental stage and have not been approved by the FDA for general use, but are being injected under FDA "emergency use authorization." The UK Guardian reports that in UK, health authorities warned people with food or other allergies not to take the Pfizer BioTech vaccine. Severe allergic reactions have also been noted in the Moderna experimental vaccine.
>A CDC registry reports that, as of the end of December, experimental COVID vaccinations have so far caused over 7,844, adverse reactions, at least 3,150 of which have rendered people “unable to work,” or perform “daily activities.”
>Last February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar granted blanket immunity from lawsuits to COVID vaccine manufacturers, so that companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against COVID.
If nothing else, if you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant, avoid all of the vaccines. None of them are recommended for pregnant women and the consequences are unknown.

>> No.12704953

>475k dead of covid
>181 deaths in VAERS

>> No.12705277


>> No.12705280
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Why should I get this vaccine when the whole pandemic is clearly the elites taking even more power and establishing total NWO control?
Why should I get some vaccine that the elites tell me to get when those same people created the pandemic in the first place? Why should I trust anything that they say? Why are people just ignoring that while Bill Gates shills for this gay mind control NWO mark of the beast vaccine, he also is buying up all the farmland to control the food supply?

>> No.12705376

So many dummies itt
Read this if you want to learn more about the science behind it

>> No.12705513

>viruses are living

>> No.12705555

>schizo posting on multiple threads on /sci/
take your meds, btw even before the covid you were the NWOs bitch anon, they've always had power over you and your public display of seething and insanity is just more proof of that. They don't need you to get the vax for them to be controlling you, you're already a good little npc

>> No.12705649

>viruses aren't living

>> No.12705716
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glow harder faggot

>> No.12706885

It's poison, Don't take it.

>> No.12707766

>This post is supposed to make points, argue back, display common sense or even intelligence against the shadowy lunacy of "conspiracy theorists"

>> No.12709498

>Why wear body armor when you're going into a war zone if it doesn't make you completely bullet proof?
>Why wear a helmet either?
>Clearly this is all a scam by Big-Armor, and everyone else is too stupid to figure it out!