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12692430 No.12692430 [Reply] [Original]

What's the /sci/ence behind this when the virus is already small enough to pass through an N95 mask?

>> No.12692438

Corona spreads through saliva droplets. Masks block those droplets.

>> No.12692443

You spit out saliva droplets which carry the viral particles, which are stopped by an n95. How are people still this uninformed?

>> No.12692470
File: 29 KB, 549x360, niggabethinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't get covid if you can't breathe

>> No.12692587

Corona is not bound to liquid. It can travel through air.

>> No.12692595

why aren't you triple-masking yet? are you anti-science?

>> No.12692600

this claim flies in the face of numerous studies and reflects a failure to grasp fundamental principles of how viruses behave and how face masks work.

>> No.12692604


>Also reports a tight mask fit is important
>Well you see in the report it says it's only 90% effective with a hermetic seal goy, you didn't have a hermetic seal that's why you're a super spreader
>Water is dielectric and moistening the masks over time with breath humidity will mitigate the effects? Where did you learn that fake news?

>> No.12692605

The COVID-19 particle is indeed around 0.1 microns in size, but it is always bonded to something larger.

>> No.12692606

Breathing and talking generate particles around 1 micron in size, which will be collected by N95 respirator filters with very high efficiency

>> No.12692608

Health care precautions for COVID-19 are built around stopping the droplets, since “there’s not a lot of evidence for aerosol spread of COVID-19

>> No.12692612

“Breathing and talking generate particles around 1 micron in size, which will be collected by N95 respirator filters with very high efficiency,” said Lisa Brosseau, a retired professor of environmental and occupational health sciences who spent her career researching respiratory protection.

Health care precautions for COVID-19 are built around stopping the droplets, since “there’s not a lot of evidence for aerosol spread of COVID-19,” said Patrick Remington, a former CDC epidemiologist and director of the Preventive Medicine Residency Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Fact check: What's true and what's false about coronavirus?
Size matters, but not how you think

But that’s not the only logical flaw in this claim.

The N95 filter indeed is physically around the 0.3 micron size. But that doesn’t mean it can only stop particles larger than that. The masks are actually best for particles either larger or smaller than that 0.3 micron threshold.

>> No.12692613

Maybe we should glue the masks to the face to ensure that seal is tight?

>> No.12692617


>> No.12692630


>> No.12692654

The fact that masked countries still have vast corona outbreaks shows that "numerous studies" were delusional.

>> No.12692655

the N95 mask itself uses electrostatic absorption, meaning particles are drawn to the fiber and trapped, instead of just passing through.

>> No.12692659

>masked countries still have vast corona outbreak
such as....?

>> No.12692669

Almost all of them?

>> No.12692681

Such as.....? Citations as well, please

>> No.12692697

Italy. Spain. Germany. Canada. Australia. Source: Google "[X] COVID"

>> No.12692706

I think you should ask more politely. For example "i'm a person who was in coma for a year and does not know that a huge lot of countries introduced mask mandates (and still have a lot of corona + lockdowns)". I like to help coma victims, so I will show you some.

>> No.12692713

>band-aids cause cuts
hurr durr

>> No.12692716

Sorry, you have failed to accurately support your argument with anything other than anecdote. As such, your posts will now be summarily dismissed.

>> No.12692722

If someone wears so much bandaids that he looks like a mummy and still gets more cuts than bandaid-free man, then he probably should stop being dumb.

>> No.12692726

>you have
No, I don't have to. So I accept your concession.

>> No.12692730

yes, you should

>> No.12692731

>masks are forced even on the streets
>everything is closed and curfews are introduced
>still in top-5 by deaths
Wear four masks. Even better, wear a pillow on your face.

>> No.12692737

Yes, maskers really should stop wearing their muzzles. I glad that we finally agree.

>> No.12692740

Unfortunately the burden of proof falls on he who makes the claim. In this case, the claimant is you, and thus yes you do have to. As you have not, you have lost this argument.

>> No.12692746

Peer-review studies?

>> No.12692749

Ah, all Western nations.

>> No.12692753

Happily India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are saving the world.

>> No.12692760

>Unfortunately the burden of proof falls on he who makes the claim.
Of course not. If I state that water is wet and you disagree, it's you who needs to prove that, not me. Because of that you immediately lose the argument.

>> No.12692768

Incorrect, actually. I will no longer give you any you's as you clearly lack the intelligence to have an actual debate.

>> No.12692773

bless your heart

>> No.12692778

>Incorrect, actually.
Sadly it is correct, my dry water friend.
>. I will no longer give you any you's as you clearly lack the intelligence to have an actual debate.
Well, your concession already was accepted, but thanks for another one.

>> No.12692781

South Asia is true Aryans. They are real chosen people. Not you dirty Anglos or German fake Aryans.
Subcontinent Super Power 2021

>> No.12692787

mass strangulation attacks when?

>> No.12692795
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, pepLUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are hopeless

>> No.12692840

Honestly seems like we're being trolled

>> No.12692883

>The masks are actually best for particles either larger or smaller than that 0.3 micron threshold.
What? Why specify the .3 micron, if it works better at filtering things smaller than that?

>> No.12692901

That guy in the OP looks like he is sucking air across his eyes into the mask.

>> No.12692928

Don't you need to provide evidence that those countries don't have any outbreaks if you want to support your claim that he is lying?

Also, someone specifically asked for anecdotal evidence >>12692659.

>> No.12692932


>> No.12692957

One mask Is bad enough

>> No.12693380

Because there are always those who wont wear them

>> No.12693399

How convenient, that lets policy leaders just pass the buck on any failure of policy and take credit for any change in trends.

>> No.12693425

>Why specify the .3 micron, if it works better at filtering things smaller than that?
I assume because of xyz is .3 microns it wouldn't stop it and it's good to know that in case the virus(dropplets) can be that size.

>> No.12693428

That means that mask program was doomed from the beginning and those who proposed it should be imprisoned.

>> No.12693437

That isn't how they describe it at all, they don't say it can only not filter things exactly microns, they say it can only filter things larger than microns.

>> No.12693496

>dutifully masks, distances and curfews
>deaths doubled during the last month

>> No.12693554

Someone's crazy uncle forgot to wear a mask, so its all his fault. Masks work only if everyone wears them.

>> No.12693568

We're still at the peak of infections in Spain despite everyone wearing masks.
You don't need citations for this shit, just look up current infection cases. Masks have been mandatory for a while.

>> No.12693574

Which is virtually impossible, so just don't wear them at all.

>> No.12693575

Don't worry, if as many or more people wear two masks compared to those with none, it balances out at everyone averaging at least one mask.

>> No.12693973

Which is another way of saying that they don't work.

>> No.12694019

But what if 10% of people wears 10 masks?

>> No.12694186

Looks like a question for an economics major

>> No.12694620

It has to do with how particles of various sizes travel. Small particles are subject to Brownian Motion, which causes them to bounce around like a pinball, which makes them easier to capture since they're unlikely to move through the filter in a straight line.

>> No.12694625

>What's the /sci/ence behind this when the virus is already small enough to pass through an N95 mask?
So this has already been cleared up in the thread, but the ideal if a respirator isn't available is to wear a mask with decent filtration ability underneath a well-fitted mask, which will result in a seal and give similar efficacy to a respirator.

>> No.12694630

>What's the /sci/ence
Whatever the media tells you is the truth. It seems that's the retard road most normies walk along.

>> No.12694778

No one is providing you any data because you are asking for something that is evident to all observers. I hope in the future you make yourself look less foolish with your posts, you harm this community by participating in this fashion.

>> No.12694798

.3 microns is the size it works worst at. It works better above and below that. There are two competing factors in stopping a particle, size and mass. Smaller particles have less mass and are easier to stop due to that. .3 microns is the point where the two effects achieve a minimum of their sum.

>> No.12694802

So demanding two masks is just going to increase the number of people not complying.

>> No.12694806

Then why, for a year, did they say one mask was sufficient? Why would I believe in the efficacy of this claim?

>> No.12694812
File: 338 KB, 750x678, 1613063913984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's """"science"""" not science

>> No.12694823
File: 593 KB, 1200x803, 1200px-Sneeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the virus is already small enough to pass through an N95 mask
Identify wherever you read/watched this and just completely stop listening to whatever that is.

>> No.12694825

Bruh this news story wouldn't still be active if this wasn't the case.

>> No.12694926

>small enough to pass through an N95 mask
This doesn't matter at all. N95's working principle is not a filter, or anything similar, educate yourself. I've always been wearing a disposable mask over my N95, because I like to keep it as clean as possible. I'm surprised the rest of the world is barely catching on to my standards of back in March.

>> No.12695257

I'm curious how wearing a loose fitting surgical mask over an N95 alters the efficacy. The majority of air goes around the edges of a surgical mask. That could result in particles hitting the respirator at an uneven rate.

>> No.12695454

>I'm curious how wearing a loose fitting surgical mask over an N95 alters the efficacy.
Whenever you touch your mask, you touch the surgical one instead of the N95. Then when you remove them there's less cross-contamination risk because the N95 is untouched.

>> No.12695489
File: 1.42 MB, 250x226, feeling crabby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing about this pandemic will be answered truthfully until a decade has passed after it ends. Only then will it be so far back in people's minds that honest research and data can be released. No politician wants to give their opponents fodder for campaign ads so the narrative will always be "We did everything right" and any flaws were due to interference by people of another ideology.

>> No.12695520
File: 50 KB, 832x819, moar masks pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12695572

Actual /pol/ retard

>> No.12695781
File: 946 KB, 680x680, 1613013611501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12695871

What's the point of diminishing mask returns? I'm thinking 7 masks.

>> No.12696572

Why not skip it and just wear the pillow?

>> No.12696602

It is scary how uninformed people are.
It does not help in preventing you from catching it.

Washing your hands, not touching your face, and not being physically close to people is what prevents you from catching it.

Now stop fiddling with your god damn mask with your disgusting corona riddled hands!

>> No.12696609

Oh, so this thick piece of cloth over my face does not prevent me from catching diseases? Good, that's actually a result.

>> No.12696620

more layers = better filtration; is that so hard to grasp..?

>> No.12696650

>Oh, so this thick piece of cloth over my face does not prevent me from catching diseases?
Not sure why some people ever even assumed this, it's absurd.

>> No.12697742

Even /pol/ retards are smarter than you lmao

>> No.12697961

N95 exhaust is unfiltered you fucking moron

>> No.12697981

>N95's working principle is not a filter
wrong, it is indeed a filter. retard lol

just because it's a different approach to filtering doesn't make it not a filter

>> No.12698986

>N95 exhaust is unfiltered you fucking moron
Not all N95s are vented.