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File: 259 KB, 602x373, main-qimg-e77680f3386d640d69b1cceefa651047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12688391 No.12688391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are some races just objectively inferior/superior to others?

>> No.12688400

your daily IQ/race thread

>> No.12688404

East Asians are best, now commit sudoku for being white trash.

>> No.12688413

I wonder why I never see Ashkenazi jew IQs in these threads or charts.

Daily reminder that Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ by race/subgroup in the world.

>> No.12688415

yeah most whites are cuckholds and/or trannies making them inferior to everyone else. They should be wiped out

>> No.12688418


"the intellectual superiority of “Ashkenazic Jews of European origins,” who “test higher than any other ethnic group""


>> No.12688422

i have 135 iq and i am not a chink/jew

>> No.12688430

Whites but that can change in x generations

>> No.12688433

whites what?

>> No.12688438

found the chinkcel

>> No.12688443

bullshit map

>> No.12688444

ok ok you're so smart. calm down kike

>> No.12688450

No, just because you value IQ does not mean it is "the" objective measure.

>> No.12688486

They are in there though

>> No.12688494
File: 1.27 MB, 1117x600, 1610517752933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the inferior race.

>> No.12688517

China = shitty aged country with chinkcels everywhere, do you think you really could win? fcking CCP FAG GTFO

>> No.12688531
File: 1.64 MB, 2160x3021, 1612094692364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked a /pol/ question and got a /pol/ answer. East Asians view cumskins as niggers. Cope more Timmy, you will never be the Superior Race.

>> No.12688532

Whiteness is a mutation. Also, this picture is horseshit.

>> No.12688542


>> No.12688552
File: 128 KB, 1014x620, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stats are legit and you'd have to a be a brainless ideologue to not recognize it in everyday life.
Everything is a mutation, that's how evolution works.

>> No.12688563

Why can't we have a discussion about this elephant in the room?
Instead we should blame "white privilege" ?

>> No.12688574

Whites view chinks as niggers, gtfo inferior race

>> No.12688579
File: 45 KB, 720x629, 1609810367078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about what white people think? They will die out in 2 generations.

>> No.12688588

Not gonna happen.
Jews have always been a minority and still dominate everything they touch.
If whites ever hit a tiny single digit minority they will still be your master and be be super successful at everything and continue to drive human advancement.
You call it "white genocide", I call it white refinement.

>> No.12688594

Every civilization has its time, and sadly the european one is collapsing.

>> No.12688608

Hopefully that'll stop the dysgenics that have been happening in the west.

>> No.12688611

The human race is worthless and doomed to end in this century, long live AI and genetic engineering

>> No.12688619

Why do you assume geographic disparities in IQ are due to innate biological characteristics? The low-IQ countries are generally the poorer ones.

Besides, some of the studies referenced in the picture are trash quality (the Lynn one especially)

>> No.12688643

how come if this is true, testosterone levels are rather low in japan, and testosterone is responsible for the development of the parietal lobe, which is responsible for spacial thinking, which is key in thinking abstractly?

>> No.12688652

>h-heh my people getting wiped out is a win for me!
HAHAHHAHAHA. Is there a genetic trait that makes white people such cuckholds? I guess it’s for the best though. The sooner you faggots are gone the better the world would be.

>> No.12688734
File: 20 KB, 365x205, 1592457425112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having 5 more IQ points than white people on average doesn't make up for your utter lack of creativity and empathy.

>> No.12688738

You were right, lol. What a seething slant eyed faggot.

>> No.12688740
File: 34 KB, 482x549, 1585099674090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What good is whiteoid culture again in 2021?
>every backward volk has the right to exist no matter how barbaric
>it's their right to indoctrinate their children
>social engineering them away is cultural genocide
>genetic engineering is outlawed
>luddites and schizos need to be heard
>no, you can't take their children away either
bring on the white genocide already

>> No.12688744

Name a good invention chinks made in the last century. I’ll wait.

>> No.12688780

Lol is this why your women are causing mass immigration of 3rd worlders? Men in western Europe are so cucked that you have to import women from the 3rd world. When enough 3rd worlders become European and North American citizens, they'll make laws to favour their kind, denying this reality shows how deep in shit you retards are.