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12685452 No.12685452 [Reply] [Original]

Psychiatry continues unabated as a method of abuse for doctors, big pharma and the government
Thankfully, there are alternatives however limited https://breggin.com/video-series/

How do you justify psychiatry if there are alternatives to forced treatment?

>> No.12685505

I'd rather have schizos forcefully treated than accosting me in public places, thank you very much

>> No.12685518

do you get accosted often?

>> No.12685525

>waaah waaaah I hate shrinks because I'm mentally ill
So tired of this thread

>> No.12685534

dont know bout USA

But like the first thing i learned from my psych once i started treating ADHD (in my fucking thirties after i finally gave up on trying to cope with it naturally) - how to change my diet, what excersises to do, how to meditate...
I will take meds just for three months and how i need to use the meds to overcome some mental dissabilities that i made myself - concerta or ritalin gives you the push and energy to actually commit, if you had untreated adult ADHD and EFD you would probably sing a different tune, youd be very well fucking aware how having a mental dissability that affects your dopamine and memory forming affects learning positive behavior

Now im not in the usa so i know nothing about kids and how much drugs you give them but here ritalin is fucking illegal and my psych told me a completely different story, that its illegal because big pharma wants it that way because when you dont thread ADHD while a kid, you develop depression easily as fuck (i tried to kill myself several times) - and people with depression make more money. At least thats how it is in eastern europe. Its really hard to find legal ritalin here (and its called concerta)

>> No.12685586

Watch the videos

>> No.12685605

Nowadays not much due to quarantine. I also did some accosting myself a decade or so ago, and really, it isn't worth it for both parties involved.

>> No.12685733

TRE will cure any depression, trauma or PTSD.
Schizos see the world the way it really is.
Dangerous schizos or psychopaths should just go to jail.

There is literally 0 reason for the field of psychiatry to exist.

>> No.12685745

What is TRE?

>> No.12685756

you can just do acid or mdma lmao

>> No.12685761

sounds like quack shit, this is the first google search hit for TRE psychological treatment

here's a mention in psychology today
>Are you looking for a really different approach to therapy? It is called TRE.
> will teach you a set of exercises that will initiate a normal tremor that is held in our bodies.
>After 2 to 3 sessions, you will be able to develop your own practice.
lol especially at that last line

>> No.12685763

every day, especially on 4channel.org/sci

>> No.12685795

No shit. SSRIs are one of the biggest scams on the planet.
Big Pharma actually does useful things too though, that’s why they get away with the amount of social engineering they’ve been responsible for (probably more than any other industry).

>> No.12686033

Every day, eh?

Just let's get right into it then.


>> No.12686045

>if you had untreated adult ADHD and EFD you would probably sing a different tune, youd be very well fucking aware how having a mental dissability that affects your dopamine and memory forming affects learning positive behavior

OP was forcefully committed into a hospital and still refuses to see schizophrenia as real.

>> No.12686063

My hands have trembled my entire life, got multiple tests and shit done and there's nothing wrong with my body, they just trembled for some reason. TRE helped a lot with it, it's basically releasing built-up stress in your body.

>> No.12686096

>Psychiatry continues unabated as a method of abuse for doctors, big pharma and the government

Hardly limited to psychiatry. It involves pharmaceutical companies, that have completely corrupted mental health services, the school system, think only of all the conduct disorders that emerge in a factory-style school setting like ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder etc., correcting and otherwise suppressing undesirable people.

>How do you justify psychiatry if there are alternatives to forced treatment?

What are you looking for exactly? What answer do you want? You spam this thread every other day.

>> No.12686127

Cutting processed foods and excess carbohydrates from my diet, as well as acquiring a job that involves being outside a lot, did far more for my depression than any of the various (high variety, at that) medication I was put on.

>> No.12686160


She even mentions the psycho social aspects of her deterioration, probably important

Until these doctors wash their damned hands, or at least confirm the social malignancy of “take your meds”

So long as one more person realises doctors are entirely self interested and occasionally malicious, we can move forward

>> No.12686173

Is he the guy who molested his sister?

>> No.12686212

>Until these doctors wash their damned hands
They literally don't do that.
>or at least confirm the social malignancy of “take your meds
Good luck trying to convince doctors that they should not prescribe meds, thus losing tons of money and going out of business because they can't compete with those doctors who take money from the pharmaceutical industry.
>So long as one more person realises doctors are entirely self interested and occasionally malicious
I already know that. And even if you consider this topic to be of utmost importance. Your vain attempt to convince others will ultimately only harm yourself.

People either already know that but if they don't know they never will.

>> No.12686237

>Live in society that values money over everything else
>Be butthurt when psychiatrists want to milk your wallet

>> No.12686284

No, I shouted at pajeets

>> No.12686301

Hmm I appreciate the concern, don’t know why beyond not spamming these threads

>> No.12687416

You haven't read that article very thoroughly. She describes how her schizophrenia drove her away from any caring environment and that it took forced hospitalization for her to overcome that, with meds.

So do take your meds instead of spamming your schizo paranoia where others might fall for it.