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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1268350 No.1268350 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1268392
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>> No.1268408

i agree with this.

CS should be called

Pure math and algorithm design

>> No.1268418

more like phplogy & powerpoint sciences

>> No.1268456


>> No.1268457

I'm sorry, you're thinking of codemonkeys. Many CS majors go on to be codemonkeys, but some don't even use a computer all too much. CS existed before the electronic computer.

>> No.1268468

The great thing about achieving Satori isn't being able to conjure the spirits of the computer with my spells, it's showing everyone in class that I did.

>> No.1268470

From the video
>CS isn't really about science, nor is it really about computers. You'll come to find that CS has a lot in common with magic


>> No.1268481


>> No.1268486

99% of CS majors (and Math majors at that) end up being worthless fucking code monkeys.

Physics majors = lab rats

stick to circle jerking each other with XKCD comics. nobody cares about you.

>> No.1268495

>Mad because he fails at math and programming

>> No.1268503

That's funny because the truly untalented, the people who have no skills or aspirations usually end up in CS/Math and to a lesser degree, Physics.

>> No.1268514

The guy in that vid is a goddamn DORK

>> No.1268520


Read that as GRIMDARK.

Future physics major here. What am I in for? I don't know shit about legitimate physics other than I think they are cool.

>> No.1268524

Still mad because you have no brain power to conquer mathematics. How sad you are.

>> No.1268531

Computer science != Software engineering

Many universities don't make a real distinction

At mine the difference was one compulsory module which I could take anyway.

>> No.1268538

Also all science at undergraduate level is basically a bunch of useless wank.

The good stuff happens at MSc/PhD/Post doc level

>> No.1268539

Computer Engineering Master Race reporting in

>> No.1268541

>A bunch of useless wank

At your shit-tier school probably.

>> No.1268549

>Computer Science != Software Engineering

Math != Algebra

Enjoy your community college, or whatever shit-place you attending.

>> No.1268552

Rofl, there are other computer engineers out there??

>> No.1268560

dont forget web developers

>> No.1268572

Really? No.

Take computer science. It's possible but unlikely you are equally interested in network security, algorithm design, programming languages, compiler/assembly programming, the physical makeup of a computer, bioinformatics, AI, computer vision, computer graphics, etc

You probably have a few areas of particular interest like bioinformatics, and other areas that are unlikely to be covered at BSc level in any real depth (like quantum computing).

When you get to MSc/PhD level you're in control. If you want to go deep into quantum or bioinformatics you will. Even within a topic like bioinformatics, we could cover only a small fraction of the topic in the brief period of a term. So sure, it's absolutely positively fucking necessary, but if you particularly want to delve into (say) confirmation angles for amino acids/Ramachandran plot you're going to spend maybe a week on the topic (which reduces to maybe 5 hours of an entire term).

To suggest otherwise is unfounded nonsense.

>> No.1268573

>implying all schools dont make you buy overpriced books and make you do homework

>> No.1268576

Sociology major here.

I'll be enjoying my wide selection of jobs starting at 100K while the rest of you rot away in some cubicle or lose your job to some Indian code monkey.

>> No.1268584

>he thinks all social science majors are economists
>he thinks all economists get a dream position

>> No.1268585

>Enjoy your community college
My country doesn't see the need to create special 'poor person's universities' as it happens.

Computer Science is really nothing to do with Software Engineering. Both involve a bit of programming but one rambles off into project management, coding patterns, coding anti-patterns, networking, mobile platforms, etc, and the other branches off into other sciences (quantum, bioinformatics, physics).

You can have a degree that covers some of each but they're distinct disciplines. Not a subset and a superset like mathematics and algebra. I'm guessing you have a software engineering degree and are insecure about it.

>> No.1268587

ITT bioinformatics

>> No.1268590

You know what? /sci/ is starting to look a lot like /v/.

/tg/ has better discussions than this.

>> No.1268594

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA enjoy your 70k/yr paycheck when you have 20 years experience.

>> No.1268597

And your median starting salary of 30k

>> No.1268603

FWIW a code monkey can easily start on 40k (US dollars) and that's the mid-low end

>> No.1268606

/sci/ has been shit since it started.

>> No.1268608
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>> No.1268627

Average starting salary for CS majors from my school is 58k.

That's the average, I can't explain with words how stupid most of the people I know at my university are.

>> No.1268625


I laffed

>> No.1268622


My major is computer science at UIUC. Computer science encompasses software engineering, just like math encompasses algebra.

My guess is that you're attending a shit-tier school and therefore don't even know what CS is.

>> No.1268640


$72k here.

>> No.1268657

So you honestly think that topics like DSDM, project management, testing, design patterns, anti-patterns and UML/user requirement elicitation NOT ONLY sit comfortably with computer _SCIENCE_ (hint, that's the key word) but fits WITHIN IT?

You think coding patterns are SCIENTIFIC? You think project management is SCIENTIFIC? You think getting requirements from users and classifying them is SCIENTIFIC?

If you take a VERY narrow example of design patterns, you can't possibly claim any scientific nature to them because the only possible metric they would be judged by (efficiency - we assume they 'work' so it's a question of how computationally expensive they are) is never taken into account by (for example) anything in the original Gang of Four book. They were not interested in the only SCIENTIFIC part of general programming, which is cyclomatic/algorithmic complexity.

They were primarily interested in making code easy to read. Do you think physicists, chemists and biologists spend their time making quantum mechanics/genetics/whatever the fuck chemists do all day easy to read and maintain?

Making shit easy for some code monkey to maintain = business logic
Application of metrics and theorems = science

Having a class on algorithm design doesn't turn your software engineering degree into a computer science degree.

>> No.1268674

By the way
I have a degree in CS and a degree in Law and I'm very happily employed at a leading company in the finance sector - although of course you will ignore this and claim it's a lie, whilst asserting your university's superiority.

>> No.1268704

>Computer Science is a science.

Harold Abelson disagrees.

>Software engineering is not science.

Engineering is considered scientific by many.

>> No.1268709

Problem being software engineering is largely taken up by non-scientific business-based courses.

Please try to pay attention.

>> No.1268712


No one here is claiming that CS is a science. It should be subsumed under math, except when it's all about coding.

>> No.1268728

> It should be subsumed under math, except when it's all about coding

If your computer science degree is 'all about coding' then it's a fucking software engineering degree.

How can you subsume computer science under maths when it's multidisciplinary with biology, chemistry, physics and whatever you think AI is (algorithms on the one part, emulation of minds on the other part - philosophy)?

>> No.1268730

Math is a science, therefore computer science is a science.

Please review the definition of "science".

>> No.1268739

I don't have a "fuck this I'm outta here" image so

Fuck this thread, I'm outta here (because you're all terrible undergraduate morons who think serious academics give even half a shit what university you went to as opposed to what you actually know)

>> No.1268753

that's a terrible way to start

>> No.1268758

>Went to a shit-tier school. Can't accept the truth.

Enjoy your shit-education, scrub. I'll be hanging out with world's leading computer scientists here. Jealous?

>> No.1268759

Maths is a art

>> No.1268765

>Problem being software engineering is largely taken up by non-scientific business-based courses

At your shit-school probably. Talk about real universities.

>> No.1268768

Real academics really aren't interested.

You shouldn't do your PhD and BSc at the same institution.

When you finish Java Programming 101 you might have a clearer idea.

>> No.1268779

The core of software engineering is creating software that is fit for purpose. That logically necessitates a lot of discussion about what fit for purpose software is (spoilers: in business it's almost never 'efficient clever algorithms') and how to find out user requirements.

You are a complete moron. Finish your degree, get some real world experience, spend some time with academics and businesses, then we'll talk.

There is not a single PhD student in the rest world who wastes their time trying to prove their university is somehow "better" than someone else's. Congratulations, either you're representative of another uniquely American problem, or you're an ill informed and under-experienced child in a grown up discussion.

>> No.1268834

I'm simply somebody who is mentally, as well as academically, superior to you.

Software engineering is conceptually no different from mechanical or chemical engineering. In all instances, you learn how to engineer shit, and what one uses to achieve it - whether it's programming, physics, or chemistry. And in all instances, you are learning scientific principles.

You went to a shit-tier school (because you are a failure, academically) where SE is taught with business, good for you. Like I said, talk about REAL schools, scrub.

>> No.1268891

computer science is not all about programming but it is all about computers
If you like to refer computer science as purely a way of solving problems algorithmically math could replace computer science in a breeze

>> No.1268916

>I'm simply somebody who is mentally, as well as academically, superior to you

What kind of faggot says that?

>> No.1268920

What school do you attend oh great one?

>> No.1268932

You know judging by the way that trolls exploit people's insecurities and differences systematically I am convinced that trolling is in fact an science

>> No.1268940

it's an subset of psychology and sociology.

>> No.1268941


This is some kind of God-tier troll right here.

Math is about formally proving what is true given a certain set of axioms (frequently ones that describe our world).

Science is about using the Scientific Method to form theories about what is apparently true for the world we live in.

Math is math. Science is Science.

>> No.1268944

Software engineering isn't a science, you dumb fag.

>> No.1268963


>> No.1268979

engineering is not a science you derpy motherfucker

>> No.1268980
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Lets rename this board to /sci/ - Science & Science


>> No.1268998

math is a science.
but not an empirical science.

>> No.1269025

No math does not rely on experimentation and thus it does not follow the scientific method
inb4 science does not have to follow the scientific method

>> No.1269043

Anyone who thinks math is science, should have their balls torn off. Fucking summerfags

>> No.1269048

not if you're dumb as shit

>> No.1269064


science means knowledge.

>> No.1269092
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>this thread
>this board
>jesus christmas christ what the fuck am i still doing here

>> No.1269162

>butthurt engineer