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12682427 No.12682427 [Reply] [Original]

Math, physics, or philosophy

>> No.12682461

Physics cause it's the only one with real applications

>> No.12682464

Whatever makes the individual happy, successful, and able to help others through teaching and research

>> No.12682491
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Thank you for validating my PhD in Gender Studies. You the real MVP.

>> No.12682541


>> No.12682546

Aren't all PhDs philosophy?

>> No.12682555

A PhD doesn't impress me. A CV with high impact publications does.
Nobody gives a fuck about what your PhD topic is. People switch all the time or work on problems outside their immediate training. The CV is the only semi-consistent way to see whether you should be impressed.

>> No.12682560

Freeman Dyson and his MSc. What a based character he was.

>> No.12682564

Np fren. Have fun! :)

>> No.12682567

BA, oops.

>> No.12682602

I wouldn’t judge a PhD based on the subject name, because there are Thesis’ that could get you a PhD in all 3 of those fields.

But that being said, I still have a mental bias against philosophers as being good for nothing, unemployable wasters, and there are some pretty boring research fields in physics

So I’d think a maths PhD would most likely to be the one that would actually lead me to engaging the person in conversation

>> No.12682615

I respect a bachelors in philosophy more than a PhD in philosophy

>> No.12682630


>> No.12682640
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Chemistry. No second thoughts

Physics is my life because I like learning how the world works. But Chemistry always baffles me because of the things they could do with simple chemicals. I am trying to learn Chemistry but man, it is hard to reinvent yourself

>> No.12682713

Philosophy is basically all bullshit now. If it was between physics and maths I guess I would say math.

>> No.12682729

The PhD subject is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the prestige of the institution that granted it. A Gender Studies PhD from Harvard makes you unironically better qualified than a PhD in Physics from some europoor shithole uni.

>> No.12683958

I‘m not impressed by titles. I want deep ideas and creativeness.

>> No.12684017

>The only thing that matters is the prestige of the institution that granted it
spoken like someone with no idea about PhDs.
Institution means nothing compared to the advisor.

>> No.12684043


>> No.12684045

Fucker probably found something useful rather than another tiny thing we think makes up matter or some shit

>> No.12684055

Philosophy, natural of that. No more banach-tarski paradoxes or le quantum effect and soilent relative theory.

Science has to go back to its roots. Now its a game where any fucker just invents some theory, that has no solid base, calls its dark theory and receives Nobel. Sad.

t. physics man

>> No.12684060

Seethe, you gender homo from harvard. Hardvard is just a MacUniversity. Buy your diploma. Others earn it.

>> No.12684063

And where are all the best advisors? Oh that's right, at prestigious institutions.

>> No.12684066

Psychology PhD is unironically the most impressive because of how hard it is to actually get one.

>> No.12684078

No, they're often not, because of the glut of PhDs. Given that there are a lot of specialised topics, and only so many spaces at a given university, it's clear that places like Harvard can only cater to so many subjects.

>> No.12684082

I doubt it.

>> No.12684088

Harder to get into into a top 20 Psychology PhD program than it is to get into the top 10 med schools combined

>> No.12684091

That's not what you said, you said institutional prestige is the only thing that matters. And everyone in science knows full well that you need to look at the advisor first for your PhD, because they're not just all hanging out at the same few universities.

>> No.12684216

Thats where you're wrong, because making impactful inventions involves mostly luck, and engineers are faggots

>> No.12684239

Yeh sorry no. Define "harder"

>> No.12684273

Yeah sorry look it up
harder as in more qualified? not sure what else it could be in this scenario you coombrain

>> No.12684282

I think that’s still just parroting stuff. I look at the studies and to say the statistical sections aren’t that great is a huge understatement.

>> No.12686102

chemical engineering

>> No.12686103

All three of them are impressive. Most Ph.Ds are impressive.

>> No.12686191

What a man. We lost a legend

>> No.12686241

math impresses, if its a non shit uni
physics i value most in employees
philosophy, like when someone vapes, is great for quickly informing you this person has no value

>> No.12686280 [DELETED] 

the phd fails to see that philosophy is a network of mental circuses created by careerists to live cushy from their audience of judeo christian simpletons.

>> No.12686286

the phd fails to see that philosophy is a network of mental circuses created by the careerists to live cushyly from their audience of judeo christian simpletons.

>> No.12686331

>Which PhD impresses you
Wow, you paid for five more years of college after you graduated? Nice!!!

>> No.12686466

why is chemical engineering still so respected? surely not just because money? because otherwise it doesn't seem like a very intellectual field (don't hate me i'm honestly curious)

>> No.12686476

I dunno if it's a meme or reality, but chemical engineering is generally considered to be tied with electrical for the "hardest engineering branch" title.

>> No.12686488

Pro-tip: No one cares about the grad school you went to, they care about 1) who your PI is and 2) what your publications are, since at that point you are standing-on-your-own and can represent yourself (obviously early in PhD you have nothing, but PI can inform the quality of your work to come). Depending on your field, the best/most famous PIs are not at UCSF/Harvard/etc, but instead at one of the other universities.
When you are at big conferences, the only thing that matters is your PI and your research. The school emblem is literally and afterthought and I see it missing from a lot of posters, no one cares.

>> No.12686555

TCS and its implications to the nature of physical reality and philosophy of mind