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12678331 No.12678331 [Reply] [Original]

Are we living in a simulation, scientifically speaking?

>> No.12678363

If we are living in a simulation, it certainly won't be like in there Matrix.
It would be a full simulation down to the subatomic particles.
Consciousness will be an emergent property from particles' interaction.
Our brain and mind would literally be inside the simulation, not outside

>> No.12678366

The likelihood is 99.999...%

>> No.12678383 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12678387

Wrong. The actual likelihood is 0.00001%.

>> No.12678391


>> No.12678395

Scientifically speaking, it isn’t falsifiable by any known methodologies, and therefore a moot question that can never exceed past being a hypothesis.

>> No.12678407

Have you read the trilemma?
If you accept the first two premises, the chance of us being in the original existence is infinitesimally low.

Or do you think that:
-civilizations stop before reaching a certain level of advancement
-civilizations stop running ancestor simulations at some point

If so, what is your basis of negation?

A logical proof, however scientifically invalid and nonfalsifiable, is still a compelling argument towards reality

>> No.12678847

Fundamental particles being continuous instead of discrete, and there being no errors or glitches or bugs whatsoever in physics, completely disprove the idea.

>> No.12678933

What is the original existense? What makes it evidently different from any other existence

The truth is there is no ground level. As above so below. Its turtles all the way both directions.

>> No.12678952

>and there being no errors or glitches or bugs whatsoever in physics,

after production its very rare that we see those kind of stuff especially in recent years, so imagine how software will operate 50 years from now, 100 years etc...

>> No.12678953

>almost the entirety of physical goings on untracked, unrecorded, nearly entirely unobserved
>glitches have never happened ever bro
>says this as the air around him imperceptibly glitches into brief nuclear fusion due to a memory error in the simulation, but it was behind his back so he didnt see it
>concept of reality glitches exist and obviously theres no evidence, all the people who have crazy sounding stories of various weird shit are 100% certainly just stupid crazy people and theres no way they've actually seen glitches in reality.
What the fuck

>> No.12678975

If we cannot escape the simulation and cannot influence anything outside the simulation, what difference does it make?

>> No.12679018

>infinite recursion
Wow you’re so frikken hekkin smart bruh

>> No.12679029

Mathematically speaking, if we assume that simulations as detailed as our own universe are possible, then we are likely living in a simulation.
The problem is the universe is far too complex to believably compute. You would need a computer the size of the universe to do it. The only way it's possible is if our universe is a dumbed down, simplified version of the true universe.

>> No.12679033

Congratulations on reinventing the concept of curved space.

>> No.12679049

Probably, but this doesn't change anything.
Since you can not know if this is the one, singular, basement universe, an ancestor simulation, an educational software you put yourself into willingly etc, you just gotta live your life as if it's the only one you will get.
If there is a technological afterlife, great, if not, then you will not be around to care. It's the modern version of Pascal's Wager.

>> No.12679051

Amazing that this theory only came into existence after we invented computers and started spending most of our lives on them. Its almost as if spending that much time on computers has influenced the way we think about reality, and really we're just a bunch of slightly intelligent monkeys not even close to understanding the nature of reality.

>> No.12679560

Yes, and it uses 3D euclidian space like database and happens in time...

>> No.12679751
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>> No.12679755

>If so, what is your basis of negation?
There's 0 fucking evidence that it's possible, even in principle, to simulate a human being.

>> No.12679785

How would we obtain an example of how a bona fide non-simulated universe would look? We could run a simu- oh wait.

>> No.12679875

There is 0 evidence that it isn’t possible, even in principle, to simulate a human being

>> No.12679879

Our continual striving for this specific goal and failing is evidence that it's not possible, albeit weak. We don't even know how to do it in theory

>> No.12679885
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